
fighting the "flood demon" - a record of the 79th army group of the army fully supporting local flood relief efforts


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during the period of july to august every year, rainfall in northern my country, especially in north china and northeast china, increases significantly, making floods and secondary disasters more likely to occur. since late july this year, jinzhou city, liaoning province, chifeng city, inner mongolia autonomous region, and huludao city, liaoning province have experienced heavy rains and torrential rains, resulting in frequent floods and waterlogging disasters, which seriously threaten the safety of people's lives and property.
after the flood occurred, the troops of the 79th army group of the people's liberation army responded to the order and bravely took on the heavy responsibility. they rushed to the front line of flood control overnight, blocked river embankment breaches, evacuated the affected people, repaired damaged roads, continued to strengthen embankments, etc., and made every effort to protect the lives and property of the people and deliver a satisfactory answer to the party and the people.
rushing to the front line of disaster rescue at night
in late july, affected by typhoon gemi, the heiyugou river in chenjiabao village, beizhen city, jinzhou city, liaoning province was at risk of breaching its dikes. the hujiadian dam in wujia town and the xishahe dam in hexing village were in urgent need of reinforcement. the drainage pipelines in laocheng street, heishan county were blocked, causing serious waterlogging...
at 2 a.m. on july 28, more than 600 officers and soldiers of a brigade of the 79th group army received the order and set out in the rain, moving more than 200 kilometers from their field training base to beizhen city and heishan county to carry out flood control and rescue tasks.
"there are farmlands on the other side of the river embankment. once the embankment breaks, the crops will be flooded and the people's harvest will inevitably be affected." when the troops arrived at the bank of the heiyugou river, the original road had been submerged by floods. the officers and soldiers needed to take rubber boats and speedboats to cross the river to reach the other side.
patrolling the dikes to eliminate dangers, reinforcing the dikes, draining water and clearing silt... from july 28 to 30, the soldiers patrolled more than 5,500 meters of dikes, filled more than 3,800 sandbags, and reinforced 15 dikes for more than 600 meters. the local people excitedly held the hands of the soldiers and kept saying "thank you" and "you've worked hard."
flood situation is an order! at 12:40 on august 13, a breach occurred in the left bank of the laoha river in bataiyingzi village, taipingdi town, songshan district, chifeng city, inner mongolia autonomous region. the breach was more than 10 meters wide, and more than 9,000 acres of farmland were flooded. that night, the breach expanded to more than 30 meters, and 112 households and more than 820 people in two surrounding natural villages were all evacuated. after receiving the order, more than 250 officers and soldiers of a certain combined brigade stationed in the field were urgently dispatched overnight in the rain and rushed to the front line of flood control.
late at night, soldiers rushed to the breach and volunteered to fight. under the coordination of the local flood control and drought relief headquarters, they quickly worked with the local armed police, fire, militia, and other professional emergency rescue forces to complete tasks such as leveling the road, filling sandbags, and guiding vehicles, and made every effort to speed up the closure process. on the afternoon of august 14, with the filling of a truckload of larger stones, the breach was successfully closed. subsequently, soldiers cooperated with local emergency rescue forces to reinforce and maintain the embankment.
however, one wave has not yet subsided when another wave arises. due to continuous heavy rainfall and the passing of the upstream flood peak, many dikes of the laoha river in aohan banner, chifeng city were in danger again. the brigade dispatched more than 270 and more than 500 officers and soldiers on august 15 and 20, respectively, to rush to the front line of flood control. the officers and soldiers successively completed tasks such as dike reinforcement, dike patrol and dike protection, and filled and carried a total of 180,000 sandbags, reinforcing more than 1,300 meters of dikes. when the troops withdrew, local people lined the streets to see them off and expressed their gratitude and thanks.
from august 18 to 20, heavy to torrential rains occurred in western liaoning province, extremely heavy rains occurred in some towns and villages in huludao area, mountain torrents occurred in some villages and towns in jianchang county, power and communications were interrupted, and more than 300 people were trapped.
on the evening of the 20th, more than 100 soldiers from a brigade of the 79th group army, who were stationed in the field for training, set out overnight and rushed to the disaster-stricken front line in accordance with orders. along the way, many bridges were washed away, and the road surface was piled with mud, gravel, tree roots and weeds, which caused great difficulties for the troops to move forward. looking at the turbulent river, the rising water level, the overturned vehicles, and the houses soaked in water, the soldiers had a clear goal: "we must open up the life channel as soon as possible."
the soldiers of the brigade visited six severely affected villages on foot, transferred and rescued more than 20 trapped people, and delivered 200 boxes of mineral water, 300 boxes of biscuits, as well as steamed buns, pickled mustard tubers, etc. to the affected people, ensuring that the affected people had a continuous supply of water and food.
working day and night to build a "steel dam"
"hurry! hurry! only the last 30 meters to be completed!" at 14:00 on august 21, soldiers of a brigade of the 79th group army, who were carrying out emergency reinforcement of the laoha river embankment in aohan banner, chifeng city, were wearing life jackets and carrying sandbags on their shoulders. they ran back and forth on the embankment like a long orange dragon. the scene was quite shocking.
from august 19 to 20, chifeng city, inner mongolia autonomous region ushered in a new round of continuous heavy rainfall, causing the water level of laoha river in aohan banner to surge, and there were multiple risks of dike breaches along the embankment of the small river in xiashulinzi village, sidaowanzi town in its basin. in order to ensure the smooth passage of the second wave of flood peaks that was about to pass through, the brigade dispatched more than 500 officers and soldiers overnight, and rushed to the disaster site in nearly 5 hours, joined more than 270 officers and soldiers of the advance echelon, divided into 3 points, and continued to carry out tasks such as flood survey, dike reinforcement, and command post transfer.
wherever there is danger, there are the people's soldiers. during the reinforcement of a dam, the soldiers entered the water more than 1 meter deep to work. they first stacked thousands of sandbags underwater, and then raised them layer by layer, adding a layer of sandbags to the more than 40-meter-long dam. in another dangerous area, the soldiers laid rainproof cloth on both sides of the 120-meter-long dam, piled sandbags on the water-facing side for reinforcement, and used excavators to compact the soil on the back of the water, thereby raising and thickening the entire dam. in 8 hours, more than 37,000 sandbags were filled and transported.
the on-site commander introduced that "due to the long-term disrepair of the laoha river embankment along the line, the soil on both sides of the dam has been washed away, and the height and thickness have been gradually reduced, which is very prone to collapse and breach. we must complete the reinforcement and thickening of the embankment before the second wave of flood peaks arrives, and do our best to protect thousands of acres of farmland on one side of the embankment!"
the officers and soldiers fought more and more bravely, and finally after all-out rescue efforts, they successfully reinforced more than 300 meters of the embankment ahead of schedule.
"comrades, let's go!" at another dangerous area, more than 100 officers and soldiers had just completed the repair of the dam top road when they received a new dangerous situation handling task. the officers and soldiers of the "wan shouye company", who were originally adjusting their rotation and rest, quickly rushed to the new destination.
private ma guochuan participated in the flood relief mission for the first time. facing the raging flood, he said with a firm look in his eyes: "i join the army to defend my country and have the opportunity to fight on the front line. i feel that my mission is glorious!"
after continuous efforts, the officers and soldiers filled and carried more than 34,000 sandbags, reinforced 690 meters of embankments, and excavated 828 cubic meters of earth. they successfully built a "steel embankment" before the arrival of the second wave of flood peaks, ensuring the smooth passage of the flood peaks.
party members take the lead in charging on the front line
"i'm a party member, i'll sign up!" in late july, a driver and sergeant first class zhao hongxu, who was on rotation in his hometown, learned that his unit was going to fight floods, so he rushed back to his company before the troops set off. he drove in the rain for 5 hours and safely sent his comrades to the front line of the mission in beizhen city, jinzhou city, liaoning province. there are more than 80 officers and soldiers like zhao hongxu who returned to the team overnight, including more than 60 party members.
standing firm in the most dangerous places and charging at the front line. on the embankment, the grassroots party organizations and the backbone of party members and cadres fully played their pioneering and exemplary roles, took the lead in tackling the "hardest problems", and made every effort to protect the lives and property of the people.
"the flood is about to overflow the levee, party members and backbones, follow me!" a risk warning of levee breach appeared in the heiyugou river in chenjiabao, beizhen city. looking at the top of the levee which was less than 1 meter wide, wang jindong, instructor of the "invincible company", gave a brief mobilization in front of the team, then took the lead in boarding a boat to cross the river to find out the situation. he led the officers and soldiers to fight from the afternoon until late at night, patrolled the levee for 1,500 meters, reinforced 5 points, and effectively controlled the dangerous situation.
in xiashulinzi village, taipingdi town, songshan district, chifeng city, a brigade of the 79th group army is reinforcing the embankment of the laoha river that flows through it. on the long embankment line, from a distance, one can see a person carrying sandbags much faster than the officers and soldiers next to him.
the soldiers introduced that the man was their battalion commander kang limin. from 7 a.m. to afternoon, the nearly 40-year-old man, like the young soldiers in their 20s, carried sandbags on his shoulders and continuously transported them to the embankment. his shoulders were rubbed red. when someone wanted to interview him, kang limin strongly declined, saying, "interview our soldiers more, they are the ones who work the hardest!"
under the leadership of kang liming, all the officers and soldiers of the battalion worked together, all the party members and cadres rushed to the front of the team, and the soldiers followed closely behind with high morale.
in the flood relief front of jianchang county, huludao city, a party member commando team of a brigade of the 79th group army rushed between villages that had lost contact. when passing through yaowangmiao town, the officers and soldiers learned that some villagers were trapped in their homes and in critical conditions. they immediately waded through the turbulent river, took out ropes and life jackets, etc. to carry out rescue. in an independent courtyard, the officers and soldiers found an old man trapped in the house. party member zhao hongliang found a ladder and climbed into the courtyard to successfully rescue the old man.
"hurry up and save my mother..." when the soldiers passed by yangmadianzi township, a villager came to ask for help. it turned out that his mother was ill and needed oxygen at home, but the power outage caused the equipment to stop supplying oxygen, and the mobile phone had no signal and could not contact the outside world. after understanding the situation, the soldiers immediately went to the villager's home, trying to help repair the generator while contacting the relevant departments using a satellite phone. after the generator was delivered, the old man's oxygen supply was restored, solving the urgent problem.
"when the masses are in danger, party members must take the lead and act as pioneers." shi jianwei, captain of the brigade's party member assault team, said that they walked more than 30 kilometers, reported the situation of six "lost contact" villages as soon as possible, and delivered mineral water and other supplies to two severely affected villages to ensure that the affected people received timely assistance.
"a party member is a banner." the leader of the group army introduced that since the flood occurred, party members and cadres have always stayed and fought on the front line, taking the lead in tackling tough problems with practical actions, building indestructible "steel embankments" and doing their utmost to protect the lives and property of the people.
wang lijun, liu ming, wang zhongwei, china youth daily and china youth network reporter gong ayuan source: china youth daily
(source: china youth daily)