
A mobile phone can "contain" a hospital! Linyi People's Hospital Internet Hospital's cross-border protection


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Doctors and patients conduct consultation and treatment through text, voice and other means; for patients with common and chronic diseases, remote follow-up visits can be achieved, doctors can prescribe necessary tests and examinations, and analyze the examination results in a timely manner...The "Internet + Medical" model allows a smartphone to carry a hospital.
Linyi People's Hospital officially established an Internet hospital in May 2022, covering the entire process of online and offline medical services, full-course management of diseases before, during and after diagnosis, and full-course health management for the entire life cycle inside and outside the hospital, creating a digital health service platform that is interconnected and shared in health.
More than 1,000Online answers from practicing physicians
Protecting life and health online and offline
With the "protection across space" brought by the "doctor on the screen", Internet medical care has quietly integrated into the lives of ordinary people and has profoundly affected the daily lives of doctors.
As the chief physician of the Department of Otolaryngology at Linyi People's Hospital, Li Qin's department is one of the larger departments in the hospital. The department is known for its large number of patients, huge number of surgeries, and frequent emergency visits, which constitute the tense rhythm of their daily work. Li Qin's outpatient volume is about 100 people a day, and many patients come here not only because of his superb medical skills, but also because of his respected medical ethics. As the head of the rhinology group, Li Qin also has the highest outpatient volume in the Department of Otolaryngology of the Internet Hospital. Behind his achievement of more than 1,500 cumulative visits in the online clinic, it reflects the patients' full recognition of his superb medical skills and noble medical ethics.
"There is more time and communication is more complete online. Many patients have never met me, but they come to make an appointment with me later. I answer their questions and gain their trust." Li Qin said that the Internet hospital effectively meets the convenient medical needs of the majority of patients and provides patients with efficient and affordable diagnosis and treatment services.
On the other side of the screen, Linyi People's Hospital Internet Hospital has more than 1,000 practicing physicians and more than 300 active online doctors every day. They are practicing the doctor's oath in a brand new way. Unconstrained by time and across the distance of space, online doctors use their expertise and warmth to always care for and protect the health of the people.
Internet hospitals have no walls. They are not simply online hospitals that copy offline hospital services to mobile phones. Instead, they are big health platforms and carriers that provide more and more adequate medical and health services through Internet technologies such as big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence. "Internet hospitals can not only reshape the medical service process, reduce queuing and waiting time, and facilitate patients to see a doctor, but also serve as a health service carrier that serves more patients and the public, which is conducive to medical institutions to build their image and attract patients at a lower cost." A professional physician said that this is because Internet hospitals not only connect pre-diagnosis, in-diagnosis, and post-diagnosis services, but also connect drugs, medical insurance, health management, family doctor contract services, chronic disease management, etc., to achieve follow-up of patients, post-diagnosis services, and full-course management. At the same time, data within the hospital can be interconnected, and medical alliance institutions can also be interconnected to achieve hierarchical diagnosis and treatment, reducing the pressure on large hospitals to receive patients. In some areas, shared services such as imaging, prescription review, and examination and testing can also be carried out. The entire chain of medical care, medical insurance, drugs, and chronic disease management can be carried out to provide the public with medical and health services throughout their life cycle, and medical resources can be more optimally allocated.
Section settings are clear at a glance
Patients with chronic diseases and geriatric diseases are the biggest beneficiaries
On the occasion of China's Doctors' Day on August 19, the Internet Hospital also set up an offline experience area in the outpatient building of the North City Campus of Linyi People's Hospital, aiming to allow patients to intuitively understand and experience the new "Internet + Medical" service format.
"Here, citizens visiting the hospital can fully understand the service functions of the Internet hospital through simulated operations, on-site demonstrations and online interactions, become familiar with and master the online medical treatment process, and personally experience the convenience and efficiency of the 'Internet + Medical' service. They will deeply feel the new experience of 'one mobile phone, easy medical treatment'. Services are everywhere and health is at your fingertips." Hospital staff introduced that they also invite experts to enter the live broadcast room through online live broadcasts and other forms to popularize health knowledge.
"How to provide first aid for sudden myocardial infarction, stroke, and trauma? Learning first aid knowledge can save lives at critical moments." On the live broadcast platform, three experts from the hospital introduced first aid common sense in daily life from their respective professional fields. The easy-to-understand words and in-depth explanations gave netizens a vivid health science lesson online.
Open your phone, search for "Linyi People's Hospital Internet Hospital" on WeChat or Alipay mini program, and you will feel like you have entered an "invisible" hospital. Here, thousands of experts cover almost every department of the hospital. After making an appointment, citizens can interact with experts online in real time.
In response to the common medical needs of citizens, the Internet Hospital has set up columns such as online consultation, examination appointment, medical consultation, medication consultation, nursing services, etc. In addition, outpatient services, inpatient services, special disease services, etc. are also provided below, with different guidance for different groups of people.
The person in charge of the hospital's Internet hospital said that it is based on the offline tertiary hospital Linyi People's Hospital and supported by information technology, making full use of new technologies such as 5G, cloud computing, big data, the Internet of Things, blockchain, artificial intelligence, and large language models to build an online and offline integrated Internet health service platform to provide patients with convenient, efficient, and high-quality services. The mobile terminal has given wings to the development of Internet hospitals, allowing more people to enjoy convenient medical care.
Which groups of people will benefit the most from opening the door to Internet medical care? Some doctors believe that patients with chronic diseases, geriatric diseases and their families should be able to experience unprecedented convenience, and hospitals will also be relieved by the diversion of these patients.
According to the "Prescription Management Measures", prescriptions generally should not exceed 7 days' supply. Although the prescription supply for some chronic diseases and geriatric diseases can be appropriately extended, most patients still need to go to the hospital for follow-up visits frequently, resulting in a shortage of hospital outpatient resources and prolonged patient consultation time. "One of the core needs of patients with confirmed chronic diseases is regular prescriptions. Online follow-up visits can indeed provide convenience for patients, and electronic prescriptions can be placed in hospital pharmacies through online medical insurance payment after review, and delivered by social distribution forces, or patients can directly take the order to offline pharmacies to pick up the medicine." A staff member at a pharmacy said that more and more people are getting medicine through Internet hospitals, especially young people who are more receptive to new things.
Open up online medical insurance reimbursement channels
More information, less running for the people
What many people are most concerned about is the medical insurance reimbursement for online medical treatment and prescription drugs. In fact, the inability to realize medical insurance cardless payment has always been a pain point faced by the construction of Internet hospitals.
As early as August 2020, the Linyi Municipal Medical Security Bureau issued the "Notice on Forwarding Document No. 51 of Shandong Medical Insurance Development [2020] to Do a Good Job in Signing the Internet Hospital Medical Insurance Designated Agreement", which mentioned that Internet hospitals must meet the following requirements to be included in the medical insurance designated points: First, the Internet hospital should be in operation for more than 3 months; online physicians should comply with the relevant regulations and requirements of Internet hospitals. Second, the physical designated medical institution on which the Internet hospital relies should be a designated medical institution for the city's medical insurance agreement management. Third, Internet hospitals should establish supporting medical insurance management rules and regulations and have an information system that meets the access standards of the medical insurance department. Fourth, Internet hospitals should access the Shandong Internet Medical Insurance Payment Supervision Platform in accordance with relevant regulations.
On June 24, 2022, Linyi Medical Insurance Mobile Payment 2.0 was successfully launched in Linyi People's Hospital, leading the province. On September 19, convenient applications based on medical insurance mobile payment were launched one after another. The city's medical insurance settlement achieved two "firsts" in the province: it was the first to realize online consultation and prescription for patients with chronic and special diseases, direct medical insurance reporting, and home delivery of medicines.
Apply through the mobile phone of Linyi People's Hospital Internet Hospital platform, see doctors, get reimbursed in real time, and have medicines delivered to your home; it has taken the lead in realizing the comprehensive application of online medical insurance payment. Not only patients with chronic and special diseases, but also employees and residents insured in Linyi City can use medical insurance payment and online direct reporting through the online consultation of the Municipal People's Hospital. This solves the problem of the "last mile" of the Internet hospital's medical treatment process.
Han Yongfeng, director of the Medical Insurance Center of the Linyi Municipal Medical Security Bureau, said that Linyi People's Hospital is one of the first hospitals to be certified for outpatient chronic and special diseases, and is also one of the first hospitals to open direct settlement of outpatient chronic and special disease expenses within the city, province and across provinces. It is at the forefront of the full-process application of medical insurance mobile payment, which fully demonstrates the hospital's high attention to medical insurance work, especially innovative services for outpatient chronic and special disease management, and reflects the working standards and fine style of taking the initiative, innovation and responsibility. It is hoped that the hospital will actively explore, innovate, and continuously improve the operating mechanism of the chronic disease service center, and strive to create a "Linyi model" for the integrated development of medical insurance, medical care and medicine online and offline.
At present, Linyi People's Hospital provides insured patients with three online and offline payment options: window, self-service machine and mobile phone. There is no need to frequently go to the payment window to pay the fees. As long as you have an electronic medical insurance certificate, you can complete all settlement transactions.
After the Internet hospital goes online, patients can make appointments, make mobile payments, and query reports through their mobile phones. They can also consult doctors online, renew prescriptions, and purchase medicines. At the same time, medical alliance collaboration units can use the platform to make appointments for outpatient clinics, examinations, and hospitalizations, as well as online referrals, and enjoy remote guidance and online lectures from provincial experts. This not only effectively promotes the extension of high-quality resources to the grassroots level, which is conducive to the healthy and sustainable development of medical alliances, but also further improves patients' medical experience, truly opening up a new medical model for the masses in the mobile Internet era.
With the advent of the "Internet +" era, the traditional medical industry has also begun to embrace the Internet. Since February 2020, Linyi City has launched 19 Internet hospitals, including 18 Internet hospitals based on physical hospitals. Some experts said that although my country's Internet medical services are developing rapidly, they are still in their infancy. How can Internet medical care "run fast and steady"? "Internet + medical care" must establish safe and standardized industry standards, strictly set entry barriers, and clarify the diagnosis and treatment standards and scope in order to achieve long-term stability.
(Massive News·Qilu One Point Jiang Man)