
Illuminate the Internet with the light of civilization


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Network civilization is a new form of civilization that has emerged with the development of the Internet and is an important symbol of the progress of modern social civilization.

At present, the information technology revolution is changing with each passing day. The Internet has provided a new platform and new space for people's production and life, communication, interaction, innovation and creation. It has also provided a new carrier and new opportunities for promoting the inheritance and development of civilization and promoting the promotion and prosperity of culture.

The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee made important arrangements to "strengthen the construction of cyber civilization and develop a positive and healthy cyber culture", which established an institutional framework for the construction of cyber civilization during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. In 2021, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council issued the "Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Cyber ​​Civilization", which provided strong guidance for the construction of cyber civilization in the new era.

The "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reforms and Promoting Chinese-style Modernization" reviewed and adopted at the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China made systematic arrangements for improving the comprehensive network governance system.

In recent years, my country has actively promoted the construction of online civilization, strengthened the mainstream online public opinion, strengthened the cultivation of cyberspace culture, and deepened the governance of the network ecology. The positive energy of cyberspace is more abundant and the main theme is more uplifting. The atmosphere of the whole society jointly building and sharing a beautiful spiritual home online is becoming increasingly strong.

Expanding new fronts for theoretical armament

On October 14 last year, the online theme promotion and interactive guidance activity of the ideological and political course "Write the Splendid Chapter of Youth on the Land of the Motherland" was held at Sichuan University. Young role models talked with students about youth and growth, and played loud and moving songs of youth on the land of the motherland.

This major ideological and political course is a vivid epitome of our country's efforts to expand its online theoretical armed positions and strengthen its ideological foundation.

Focusing on major themes, we will create a number of online theoretical propaganda brands such as "Theory on the Internet" and "Theory Resounds in China" to promote the Party's innovative theories to "reach ordinary people's homes"; increase the supply of high-quality content, launch a number of new media works such as "Look at the Main Peak Amid the Majestic Mountains" and "Holding Mother's Hand", so that the Party's voice becomes the strongest voice in cyberspace; accelerate the construction of Chinese discourse and Chinese narrative system, launch international online communication activities such as "Appointment with China" and "Check-in in China", so that China's voice can be spread farther and wider.

A series of innovative brand activities have been launched to generate a surge of positive energy and make good voices the strongest voices.

Cultivating a new trend of Internet culture

"People's Jiangshan", "Learning History with the General Secretary", "Wind and Rain on Luopo Ridge"... In March 2024, the results of the 2023 China Positive Energy Online Products Collection and Exhibition Activity were announced. 550 online positive energy works stood out, attracting the attention and praise of netizens.

In recent years, relevant departments have leveraged the advantages of the Internet, innovated methods and approaches, and actively cultivated new trends in Internet culture through a series of practical measures.

Carry out theme activities such as "Why China", "Online Chinese Festivals", and "The Great Beauty of China in Solar Terms" to make China's excellent traditional culture more tangible and understandable; hold online interactive guidance activities such as "Chinese Stories" and "Good Chinese Netizens", carry out online publicity of typical deeds such as role models of the times, moral models, and good people around us, and promote the formation of a network civilization environment that respects morality and is kind, and learns from the good; promote the extension of mass spiritual civilization creation activities to the Internet, and realize the organic integration of online and offline civilization construction...

We will use the core socialist values ​​to guide the construction of online culture, enrich the supply of high-quality online cultural products, stimulate the vitality of China's excellent traditional culture, enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the majority of netizens, and make it a trend for the whole society to jointly build and share online civilization.

Creating a new ecosystem for comprehensive governance

"Over the past year, the Cyberspace Administration of China has cleaned up and intercepted more than 57.45 million pieces of illegal and irregular information, dealt with more than 7.81 million accounts and groups, and closed and removed more than 4,800 websites and platforms, promoting the continuous improvement of the network ecology..." In July 2024, the "report card" of network ecology governance released by the Cyberspace Administration of China attracted attention.

Cyberspace is the common spiritual home of hundreds of millions of people. A clear and clean cyberspace with a good ecological environment is the common expectation of the majority of netizens.

Comprehensively advance the construction of cyber rule of law. Relevant departments continue to carry out the "Clear and Bright" series of special operations, strengthen the protection of minors on the Internet, deepen online reporting and rumor-busting work, continuously optimize the institutional mechanisms for social collaborative governance, and gather a strong synergy for cyber governance. The ecological environment of cyberspace is becoming increasingly clear, and the people enjoy a greater sense of gain, happiness, and security in cyberspace.

The breeze blows gently and civilization blooms.

From August 28 to 29, the 2024 China Internet Civilization Conference with the theme of "Carrying Forward the Spirit of the Times and Building Internet Civilization" will be held in Chengdu, Sichuan. This grand event in the field of Internet civilization will gather the tremendous power of hundreds of millions of netizens to unite and forge ahead, and build the Internet space into a beautiful spiritual home with value recognition, humanistic care, and emotional belonging.

(Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 27)
