
AI smart driving, robot escort, big data networking... Zhongshan Hospital is accelerating its digital construction. Here, meet the "Hospital of the Future"!


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Robots shuttled around the wards in a busy and orderly manner. Some delivered medicines and equipment, while others performed disinfection tasks. Large model applications helped analyze the condition and provide treatment suggestions, becoming an indispensable assistant for doctors. AI digital humans were on call at all times, answering all kinds of questions raised by patients and improving the medical experience. With the introduction of the Internet of Things technology, nurses could be reminded in time when the infusion was about to be completed, and patients did not need to ring the bell frequently to call...
With the support of digital technology, the medical industry and hospitals are undergoing a revolutionary change. At Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, new technologies such as 5G, the Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence are deeply integrated and applied in the medical field. These innovations not only lead to the innovation of medical resource allocation, but also outline the grand blueprint of future smart hospitals.
A unique “smart ward”
As soon as you step into the inpatient department of Zhongshan Hospital, you will unexpectedly encounter an automatic disinfection robot. It is following a predetermined path and performing disinfection tasks in an orderly manner.
Entering the ward, the digital atmosphere becomes more and more intense. The electronic card on the bedside clearly displays the patient's basic information, and the remaining amount of fluid in the infusion bag is also updated in real time on the small display screen next to it. Every time the nurse completes the test of the patient's vital signs, she only needs to scan the electronic card lightly, and the measurement data will be immediately transmitted to the background for analysis.
A careful observation will reveal the "secret". Although the Internet of Things device installed at the door of the ward looks inconspicuous, it actually plays a key role. It is connected to various devices in the ward and collects and transmits various data in real time.
Zhang Yuxia, director of the Nursing Department of Zhongshan Hospital, said that in recent years, Zhongshan Hospital has invested a lot of energy and resources in the construction of smart wards, and has been committed to improving the quality and efficiency of nursing services through technology.
Hard work pays off, and one of the epitomes is that nurses' work has completely entered the "paperless" era. Once upon a time, nurses could not work without notebooks, especially when handing over shifts. The nurse who was about to leave the shift had to explain the condition of each patient in detail to the nurse who was taking over. The latter had to record each patient one by one and confirm repeatedly before completing the handover. However, with the construction of smart wards, this cumbersome process has become a thing of the past. Today, information from multiple platforms is integrated and displayed on the screen of the nurse station, allowing medical staff to see the patient's management status at a glance.
"This innovation enables every doctor and nurse to know the condition of the patients they are responsible for," said Zhang Yuxia. Through the integrated system, key information such as the patient's vital sign monitoring data, postoperative sedation and analgesia status, and medication status are presented in a clear and intuitive manner. When handing over shifts, the system automatically lists the information that medical staff need to focus on, greatly improving communication efficiency and work efficiency, making medical services more efficient and accurate.
The advancement of the smart ward lies not only in the convenience of daily patient observation and recording, but also in the assessment and early warning of patient risk factors through data analysis. Zhang Yuxia further explained that the model established based on these data can accurately identify the patient's current risk points, thereby guiding nurses to conduct targeted observations and provide patients with more accurate and efficient care.
Talking about the changes brought about by the smart ward, Yu Zhenghong, the chief nurse of the surgical department, was deeply moved. She has worked in the hospital for 36 years, and the continuous progress of information construction has made her truly appreciate the tremendous changes in the medical field.
In the past, when the infusion was about to end, the patient would press the call bell at the bedside to remind the nurse. The ringing was one after another, especially in the middle of the night, the loud ringing would disturb other patients' rest. Now, the ward has become quiet and orderly. When there is 5 ml of infusion left, the nurse in charge of the bed will receive an automatic reminder from the system in advance, so that she can change it in time.
"Smart wards have greatly improved our work efficiency. The time saved allows us to focus more on patient care and provide them with more care and help." Yu Zhenghong concluded, "We have always been adhering to the concept of 'returning time to nurses and returning nurses to patients', which is exactly our ultimate goal."
Towards the “Hospital of the Future”
When you enter the operating room of Zhongshan Hospital, you are overwhelmed by the sense of technology.
Dozens of robots shuttle back and forth, with clear division of labor. Some are responsible for logistics and transportation, some handle medical waste, and some perform disinfection tasks. Whether in the operating room or in various departments, when medical staff need medicines, supplies or surgical kits, they can "place an order" like "ordering takeout", and then the robot will "deliver to your door". In the complex operating room environment, these medical robots can quickly and accurately deliver medicines, supplies and surgical instrument kits. It is reported that the 16 robots working together have increased the overall work efficiency of the hospital by 40%.
In the doctor's office of the liver tumor surgery ward, doctors are using the "Liver Surgeon Assistant" platform to assess the patient's condition and develop a diagnosis plan. This large model application platform can not only help doctors accurately analyze the condition, but also provide comprehensive diagnosis and treatment suggestions.
It is reported that Zhongshan Hospital has used artificial intelligence technology to disassemble and digitize the diagnosis, pre-treatment evaluation, treatment plan selection, medication reminders and other aspects of the "Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Primary Liver Cancer", and embedded these contents into the hospital's electronic medical record system, so that they can naturally integrate into the doctors' daily diagnosis and treatment process, providing doctors with comprehensive decision-making support.
At the same time, the hospital also fully utilized the advantages of the big model, deeply mined the patient medical records data over the years, and created the "Zhongshan Liver Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Case Essentials Database". Through the automatic induction of the big model, the time for collating typical cases was greatly shortened, allowing the hospital to continuously and efficiently produce high-quality diagnosis and treatment knowledge packages for reference and learning by grassroots hospitals.
In the inpatient ward, there is also a "digital medical assistant". Inpatients can ask questions to this virtual assistant at any time, and it can always quickly give accurate and vivid answers to help improve the patient's medical experience. The digital medical assistant has now been incorporated into clinical nursing expertise and can provide effective guidance services, allowing patients to feel the improved experience brought by new technologies. For medical staff, the smart system not only reduces the burden of their repetitive work, but also becomes an indispensable auxiliary education assistant during hospitalization, effectively improving the quality and efficiency of medical care services, and achieving the optimal allocation of medical resources and the overall improvement of medical service quality.
Building a new digital medical ecosystem
Improving the level of digitalization in medical care requires a complete and powerful technical support system.
As a regional super-large basic telecommunications operator, Shanghai Telecom fully supports the construction of Zhongshan Hospital's smart hospital, and has provided the hospital with industry-specific cloud, medical private network and 5G private network, and has configured rich computing resources to support the development of artificial intelligence. At the same time, Shanghai Telecom has also integrated security services to provide comprehensive technical and business security guarantees for the hospital's internal and external operations.
Wang Wendong, general manager of Shanghai Telecom's Public Service Key Customer Department, said that developing new quality productivity is a profound insight and active grasp of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. At present, Shanghai Telecom is actively building a new type of information infrastructure - "Smart Cloud Shanghai", by building a digital foundation that adapts to the era of artificial intelligence, strengthening the source of scientific and technological innovation, and helping Shanghai accelerate the construction of the "five centers".
In the medical field, Shanghai Telecom relies on digital technologies such as cloud computing, big data, the Internet of Things, 5G, and artificial intelligence, integrating innovative applications to promote process reengineering, rule reconstruction, function shaping, and ecological construction of the medical and health service system, and create "medical services + digital intelligence" application scenarios including medical accompaniment, medical history prescriptions, fee payment, public health, etc., to solve the problems of the traditional medical process being cumbersome, time-consuming, and not humane, and to empower the high-quality development of hospitals with the construction of new digital infrastructure, and effectively improve the convenience and sense of gain of people's medical treatment.
Gu Jianying, Party Secretary and Director of the Information and Intelligent Development Department of Zhongshan Hospital, said that in order to better meet the people's demand for high-quality medical services, it is urgent to rely on intelligent and digital technologies to improve quality and efficiency. One of the hospital's development goals is to output high-quality medical resources in the form of digitization, standardization, and productization, and to replicate them and radiate them to primary medical care.
In terms of innovative practice, Zhongshan Hospital has established a 5G+ "cloud brain" diversified infrastructure with a hybrid cloud support architecture that integrates distributed storage, big data computing, AI computing, and high-performance computing of bioinformatics; it has created a meta-medical patient service model for the entire life cycle of "prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and health" by comprehensively applying artificial intelligence, big models, and meta-universe technologies, and has carried out research on
Cutting-edge exploration of the construction standards of "boundless" intelligent virtual meta-clinics; promoting the deep empowerment of AI technology in the precise diagnosis and treatment of major diseases, creating a series of AI application sets in the fields of liver cancer, cardiovascular, endocrine, etc., comprehensively improving the quality and efficiency of medical technical support and medical scenarios, and creating a collaborative innovation mechanism for medical alliances; using digital twin technology to create a new type of smart hospital brain, empowering the unified management and operation of hospital resources, and improving management efficiency and emergency response speed.
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