
it is no coincidence that this school has "five academicians in one department"


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it is no coincidence that this school has "five academicians in one department"
zhang liyuan, a reporter from banyuetan
in physics, the fundamental particle that transmits electromagnetic interactions is the photon; in the eyes of light chasers, light is the eternal energy in their hearts.
the department of optics at shandong university was founded in 1970 and is one of the earliest optical departments in china. over the past 50 years, five academicians have set out from here, and generations of students have "chased light" to serve the country and pressed the shutter for light in the microscopic world. what is the secret of shandong university's talent cultivation behind "five academicians in one department"?
“the most outstanding people are among us”
in june this year, xue qikun, a 1980 alumnus of the department of optics at shandong university and an experimental physicist renowned both at home and abroad in the field of condensed matter physics, won the 2023 national highest science and technology award, becoming the youngest winner in the history of the award.
in 1980, xue qikun was admitted to the laser department of the optics department of shandong university with a score close to full marks in the physics exam. "i chose this major out of my curiosity about lasers. i suffered a lot when i was young, and i am very happy to be able to do what i like when i grow up." xue qikun recalled his school years, and the most unforgettable thing was the chemistry lecture room 101. "that study room was the last to turn off the lights in the school. it accompanied many shandong university students who were eager for knowledge and is a beautiful memory shared by everyone."
in the 1970s and 1980s, some teachers from the department of optics at shandong university held a symposium
xue qikun's professional teacher, wang qingpu, 82 years old this year, said that in 1970, in order to meet the needs of my country's national defense strategy, shandong university selected some key teachers from the department of physics and merged with the crystal growth laboratory to establish the department of optics. starting with the first department director, professor deng conghao, several opticians renowned at home and abroad have gathered here. "the teachers are bold and have the same wish to give students the best education," said wang qingpu.
at that time, the school's experimental conditions were poor. in order to allow students to have access to high-tech instruments and equipment and understand the forefront of research, the department tried every means to send students to the institute of physics and the institute of semiconductors of the chinese academy of sciences for internships. "the students were greatly enlightened and gained a lot, which greatly increased their interest in learning," said wang qingpu.
shandong university has always attached great importance to the all-round development of students and encouraged them to embrace the sports field. xue qikun was once the left back of the optics department football team. he felt that football and scientific research have similarities: "don't be afraid of strong enemies, fight to the end, unite and cooperate, believe in yourself, and never give up."
in 2023, jin kuijuan, an undergraduate student of the department of optics in 1982, was elected as an academician of the chinese academy of sciences, marking the fifth academician of the department. on the same day, wang qingpu happily wrote in his circle of friends: "seeing five academician classmates, happy memories travel through time and space. looking at today, the heroes are among us."
it is difficult to explain those famous scientific research achievements in a few words, but wang qingpu has a clear impression of how they were when they were studying: "xue qikun is diligent and studious, and is hard-working; liu zejin, one of the academic leaders in china's high-power laser engineering field, is a representative of the laser physics class, enthusiastically serves his classmates and is comprehensive; wang yupeng, former director of the institute of physics of the chinese academy of sciences, was admitted to shandong university at the age of 15, is highly talented, and graduated when he was less than 19 years old; zheng wanhua, who focuses on the intersection of light and condensed matter, is very smart. when she first visited the laser laboratory, she was the student who asked the best questions in the class; jin kuijuan, a researcher at the institute of physics of the chinese academy of sciences, proposed very unique insights into quantum mechanics when she was an undergraduate..."
“everyone can excel and everyone can innovate”
it is no accident that there are five academicians in one department. "to train talents for the world and to make the country strong and prosperous" is the purpose of shandong university. this sentence comes from the eighth chapter of the "regulations of shandong university" when shandong university was founded in 1901: "the government sets up schools to train talents for the world, not to make students progress; students come to the school to study for the prosperity of the country, not for their own benefit." this has created the shandong university gene of "family and country feelings, responsibility spirit, pragmatic character, and innovative literacy".
as early as the 1950s, the predecessor of shandong university's department of optics, shandong university's department of physics, produced a "prodigy of light" - ma zuguang, an academician of the chinese academy of sciences. ma zuguang's life was a portrayal of "chasing light" and serving the country through scientific research. he is also the "light" pursued by students of shandong university's department of optics.
the first observation of the quantum anomalous hall effect, the first discovery of high-temperature superconductivity at the heterojunction interface... for many years, xue qikun has always regarded serving the country as his highest pursuit, and has helped my country's quantum science research to rank among the world's top teams with one heavyweight scientific discovery after another. "we must make some contribution to the country's strength." at the age of 60, his simple words are still resounding.
at the shandong college entrance examination recruitment consultation conference that ended not long ago, shandong university set up a special alumni exhibition area. on the red background board were photos of academicians, and a line of large characters stood out: "let's be alumni together."
in recent years, shandong university has further proposed the educational concept of "everyone can excel and everyone can innovate", and strived to achieve the "speed of light" in the development of disciplines and talent training. wu zhen, member of the standing committee of the party committee and vice president of shandong university, introduced that in recent years, the university has explored and improved the discipline and professional education system of "enrollment-training-employment-development" linkage, and created an independent training system for outstanding innovative talents led by "six halls and one institute".
the "six halls and one institute" all focus on basic disciplines: taishan academy is committed to cultivating top innovative talents in five professional fields: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and computer science; nishan academy cultivates classical academic professionals; qilu medical school cultivates top innovative talents in medicine; chongxin academy cultivates "strategic emerging engineering talents" urgently needed by the country and society; jingshi academy cultivates top innovative talents in the field of social sciences; qian qihu academy cultivates leading talents and great scientists in national engineering in terms of scientific and technological innovation; and the future technology institute explores new models for cultivating leading talents in future scientific and technological innovation.
different from "binding" students to test papers, the "six classes and one college" aims to lay a solid foundation for students in the subjects, create conditions for students to do scientific research steadily, and protect their love and interests.
xu yanbao, deputy director of shandong university's undergraduate admissions office, introduced that taishan academy "combines general and specialized education, and integrates arts and sciences." during the freshman and sophomore years, students must study mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and computer science courses. in the junior and senior years, they can choose courses according to their professional interests. nishan academy enrolls about 20 students each year and implements small classes. students study regardless of major. upon graduation, they can choose one of the three majors of philosophy, literature, and history according to their interests and future development directions. after graduating from undergraduate studies, more than 50% of students will be recommended to enter the graduate stage without examination.
the reporter of banyuetan learned that the university implements the educational philosophy of focusing on the growth and development of students and teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, and gives students multiple opportunities to adjust their majors within the school. "the focus and direction of our training are 'two types of talents' - top talents in basic disciplines and high-level talents urgently needed by the country," said cao xianqiang, member of the standing committee of the party committee and vice president of shandong university.
serving economic and social development with the strength of education
"education, science and technology, and talents are the fundamental and strategic support for china's modernization." li shucai, president of shandong university, said that for colleges and universities, it is necessary to coordinate the reform of the education, science and technology talent system and mechanism, accelerate the construction of a modern discipline system, an organized scientific research system, and a technology transfer and transformation system that are compatible with national and regional development needs, provide new impetus for the cultivation and development of new quality productive forces, and provide higher quality support for high-level scientific and technological self-reliance.
in recent years, shandong university has actively promoted the renewal of disciplines, integrated and transformed aging disciplines and disciplinary directions, and actively laid out emerging disciplines and research directions that are in short supply in the country. for example, in order to promote the rapid development of my country's new generation of semiconductors, integrated circuits and other technologies and industries, in october 2019, shandong university built a new generation of semiconductor materials integration research platform based on materials, physics, chemistry, microelectronics, control, information and other disciplines.
teachers from the experimental teaching center of the school of chemistry and chemical engineering of shandong university teach students an experimental course
as soon as the platform was established, an expert committee composed of academicians and experts and an industry committee composed of technical experts from domestic high-tech enterprises were set up. "follow the forefront of development in the field, discover real problems, study real problems, and solve real problems from my country's core industries." said xu xiangang, director of the new generation semiconductor material integration research platform. at present, the platform has successfully opened up the full chain of research and development lines such as "semiconductor single crystal growth-substrate processing-epitaxial growth-device preparation", and has achieved important breakthroughs in multiple research directions.
this is just a microcosm of the reform and development of shandong university and the national and regional economic and social development. according to reports, in order to be the main force in basic research and the main force in major scientific and technological breakthroughs, and to continuously produce more breakthrough results from "zero to one" and "from one to one hundred", shandong university took the initiative to "take the lead" and actively undertake major national scientific and technological tasks worth hundreds of millions of yuan. it has overcome many key areas such as silicon carbide crystal growth and prevention and control of water and mud inrush in tunnels.
"world-class universities have all grown up in serving the development of their own countries." ren youqun, secretary of the party committee of shandong university, said that colleges and universities must insist on running universities with roots in china, deeply integrate with major national strategies, accelerate the construction of technology transfer and transformation centers, build strong national university science and technology parks, create a high-level think tank system, and actively serve major national projects. in the process of high-quality service to the construction of a strong country, new momentum for the development of world-class universities will be stimulated, and contributions will be made to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the chinese nation with chinese-style modernization.