
shanghai chongming: take proactive safety precautions to ensure campus safety during the start of the school year


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recently, during the school opening season, the chongming branch of the shanghai public security bureau has focused on campus safety during the school opening season and has taken proactive measures to comprehensively upgrade the intelligence level of "school protection and campus safety" by relying on a series of measures such as "intelligent early warning + joint operations". by innovating early warning and analysis methods, integrating police resources, and optimizing multi-party linkage mechanisms, we have built an all-weather, three-dimensional campus safety protection network to create a safe, secure, and comfortable learning and growth environment.

photo caption: police officers from chengqiao police station of chongming public security bureau are having an interactive q&a session with students to prevent violence on campus. photo provided by chongming public security bureau (same below)

"the first lesson of the new semester" talks about traffic and protects safe travel

on august 28, as the school season was approaching, chongming branch launched the school safety work mechanism at the gates of various schools in chongming early in the morning. traffic police went to work in advance to direct vehicles to pass in an orderly manner and help students cross the road safely. police officers were stationed in the "first lesson of school" to cover all 130 schools in the jurisdiction. through the theme lectures of the internet celebrity police "xiao chen talks about traffic", the yingzhou 110 special broadcast, tv programs, and the police show chongming wechat, weibo, and douyin, they comprehensively explained traffic safety knowledge.

in recent stages, in order to ensure the safety of students' passage, chongming branch has made full use of the smart police platform to monitor the traffic conditions of roads around schools in real time during the peak hours of going to and from school, automatically capture illegal behaviors, and promptly discover and deal with potential risks. more than 130 traffic "school protection posts" have been set up throughout the district, equipped with full-time traffic police and auxiliary police to direct traffic. at the same time, speed bumps and warning signs have been added around 20 schools with large pedestrian and vehicle traffic, and signal light timing has been optimized. actively promote the "police school home" school protection model, cooperate with schools to establish a "school protection volunteer" team, lead the duty teachers, campus security, and students' parents to take turns to participate in the school gate duty work, assist in managing the order of students going to and from school, remind parents to abide by traffic rules, and comprehensively investigate safety hazards. carry out the "traffic safety into campus" activity in an all-round way, through traffic police entering schools to give traffic safety knowledge lectures, organize students to conduct traffic safety simulation drills, and promote students to establish traffic safety awareness and master traffic safety common sense.

photo caption: the special police brigade of chongming public security bureau conducted a campus safety and riot prevention drill together with schools in the area.

build an intelligent protection network to comprehensively investigate safety hazards

"through this drill, we have a clearer understanding of how to deal with emergencies and have improved the safety awareness of all teachers and students in the school." principal wang praised the drill.

on the eve of the start of school, the chongming branch organized anti-terrorism and anti-riot emergency drills in some schools in the jurisdiction. by simulating scenes such as "gangsters" breaking into the campus and sudden fires on campus, teachers and students were encouraged to evacuate and hide in a short time. with the help of the police, the schools optimized emergency evacuation routes, added signs, and reasonably equipped classrooms and important areas with emergency equipment, and added protective equipment and first aid kits, etc., to further improve the level of campus safety. at the same time, the relevant departments in the jurisdiction were coordinated to upgrade smart equipment, fully grasp the situation of teachers and students entering and leaving the school gate, and timely warn and intercept. through the implementation of the "safety ambassador" program, retired teachers and student parent representatives were invited to form a public security inspection team to conduct a comprehensive safety hazard investigation of schools in the jurisdiction, and to thoroughly investigate and rectify fire safety hazards, parking safety hazards, school building safety hazards, etc., to ensure the safety of students at school.

integrate resources to exert joint efforts in security protection

recently, the official wechat public account of chongming branch launched a series of columns called "campus safety classroom", which was well received by students and parents. the number of readers of articles on how to prevent school violence continued to rise, and many parents expressed that they benefited a lot in the comment area. one parent left a message saying, "these cases are very vivid, and they make us more aware of how to better protect our children."

in order to integrate various security protection resources and form more working synergy, chongming branch has continuously promoted the extension of diversified protection mechanisms to schools and youth groups, and fully played the role of the police-school co-construction platform. it has set up a "public security e-mail box" in primary and secondary schools across the district, with five functions including one-click alarm, consultation and confession (psychological counseling), reporting and reflection, and complaints and suggestions.

teachers and students can use the one-button alarm to call the police for help or urgently report campus bullying, safety hazards, domestic violence and other situations. actively cooperate with the communist youth league, women's federation, education and other departments to form community youth service teams in 20 regional police stations in the district. the core team is composed of party and league police officers and youth affairs social workers who have rich experience in mass work, strong professional literacy, and are familiar with the characteristics of young people. they take the initiative to care for and investigate young people with mental health, family conflicts, bad habits and other problems, establish a file for each person, and help young people grow up healthily through in-depth assistance, high-frequency meetings, online exchanges and other methods. (yao jiawei)
