
lacking famous universities, the alumni economy is still developed: jiangsu and zhejiang cities both focus on "people"


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the second huzhou "zhejiang university alumni day" and zhejiang university alumni economic thought forum were held. huzhou release map
coincidentally, the two cities of jiangsu and zhejiang along the shores of taihu lake held two events with the same name: in late august, huzhou, zhejiang held the second "zhejiang university alumni day" and zhejiang university alumni economic think tank; wuxi, jiangsu held the second alumni economic think tank "join hands with universities and research institutes to promote alumni economy" in early august.
"alumni economy" refers to economic activities that bring benefits to the alma mater through exchanges between the alma mater and alumni, alumni and alumni, and alumni and society. since wuhan pioneered this model in 2017, more than ten cities across the country have introduced corresponding measures: xi'an established an "alumni economy base", xiamen issued "several measures", chengdu implemented the "return to hometown" plan, and the guangzhou university city management committee established the "alumni economy industrial park"...
alma mater is the hub of "alumni economy". wuhan has wuhan university, xi'an has xi'an jiaotong university, xiamen has xiamen university, chengdu has sichuan university, guangzhou has sun yat-sen university, while wuxi and huzhou are "alternatives" lacking the blessing of famous local "alma mater". the paper ( noted that the two places have shifted their focus from "school" to "people", taking advantage of the strong local emphasis on education, the large number of college graduates, and the coordinated development of the economy and society to attract talent to do a good job in "alumni". wuxi has joined forces with dozens of college alumni associations in wuxi to establish the "taihu bay college innovation and entrepreneurship promotion association", focusing on key industrial chains, industrial clusters and future industrial layouts to explore projects and talent resources; huzhou is connected to the only 985 university in the province, and the last weekend of august each year is set as "zhejiang university alumni day", making it the first city in the country to set up "alumni day" for 985 universities.
if you don’t have a famous school, you can set up an “alumni day” for it.
wuxi is the main birthplace of the "southern jiangsu model" and its per capita gdp has exceeded 200,000 yuan, but it has relatively few university resources, with only three undergraduate colleges.
however, as "china's best talent attraction city" and a strong economic city, wuxi is not short of alumni from prestigious universities. according to china youth daily, tsinghua university alone has more than 800 registered alumni in the local area, and peking university, fudan university, zhejiang university and other prestigious universities have established alumni associations in wuxi.
in 2021, wuxi joined hands with 50 "211", "985" and "double first-class" universities in wuxi to establish the taihu bay university innovation and entrepreneurship promotion association. at present, it has gathered 83 alumni associations of universities in wuxi and established ten special committees such as projects, venture capital, technology, and business travel. it has also formed "alumni economic partners" with the alumni associations of 14 universities and formed alumni economic city alliances with many cities. "holding the alumni economic think tank is not only a way to connect global alumni and university resources, but also a path to promote high-quality economic and social development." zhou changqing, member of the standing committee of the municipal party committee and minister of the united front work department, said at the first "alumni economic think tank".
zhejiang university is the only "985 university" in the whole province of zhejiang, and 21 of the 23 disciplines in the province selected for the "double first-class" construction list are in zhejiang university. using zhejiang university alumni as a link to achieve talent gathering and project implementation has become a key task for huzhou, which is adjacent to hangzhou. the local area has cooperated with zhejiang university to carry out four rounds of "1381" actions (1 co-construction goal, 3 major platforms, 8 major projects, and 100 cooperative projects each year). the "huzhou zhejiang university alumni association" has more than 1,400 registered alumni, with majors and industries covering economy, finance, scientific research, education, medical care, rural revitalization, etc.
last year, huzhou designated the last weekend of august as "zhejiang university alumni day". "there are four main considerations for setting up this exclusive holiday: honoring zhejiang university, connecting zhejiang university, empowering zhejiang university alumni, and empowering huzhou's high-quality development," said chen hao, secretary of the municipal party committee, at this year's "alumni day".
universities: the source of innovation
famous universities are reservoirs of science and technology and talent resources. as the first completion unit or the first completion person's unit, tsinghua university won 9 of the "three national science and technology awards" in 2023. zhejiang university had 10,747 public patents last year, the university's research funding exceeded 8 billion yuan, and 61 new national first-class undergraduate courses were added.
based on the hurun research institute's "2024 global unicorn list", new fortune magazine has compiled the resumes of the heads and co-founders of 340 chinese "unicorn companies". alumni from the top three universities, tsinghua university, shanghai jiaotong university, and zhejiang university, have founded 33, 20, and 15 companies respectively, creating a total of 20% of china's "unicorns."
in order to make good use of alumni resources, huzhou and wuxi have chosen to jointly build industry-university-research bases and scientific and technological innovation platforms to undertake projects, talents and capital.
huzhou and zhejiang university jointly built zhejiang university huzhou research institute and huzhou international talent entrepreneurship port. according to zhang wei, deputy director of zhejiang university huzhou research institute, the institute integrates scientific and technological research and development, talent introduction and cultivation, enterprise incubation, and industrial services, and is deeply integrated with huzhou's advantageous industries, enabling bionic robots, intelligent logistics equipment, low-altitude economy, etc. it has gathered more than 500 permanent talents and built 28 research centers.
at this year's "alumni day", huzhou issued a policy for the implementation of the bionic intelligent robot industry chain project. this is due to the "one institute, one park, one fund, and one shareholding platform" model of zhejiang university huzhou research institute. the institute (research and development), bionic intelligence and robot industry transformation center (transformation), talent fund (investment), and bionic robot industrial park (production) are "connected in one chain", achieving high-density aggregation of upstream and downstream.
"currently, there are more than 7,000 zhejiang university alumni innovating and starting businesses in huzhou, more than 240 alumni have been selected for the 'south taihu elite program', and more than 320 alumni companies have settled in huzhou." zhejiang university party secretary ren shaobo said at this year's alumni day event.
in addition to establishing resident institutions such as the tsinghua university wuxi institute of applied technology, wuxi has also developed its alumni economy through "attracting talent through competitions". it has held the "taihu cup" international elite innovation and entrepreneurship competition, the tsinghua alumni innovation and entrepreneurship competition (wuxi competition area), and the nanjing university global alumni innovation and entrepreneurship competition (wuxi competition area) many times. the participants include both high-tech projects and application projects with broad market prospects. for example, the development and industrialization project of high-throughput cell screening technology and equipment was carried out by a wuxi company relying on the achievements of the tsinghua university technical team. it has independently developed more than ten and 20 products around cell screening and biological culture detection and evaluation. the technology of many products has reached the world's leading level.
alumni: a resource with feelings
alumni with an emotional foundation and mutual trust endorsement are "emotional resources" that can reduce transaction costs. therefore, the alumni economy is also called "emotional economy" and "win-win economy."
according to the 2024 zhejiang university alumni list of listed companies released by the science and technology entrepreneurship center of the school of management of zhejiang university, according to conservative statistics, as of may this year, 351 zhejiang university alumni served as founders, actual controllers, chairmen, general managers, etc. of listed companies, managing or controlling 313 listed companies, with a total market value of approximately 5.4 trillion yuan based on the closing price on may 17. the geographical distribution of these listed companies is centered in zhejiang, concentrated in the yangtze river delta, pearl river delta, and beijing-tianjin regions, with more than half of them in zhejiang.
"i chose to start a business in huzhou because of the support of the alumni platform of zhejiang university huzhou research institute." zhejiang university alumnus lai zhounian brought the scientific research results of fluid machinery energy-saving control technology to huzhou three years ago and successfully transformed them. at this year's "zhejiang university alumni day" event, 12 alumni projects were signed and landed in huzhou. in order to embrace the "alumni economy", huzhou has introduced policies to support zhejiang university alumni's entrepreneurship and innovation, creating an alumni economic ecosystem covering special support, exclusive funds, park supporting facilities, and factor guarantees; establishing a service platform and a service specialist system to provide one-stop services for zhejiang university alumni.
according to china youth daily, li meng, a post-90s graduate from heilongjiang, went to shenzhen to work after graduating from zhejiang university. he accidentally learned that a senior had incubated a startup project in wuxi. he found the zhejiang university wuxi alumni association and, with the help of alumni, took the project of developing semiconductor placement machines to wuxi. after a year of incubation, the team is about to undergo a "transformation".
"alumni economy is no longer a simple investment promotion concept, but can attract high-end talents and accelerate the formation of advanced productivity." at the 2023 taihu talent summit, chen jian, an academician of the chinese academy of engineering and the then president of the taihu bay college innovation and entrepreneurship promotion association, said that he is the president of the tsinghua university wuxi alumni association. among tsinghua university's alumni in wuxi, more than a dozen are chairmen of listed companies. "alumni can bring huge talent dividends to the local area, which is difficult to bring about with other investment promotion measures."
the paper reporter yao silu
(this article is from the paper. for more original information, please download the "the paper" app)