
the dark horse drama of the year, guo qilin's acting skills were overshadowed by the supporting role


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at the end of the summer season, the dark horse drama "bianshui past" is coming. the drama also ushered in a super-point finale today.

judging from word of mouth, the drama opened with a score of 8.1, the highest score among domestic suspense dramas this year. it has already entered the ranks of high-quality dramas, and its score has now risen to 8.2 points.

however, judging from the broadcast data, the drama still cannot be called a hit. according to yunhe data, the drama’s effective broadcast market share rose from only 2% on the first broadcast to 13.6% on august 26, and its ranking also climbed from 12th on the first day of broadcast to 1st. compared with word of mouth, the broadcast data is slightly inferior. if the subsequent episodes of the series maintain the level of the previous episodes, there may be a long-tail effect.

although the film has a good overall reputation, there are also some doubts. one of the main doubts among the audience is guo qilin's acting skills.

netizens have raised doubts about him, ranging from his appearance to his accent to his acting skills... some netizens even discussed who would be a better choice to play the male lead? is guo qilin's performance in this drama really that bad?


guo qilin, success and failure are both due to the "comfort zone"

in "the past by the border water", "shen xing" played by guo qilin went abroad to work for his uncle, but accidentally ended up in sanbianpo, and became a rookie working for the big boss "uncle cai" played by wu zhenyu, delivering goods for drug dealers, thus starting a thrilling life experience.

this drama is adapted from the documentary literature of the same name written by shen xingxing, "the past by the water". the author of the novel, shen xingxing, is the prototype of the male protagonist of the novel, shen xingxing. the drama version changed the male protagonist's name to shen xing. the difference of one word also implies that this character has been reshaped compared with the original character. some netizens who have read the original novel said that the character of shen xingxing in the original novel is quite mixed, "except for drugs". unlike the kind character of shen xing played by guo qilin in the drama version, shen xing has repeatedly escaped danger because of his kindness.

the character of shen xing is affectionate, loyal, responsible, smart and intelligent. the story of this ordinary person is actually guo qilin's comfort zone in acting.

the director also said that when he first read the script, he thought it was for guo qilin, and even "wrote it according to them before making it." this role, which is almost "tailor-made", can only be regarded as acceptable under guo qilin's interpretation, but not outstanding, and even some details are not handled well.

in the online discussion on guo qilin's acting skills, most netizens think that his performance is "okay" and worth watching. after all, he is indeed suitable for the role.

but there are also some dissenting voices, who think that his crosstalk style is very distracting and that some of the highlights could have been performed better.

some netizens even think that he doesn't manage his body well enough, and his round body doesn't look like someone who suffers. netizens who love to ship cps also said that if they find a new actor with better looks and better acting skills to play the role, they can attract fans and become new traffic, because the cps formed by the male lead and various characters are very good.

but objectively speaking, let's not talk about netizens' dissatisfaction with guo qilin's appearance. after all, the male lead of this drama is a minor figure, and his appearance doesn't have to be amazing. but the lines and acting skills are not in place, which is indeed something guo qilin should think about.

the male protagonist shen xing, played by guo qilin, is actually a very tense and growing character. after he came to this world that was completely different from his perception, everything and everyone was impacting his original worldview. however, when guo qilin interpreted the male protagonist's reaction to all these impacts, he only had a dull expression with his lips slightly open.

thinking he saw a ghost, his expression when frightened was like this:

when he learned that someone had just died in his mine and that the "ghosts" were still lingering, his expression was like this:

even when his car was hijacked, two people traveling with him were killed, and his own life was in danger, his expression was still like this when he was on the phone while on the run...

when shen xing's character became more complicated in the later period, he could not grasp the role even more. in this scene with xiao guo, watching his best friend break down and lose control of his emotions, guo qilin's expression was a slight frown.

after being caught by the police, xiao guo showed a ferocious expression. seeing this scene, guo qilin's reaction was also dull...

wu zhenyu, who has many scenes with guo qilin in the play, once commented on guo qilin's acting skills in the play in an interview, "he (guo qilin) ​​can play many characters very naturally and will not hold everyone back, but this is indeed a talent."

it seemed like francis ng was praising him for his talent, but as the leading actor, being commented by the rival actor that he "won't hold everyone back" didn't seem to be a compliment.

the biggest reason why guo qilin's acting skills and lines were criticized is that this role is his comfort zone, but he did not handle some small details well. and because it is his comfort zone, this role is not much different from other roles he has played before.

the shen xing he plays has a similar way of presentation as versace in joy of life and ning yi in the son-in-law. in addition, the lines are still in his comfort zone - "crosstalk style". from the lines to the performance, guo qilin seems to be applying a template, and did not let the audience see the little ingenuity that is "tailor-made" for the role of shen xing and can make the character's personality more established.


as the male lead, his acting skills are almost overshadowed by all the supporting actors?

guo qilin is a little too "comfortable" in his comfort zone, while other actors who are also in their "comfort zone" perform better than him. the difference is obvious in comparison, and it is no wonder that guo qilin's acting skills are criticized.

for example, the gangster "uncle cai" played by francis ng switches back and forth between cantonese, "guangdong mandarin" and "bomo" when speaking. some netizens even summarized: he will speak poor mandarin/bomo when he needs help from others, and once he has the upper hand, he will immediately switch to his native cantonese, regardless of whether others can understand him or not. when he is emotional, he tends to speak a mixture of cantonese and mandarin, and hallucinates that he is being pressed and fried. he subconsciously mutters "be gentle, you guys", and when he realizes that others don't understand, he sighs and says, "speak slower, don't be in a hurry."

even without lines or co-stars, wu zhenyu was able to portray the character's complex thoughts just by relying on the changes in facial expressions reflected on the glass.

under his interpretation, the role of "uncle cai", an unpredictable boss, was firmly established.

another actor with amazing acting skills is jiang qiming. jiang qiming plays wang anquan, a carefree information dealer who appears to be profit-driven and willing to do anything to make money, but deep down he is still uneasy. jiang qiming accurately reflects the fickleness of human nature.

he speaks with a guangxi accent in the play (his hometown is also guangxi). in the words of netizens, this design makes wang anquan a smart and down-to-earth person. from jiang qiming's action design of the character, it is also in harmony with the character's current mentality and character characteristics.

for example, wang anquan wants to abandon shen xing and take the pigeon blood red for himself. shen xing tells wang anquan where the pigeon blood red is hidden. wang anquan takes advantage of shen xing's absence to ride his motorcycle to get the pigeon blood red, wanting to take this priceless gem for himself. when he gets on the motorcycle, he throws off the earmuffs he was wearing when dyeing his hair, which shows that the character is reckless and even a little crazy for money.

when he arrived at his destination, he didn't even press the brakes and jumped out of the car directly, showing that the character was racing against time to get the pigeon blood red.

after getting off the motorcycle, he ran wildly waving his arms and sticking out his tongue, showing his greedy side.

this highlight scene is made more vivid by jiang qiming's performance.

in addition, even a supporting actor who is not even 18th-tier can perform the highlight of his role.

in the play, the acting skills of the actor "qian lei" who plays the gambling stone brother were praised by many netizens and were praised as textbook-like acting skills.

the boss's ecstasy after flourishing his business, his greed and madness after failing to earn the ideal return, and his madness after becoming penniless in the end, are all very vivid in his interpretation, without any trace of acting.

an actor who is not even listed in douban's cast list can conquer the audience with his acting skills. how can guo qilin, who is in his "comfort zone", escape the netizens' complaints for his merely passable performance? guo qilin deserves this complaint.