
New textbooks for primary and secondary schools are launched: History adds content such as the Sino-Indian self-defense counterattack war


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New textbooks for three subjects for primary and junior high schools are in use, with new chapters on astronauts and border defense heroes, and Huang Wenxiu's deeds included in the new Chinese textbook

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[Source of this article: The Paper, CCTV News, Cover News, China Military Network]

On August 27, according to the CCTV News client, the new semester is about to begin. The reporter learned from the Ministry of Education that starting from the fall semester this year, primary and junior high schools across the country will use the newly revised unified textbooks of morality and law, Chinese, and history. They will first be used in the initial grades and will cover all grades of compulsory education within three years.

The relevant person in charge of the Textbook Bureau of the Ministry of Education introduced that in March 2022, the Ministry of Education issued the newly revised compulsory education curriculum plan and curriculum standards, which clearly stated that each subject should focus on cultivating students' core literacy, emphasizing the need to highlight disciplinary thinking methods and inquiry methods, strengthen practice, and promote interdisciplinary thematic learning. The compilation concept, material selection, and arrangement of the three unified textbooks were revised based on this, further reflecting the people-oriented and literacy-oriented approach.

The news mentioned that the newly revised unified textbooks further promote major thematic education content such as national security education, rule of law education, and education on building a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation into textbooks.