
the whole process is open and transparent! 7443 first-year junior high school students in jiujiang city have completed the computer lottery for class placement (photos)


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina news client news reportercheng manhuaphoto report: on the morning of august 29, the jiujiang municipal first grade class lottery was held at the jiujiang primary school balihu campus. 7,443 students were assigned to 147 classes in one place. cppcc members, npc deputies, news media, parents and teacher representatives were invited to supervise the event, and the process was open and transparent.
sunshine class organization site
the reporter saw at the scene that two parent representatives from each school were drawing lots for the list of first-year junior high school students and class teachers. as a parent representative clicked "start", the sunshine class division system on the computer started, and the data of the first-year junior high school students from each school was imported into the balanced class division system. the student names began to scroll, and after a few seconds the system randomly generated the list of students for each class. another parent representative opened the class number and drew lots to determine the teacher team for each class.
parent representatives draw lots on site
on-site signature of supervisor
"as parents, we are very grateful to the jiujiang municipal education bureau for giving us this opportunity to carry out fair and just sunshine class placement. this class placement mechanism is now fairer, more just and more open than before. in the past, we might have thought about choosing a better class for our children, but now i think every child is on the same starting line and has a common starting point." parent representative li huifen said that sunshine class placement is only a starting point for children in junior high school. in the subsequent junior high school studies, they still need to communicate more with the school, support and cooperate with the school's work, and tell their children that no matter what class they are in, their own efforts are the most important.
teacher representative liu xianjian said that he has been working in the teaching affairs department. in the past, the class division was done by the teaching affairs department of each school. the public class division also shared the school teaching affairs work. starting from 2019, jiujiang city started public class division for the first grade. this year is the first time to conduct centralized class division. such public public class division can make jiujiang's education more transparent, open, fair and just, so that every student can get a balanced education.
it is understood that from the autumn of 2024, all starting grades of public and private compulsory education schools in jiujiang will fully implement "sunshine class organization" to achieve the goal of "zero class selection". all new students admitted to the starting grades of public and private compulsory education schools in the city in the autumn of each year will be included in the "sunshine class organization"; all public and private compulsory education schools with more than one class will implement "sunshine class organization". on the basis of the standard class size, the ratio of male and female students in each class is relatively balanced; the head teacher and teaching team of each class are as evenly distributed as possible, and the "sunshine class organization" is formed according to the "double random" principle of students and head teachers.