
national health commission: china's average life expectancy reaches 78.6 years


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the national health commission today (august 29) released the statistical communiqué on the development of my country's health care industry in 2023. according to the communiqué,my country's average life expectancy has reached 78.6 years, the maternal mortality rate has dropped to 15.1/100,000, and the infant mortality rate has dropped to 4.5‰.statistical data show that the health level of the people has continued to improve, and new progress has been made in the high-quality development of the health care industry.

the communiqué shows that the total amount of health resources continues to grow the end of 2023, the total number of medical and health institutions in china was 1,070,785, an increase of 37,867 over the previous year., including 38,355 hospitals, an increase of 1,379 over the previous year.there are 10.174 million beds nationwide, an increase of 424,000 over the previous 2023, the number of beds in medical institutions per thousand people will reach 7.23by the end of 2023, the total number of health technicians in china was 12.488 million, an increase of 830,000 over the previous year.among them, there are 7.723 million hospital health technicians. in 2023, there will be 3.40 practicing (assistant) physicians per 1,000 population, 4.00 registered nurses per 1,000 population, and 3.99 general practitioners per 10,000 the end of 2023, there will be 33,753 township health centers with 1.505 million beds and 1.605 million health workers.compared with the previous year, the number of beds increased by 49,000 and the number of staff increased by 75,000.there are 37,177 community health service centers (stations) nationwide, with 778,000 health workers, an increase of 60,000 over the previous year. there are 581,964 village clinics nationwide, with 1.327 million people working in them.among them, there are 1.108 million practicing (assistant) doctors and people holding rural doctor certificates. compared with the previous year, the number of practicing (assistant) doctors increased by 6,000.

the communiqué pointed out that the quantity and efficiency of medical services have improved 2023, the total number of visits to medical institutions nationwide will reach 9.55 billion., an increase of 1.13 billion person-times over the previous year, and residents visited medical and health institutions 6.8 times on average; the number of hospital admissions was 301.873 million, an increase of 55.011 million person-times over the previous year. among them, the total number of hospital visits was 4.26 billion, and the number of hospital admissions was 245.001 million. the national hospital bed occupancy rate was 79.4%, of which 86.0% was in public hospitals. the average length of stay for discharged patients was 8.8 days, of which 8.4 days was in public hospitals. in 2023, township health centers will see 1.31 billion visits, an increase of 100 million person-times over the previous year; the number of hospital admissions was 39.921 million, an increase of 7.530 million person-times over the previous year. community health service centers will see 830 million visits, and the number of hospital admissions will be 4.804 million; community health service stations will see 210 million visits. village clinics will see 1.40 billion visits, an increase of 120 million person-times over the previous year.

the communiqué shows that there has been some success in controlling average medical expenses per 2023, the average hospitalization cost per visit was rmb 10,315.8, a decrease of 5.0% in current prices and 5.2% in comparable prices.the average outpatient cost per visit was 361.6 yuan, up 5.5% year-on-year at current prices and 5.3% at comparable prices. the preliminary calculation of the total national health expenditure in 2023 is 9,057.58 billion yuan, of which: government health expenditure accounts for 26.7%, social health expenditure accounts for 46.0%, and personal health expenditure accounts for 27.3%. the total health expenditure per capita is 6,425.3 yuan, and the proportion of total health expenditure to gdp is 7.2%.

in terms of traditional chinese medicine services, disease prevention and control, and public health work, according to the communiqué,in 2023, the total number of tcm medical and health institutions in china was 92,531, an increase of 12,212 from the previous year;the number of beds increased by 144,000 over the previous year; the total number of tcm health personnel was 1.045 million, an increase of 126,000 over the previous year; the total number of consultations and treatments was 1.54 billion, an increase of 310 million over the previous year; the number of discharges was 49.81 million, an increase of 11.197 million over the previous year. there were 808,000 health technicians in professional public health institutions, an increase of 28,000 over the previous year. strengthen the control of major diseases and health hazards, and make positive progress in the prevention and control of schistosomiasis, endemic diseases, chronic diseases, and occupational diseases. in 2023, the number of elderly people aged 65 and above receiving health management in primary medical and health institutions will be 135.457 million.

(cctv reporter zhang ping and shi yingchun)