
Interview with Chen Zhihui, Chairman of the ASEAN Smart Industry Alliance: Humanoid robots need to reduce their costs before they can be widely used. It is recommended that companies consider adopting business models such as leasing


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Chee Fai Tan, currently serves asChairman of the Smart Industry Alliance, Chairman of the Malaysian Robotics Industry Association (MIRA), Vice Chairman of the Malaysian Institution of Engineers, and Chairman of the ASEAN Manufacturing Engineering Inspectorate, has been deeply involved in the manufacturing industry for a long time and has more than 25 years of experience in this field.

Chen Zhihui was awarded the title of Fellow of the ASEAN Academy of Engineering and Technology (AAET) and Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM)AsExecutive Vice President of Kuala Lumpur Construction UniversityHe actively participates in smart manufacturing strategic initiatives and provides high-end technical consulting, making positive contributions to promoting the digital transformation of industries in ASEAN and the Asia-Pacific region.

Since 2019, Chen Zhihui has served as a technical expert and Asian senior productivity expert for the ISO/IEC Smart Manufacturing Standards Task Force (ISO/IEC SM2TF).Previously, he also served as a UNESCO individual expert, providing assistance and support to APEC economic engineering education.

At the 2024 World Robot Conference held from August 21 to 25,Chen ZhihuiHe was interviewed by a reporter from National Business Daily (NBD).

The growing maturity of industrial robots is inseparable from the support of AI technology

NBD:What role do robots play in intelligent manufacturing?

Chen Zhihui, reporter Zhang Rui, photo taken

Chen Zhihui:Robots undoubtedly play an important role in intelligent manufacturing. Currently, industrial robots are mainly used in the manufacturing industry. Industrial robots are actually used in factories to replace humans. Because industrial robots do not get tired and do not have human emotions, they can optimize many processes and thus improve the production efficiency of enterprises.

In addition to industrial robots, the application of technologies such as AI and big data has also improved the intelligence of industrial robots and enhanced the level of intelligent manufacturing.

NBD:You mentioned the development of technologies such as AI and big data. How can these technologies be integrated with robotics technology to promote the upgrading of the smart manufacturing industry in Malaysia and even the entire ASEAN?

Chen Zhihui:The popularization of science and technology has brought down the prices of scientific and technological products, and many technologies or scientific and technological products in universities or research institutes have been able to move out of the laboratories and be truly applied in industry.

The development of industrial robots is becoming more and more mature, which is inseparable from the support of AI technology. AI makes industrial robots more optimized and can improve productivity more accurately while ensuring high-quality finished products.

In ASEAN countries, most of them still rely heavily on human resources for manufacturing. Of course, with the development of the times and economic progress, governments like Malaysia pay much attention to the application of technology in industry, because it can greatly improve industrial productivity, improve product quality, and most importantly, promote the economic development of the entire country.

Therefore, I think China's technology and technological products can cooperate with Malaysia's industrial sector to help the industrial development of Malaysia and even the entire Southeast Asia.

We hope to cooperate with China in the training of scientific and technological talents.

NBD:What do you think of China's advantages in developing robots?

Chen Zhihui:First of all, China's science and technology development is advancing by leaps and bounds, and the government's strong support plays a very important role. The government supports and helps technology companies, helps them improve their development capabilities, and also helps many excellent technology products to be put into use.

Secondly, I believe that China’s scientific and technological development has reached a very mature stage, and I also hope that more scientific and technological achievements can be exported to help the industrial development of other countries.

NBD:What practices do you think China, Malaysia and ASEAN can learn from each other in developing the robotics industry?

Chen Zhihui:China's technological development is very fast. I think Malaysia and China should cooperate more for mutual benefit.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Malaysia and China. I think this is just the beginning. I hope that the two sides can have more scientific and technological cooperation in the future to increase scientific and technological exchanges between each other. In particular, I hope that more Chinese high-tech achievements can be applied in Malaysia's industrial field.

NBD:In what specific areas do you think cooperation is possible?

Chen Zhihui:I think we can start cooperation in talent cultivation and training, because the Chinese government attaches great importance to the cultivation of scientific and engineering talents, which is very important. I think Malaysia can also learn more in this regard and strengthen talent exchange, academic exchange and scientific research exchange with China.

NBD:Are organizations such as the Malaysian Robotics Industry Association currently cooperating with China on some projects?

Chen Zhihui:At present, ASEAN countries, with the ASEAN Smart Industry Alliance as the main body, have carried out more cooperation with China, mainly in forums, conferences, etc. In addition, we have also planned some visits to industrial enterprises to help industrial enterprises in Malaysia or ASEAN countries come to China for field visits, so that these enterprises can better understand how the application of Chinese technology in industry can improve productivity.

Since the end of last year, some ASEAN countries, such as Malaysia, have implemented a visa-free policy for China. This is a good opportunity for Malaysia and China to have closer exchanges. Friends from the science and engineering communities of both countries can more conveniently participate in some industry conferences, forums, and activities. I think this is a good opportunity for friends from the science and engineering communities of both countries to cooperate more closely.

On August 21, at the 2024 World Robot Conference, two humanoid robots "greeted" each other. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Jin Liwang

Humanoid robots are expected to be used quickly in outer space exploration

NBD:There is a view that this year is the first year of humanoid robots. What do you think about this?

Chen Zhihui:Humanoid robots are actually not a very new thing. Sony launched a humanoid robot about 20 years ago, but many technologies were not very mature at that time. It is different now.

Since Germany proposed "Industry 4.0", many technologies and scientific products in universities and research institutes have been gradually applied to industry. Many technologies or scientific products are becoming more and more mature, and the cost is gradually decreasing. Therefore, many humanoid robots can be seen at the World Robot Conference this year, with about 27 humanoid robots. Technological progress and policy support are important factors supporting the rapid development of humanoid robots.

NBD:What is the development trend of the humanoid robot industry in ASEAN?

Chen Zhihui:Humanoid robots in ASEAN have not achieved rapid development like China because there is still a lack of sufficient good policies. China, South Korea and Japan all have very good policies, so the development of robots is advancing by leaps and bounds.

In ASEAN, such as Malaysia, the government does not have many support policies, and mainly buys robots for application. So I think ASEAN is currently very eager to strengthen cooperation with China, especially in scientific research.

NBD:Do you think humanoid robots have a bright future?

Chen Zhihui:I am definitely optimistic about it, especially in some application scenarios. For example, Japan has a high level of aging, and humanoid robots can be used to serve the elderly; or they can be used in more dangerous scenarios; in addition, robots are expected to be used more quickly in the field of outer space exploration.

As for other aspects, such as application in workshops, I think it will take some time, because its cost must be reduced first before companies will apply it, so economic factors must also be considered.

Yesterday I asked a company that if they sell their humanoid robot, it will cost about 80,000 to 90,000 US dollars, because a lot of money and manpower have been invested in the research and development process. As long as the price of this product is reduced to an acceptable level for the company, I think its application will not be a problem.

Humanoid robot companies need to have some good business models, such as leasing to attract users. However, this also depends on the application scenario, because the maintenance cost of humanoid robots must also be considered, because many parts are customized, and once damaged, the maintenance cost is relatively high.

NBD:With the popularization and application of robots, what do you think about the impact of robots on the human employment market?

Chen Zhihui:Historically, every industrial revolution will eliminate some types of jobs, but humans still have their value in industry. So some people say that robots will soon replace humans. I think this is just a common saying, because many jobs, such as boring and repetitive work in the workshop, are not willing to be done by many people, especially young people nowadays; there are also some dangerous jobs that many young people will not do. I think these jobs will be replaced by robots.

However, I believe that workers can improve their abilities and take up more valuable jobs, such as maintenance services and skilled services.

Daily Economic News
