
fang county dongcheng primary school education alliance ai education promotes new development of education


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina (hubei daily online) (reporters li ying and ji min) in order to enhance teachers' ability to use cutting-edge technologies and promote innovation in education and teaching, on august 27, the fang county dongcheng primary school teaching association conducted a unique ai technology training to empower all teachers.
ai+education promotes new development of education.
the training course started with the basic concepts and development history of ai technology, and gradually went into its specific applications in education and teaching, explaining to teachers in an easy-to-understand way the wide application of ai technology in the field of education. from intelligent assisted teaching to the formulation of personalized learning plans, from automated homework grading to in-depth analysis of educational data, teachers have a deep understanding of the huge potential for change that ai technology brings to education. the teachers listened carefully, wrote down the key points and actively participated in the interactive exchanges. they had a heated discussion on the problems they might encounter in teaching and how to better use ai technology to improve the quality of teaching. the teachers said they benefited a lot.
the person in charge of the school said that the special training on ai technology is an important measure for the school to actively respond to the development trend of educational informatization. in the future, the school will continue to increase its efforts in information technology training for teachers, explore new measures to integrate advanced ai technology into daily teaching, open up new forms of education, improve the digital literacy of teachers and students, and give education digital wings.