
Lead the survivors through the apocalypse in Zone 2


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In 2021, German game developer Gentlymad Studios brought players a doomsday survival-themed city construction and management simulation game "Zone One: Isolated". The high survival difficulty, coupled with frequent unexpected doomsday adventures and sudden changes in severe weather, left a deep impression on many players who are used to playing conventional management simulation games.

After its official debut last year, Zone of Enderman 2 has always been at the top of Steam's popular wishlist. Last week, the official announced that the number of people on Zone of Enderman 2's wishlist had reached 250,000, which is enough to show the high popularity of this game.

The beginning of Zone of the End 2 is different from the previous game. This time, the player will not start the game near a pleasant settlement, but will drive a car on an unfamiliar road. The wilderness of the end of the world is surging with undercurrents, and the player is surrounded by a fog of war that makes it difficult to see the road ahead. You need to drive forward little by little until you find a suitable place to settle down. This is the official start of the game.

Although the game does not explain what happened in this world, the abandoned towns and ruins seem to tell the prosperity of human civilization before the end of the world. What players have to do is to face natural disasters and man-made disasters and rebuild human civilization from scratch with the only 15 survivors in the car.

Complex resource allocation and construction management is one of the core gameplays of "Zone of the Endermen 2". Digging wells, picking fruits, chopping trees, and collecting waste are all part of the preliminary preparation work. The most efficient circulation of resources can be achieved under the condition of reasonable allocation of labor, and new facilities can be unlocked through the technology tree, and then mines can be opened, coal can be burned, steel can be smelted, and electric wires can be built. Finally, the entire city's resource logistics production and transportation are fully automated, which is basically consistent with the process of the previous game.

Zone of the End 2 simplifies project management and optimizes some operations based on the previous game.

Of course, after achieving a certain degree of resource circulation, this type of game will inevitably fall into the repetitive work of "adding noodles when there is too much water, and adding water when there is too much noodles", but a major feature of "Zone of the End 2" is that you can start the apocalypse adventure at any time. If you start to feel bored with the business gameplay in the settlement, you might as well drive a car to the place where human civilization once existed. On the way, you may encounter small ruins for players to plunder resources, and you may also have the opportunity to encounter a point of interest that can start the exploration mode.

In previous games, exploration was usually only done by the expedition team at the expedition outpost, and players could directly enjoy the final resource-scavenging session without any additional operations. In the exploration mode of Zone of the End 2, players will become explorers and search for secrets in various abandoned facilities.

Without any preparation, you can't plunder all the resources in a single explorable abandoned facility. The remaining treasures may be hidden behind a door that requires a fire axe to open, or on a high wall that can only be reached with a ladder. Don't worry if you encounter these situations. After all, there are challenges and opportunities everywhere in the apocalypse. Maybe the ladder you need is near a residential building two kilometers away.

"Zone of the Ends 2" does not unlock the entire map for players right away. At least half of the explorable area is hidden on the other side of the river that runs across the map. Try to accumulate construction resources to repair the broken bridge, because this is probably the only way to cross the river. I specifically tested whether the arid climate would dry up the river, and the result was obviously not.

After exploring outside for a long time, the internal and external troubles of the place where you live may be more worrying than the anxiety caused by insufficient backpack capacity. Players who have played the previous game may still be worried about the problem of population expansion. The baby boom in "Zone of the Ends 2" does not seem to be delayed at all. As long as they are not starving to death, there will always be people desperately giving birth to children. When you go out to explore, there are obviously few available laborers, and when you return with a full load, the remaining food at home has begun to run out.

Zone of the End 2 does not have the kind of moral judgment in Frost Age. After all, the people in this game are just numbers and do not need to bear too much mental pressure. But this does not mean that the demands of this group of unruly people are less than others. As long as they are not served obediently, there will definitely be complaints from the residents.

As the population continues to expand, the available resources in a single settlement will inevitably become exhausted. The once dense forests have been cut down and there are few nearby minerals left. Players can achieve a certain degree of self-production and self-sales through rainwater collectors or building plantations, but if they continue to live like this, they will inevitably encounter problems that are difficult to reverse.

At this time, finding a suitable open space to start a new business may be the best solution. Drive your expedition vehicle freely in the deserted wilderness, find and establish your second, third or even more settlements, build trade routes between different settlements, and rationally allocate resources from different areas, so that you can survive in the harsh and dangerous doomsday.

As a survival game set in the apocalypse, Zone of the End 2 also features the depiction of the apocalypse.

In an era when human civilization is heading towards extinction, extreme climate disasters are no longer surprising. Although pure rain occasionally falls from the sky to nourish crops, droughts that cut off water sources are obviously more frequent. Players can only save enough water for the entire village in advance, and secretly pray in their hearts that the drought will pass soon.

Sometimes, it rains unclean rain from the sky. The consequences of human overexpansion will be borne by those who survived the apocalypse by chance. The radiation pollution everywhere will invade the player's residence in the form of rain. In the face of terrible natural disasters, there seems to be no other choice except to make a few more radiation-proof clothes and gloves for the residents.

The main point of doomsday survival is "everyone alive counts". Under the pressure of internal and external troubles, it is inevitable that there will be casualties that no one wants to see. They may starve to death or be infected by radiation. Please always pay attention to the piles of corpses on the roadside. If you don't deal with them in time, infectious diseases will begin to spread in the living area, and the risk of group annihilation will double.

Before the crematorium is unlocked, the cemetery is probably the only way to store corpses. I strongly suggest that you don't start the high-difficulty mode like I did, and end up building piles of tombstones next to crowded urban areas.

Leading the survivors to rebuild human civilization in Zone of the End 2 is indeed a tough job, but by managing resources well, implementing family planning, grasping the essence of "If you want to be rich, build roads first, have fewer children and plant more trees", and rationally planning the impact of extreme climate, you can always survive the early stage when resources are extremely tight. In the second half of the game, looking at the well-organized production line in the settlement, a sense of accomplishment arises spontaneously.

Zone of the End 2 has 3 modes: tutorial, survival and challenge. I haven't unlocked the challenge mode yet, but the survival mode is almost the same as the previous one. You can challenge your limits endlessly in endless time and enjoy the pleasure of brain cells dying. The official has also released a future update plan, which seems to be to achieve long-term operation of Zone of the End 2 together with the player community.

I asked ChatGPT, and it said that the end of mankind will come in 3050. Now I obviously don't have to worry about what will happen 1,000 years later. I just hope that "Zone of the End 2" can continue to operate until the 31st century and provide some feasible doomsday survival advice for people at that time.