
The first domestic wireless super-network base station pilot project was successfully completed, and terahertz/6G communication technology achieved a major new breakthrough


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The first domestically-produced terahertz/6G large-capacity wireless supernet base station was successfully piloted at Shijiazhuang Tower Company a few days ago. This is the first time that terahertz wireless communication technology has been put into use and tested in the actual application environment of a tower or operator, and has achieved satisfactory results, marking a major new breakthrough for China in this field of technology.
In this pilot cooperation, the tower company chose a challenging real tower environment to test the support for the most challenging actual data services. The pilot installed Aida Supernet Terahertz/6G Wireless Supernet base station spans two towers for point-to-point communication, about 1 km apart. The two towers in the middle block the signal, and the base station shakes about 30 cm. The working bandwidth in each direction is set at the most basic level. The wireless signal crosses the busy urban main road and is always affected by the constant flow of buses, trucks, cars, trams, motorcycles and other vehicles and people. Through the large-capacity terahertz wireless channel formed between the base stations, the optical fiber network is bridged to transmit real 4K ultra-high-definition video services. The video information source is a panoramic camera for smart transportation. Each panoramic camera consists of 4 4K ultra-high-definition cameras and 1 rotating scanning camera. The pilot project has been running continuously for more than two weeks, experiencing changes in day and night, changes in weather, temperature differences, changes in traffic environment, etc., and especially encountered the test of extremely severe weather conditions with thunderstorms and heavy rain, such as "darkness in one second" and "strong winds and heavy rain".
The actual effective bandwidth of the test was 1Gbps, the delay was less than 1ms, and the subjective and objective quality indicators of the video image reached the highest level (the test report can be downloaded from the official account of the Wireless Super Network Key Innovation Laboratory). Compared with the actual indicators of other wireless technologies that have been reported to be put into practical use, it has reached the world's leading level. This long-term successful pilot operation in a real environment is a major breakthrough for Chinese technology in the field of terahertz wireless communication. Terahertz wireless communication technology is a major key technology that affects the future. It is currently the most cutting-edge wireless communication technology and is generally in the research and experimental stage worldwide. This successful pilot indicates that the wireless super network technology is far ahead and has entered the industrialization stage.
Dr. Liu Taixing, the head of Aida Supernet, a company that develops terahertz/6G wireless supernet technology, said that the wireless supernet technology team and the wireless supernet key innovation laboratory are composed of outstanding wireless technology experts who have returned from overseas. They are committed to using self-developed "black technology" to enable customers to enjoy high-end technology with a realistic and feasible high cost-effectiveness, and to provide customers with unlimited network speed - not limited by the environment, not limited by traffic, and not limited by applications, to help China move towards a new 6G era. The development and implementation of wireless supernet technology has gone through a difficult process. He thanked the Hebei Provincial Government, the Hebei Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the Science and Technology Association, and relevant people and parties for their valuable support in this process. It is reported that the world's first large-scale terahertz/6G wireless supernet network has been successfully deployed in other industries, proving its technical maturity.
China Tower Corporation is the world's largest tower company. China Tower Corporation Shijiazhuang Branch (Shijiazhuang Tower Company for short) manages and operates all the towers in Shijiazhuang, the capital of Hebei Province, totaling more than 13,000 towers.
Wireless SuperNet is a large-capacity terahertz/6G wireless transmission technology independently developed by Aida Wireless SuperNet (Hebei) Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as Aida SuperNet Company). It is one of the most cutting-edge wireless communication technologies currently available. The company has a core technical team composed of outstanding wireless technology experts who have returned from overseas and worked at companies such as Google and Qualcomm in Silicon Valley, USA.
The test report and pilot video can be downloaded from the Wireless Super Network Key Innovation Laboratory official account. (Image provided by the Wireless Super Network Key Innovation Laboratory)
Source: China Daily