
Blast! A large number of crawling bugs were found on the sofa in the girls' billiard hall. If you have sofas at home, please be careful!


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On August 24, a girl in Qingdao, Shandong Province discovered a hygiene problem on the sofa in a billiard hall. There were many small white bugs on the surface. The girl thought it was some small powder, but after her phone screen went black, she found that the small white dots were moving, which made her feel uncomfortable, so she observed carefully.

The results showed that there were many small insects on the surface of the sofa in the billiard hall, which was obviously due to negligence in hygiene. There have been many news reports about tiny insects appearing on sofa seats. In 2004, small insects were found on massage chairs at Guangzhou South Railway Station.

The relevant persons in charge should indeed pay attention to this kind of news. After all, for customers, the credibility of the merchant and the degree to which they attach importance to their work are very critical influencing factors. If consumers cannot see the merchant's attention and dedication to the product.

Then it will be difficult to create the impression points that the corresponding merchants hope to create. This is related to the trend of market development. Originally, in the era of weak publicity, the market relied on word-of-mouth spread of local quality to expand its influence, and it was best to achieve the goal of occupying market share.

The same goes for these stores, they all focus on word of mouth in a local area or even the whole area. For example, there are so many chain stores, franchise stores, and even linked stores, all for the purpose of creating a brand impression.

Having an IP that is strong enough to sustain the business and the public's confidence in the product is the first step to a business's success. Hygiene issues are the foundation of the foundation. Once a problem occurs, all other efforts made by the business will seem meaningless.

Business activities must focus on the basics and start from the basics. After these primary conditions are met, then think about issues such as operations and promotion. Just like the saying goes, "If you can't clean up your own house, how can you clean up the world?" This saying also applies to the business field.

If the business doesn't even do a good job of cleaning, how can consumers believe that his service industry can show a good attitude? The people recruited can complete their jobs conscientiously and responsibly. Therefore, the sanitation problems found in the billiard hall this time exposed several problems.

First, what requirements and standards did the billiard hall give when recruiting employees? If the relevant businesses do not meet the highest requirements for sanitary conditions, how can the health of the people be guaranteed? Therefore, businesses need to investigate personnel and strengthen screening standards.

You know, with the development of economic conditions, people's consumption concepts have changed, from "just having it is enough" to quality first. It is impossible for merchants to be completely without economic sense and ignore the important influence of the store's spiritual outlook.

If a reasonable explanation is not given for the situation and no corrective actions are taken, the relevant stores and even similar industries will be questioned. Therefore, many businesses operating facilities such as billiard halls and singing stages are advised to comply with the corresponding industry requirements and standards.

Only when the basic conditions are met can the market recognize their functions and the public can enjoy these entertainment venues with greater peace of mind. As public places, these stores have a relatively large flow of people. In other words, the scope of impact of hygiene issues is also large.

Then the question is, if someone has an accident due to store environment problems, can the store still shirk responsibility? In order to avoid such situations, it is necessary for the store to make internal rectifications and adjust the hygiene attitude.

Second, as a public entertainment venue, with people coming and going, hygiene is often neglected. Some stores even outsource their massage chairs, and their main business is still the products in the store, rather than the services of additional equipment.

So, for this type of equipment problem, businesses need to find suppliers to talk and use better quality materials to prevent insect infestation, avoid corresponding safety concerns among the public, and avoid causing adverse disputes for their own operations.

Take this incident for example. After the incident was posted online, the store was immediately drowned in public criticism. The store hurriedly notified suppliers to seek explanations, but the results were not good. Business was bound to be affected. This is the loss of credibility.

Running a store requires decades or even generations of hard work, but it can be destroyed in a moment. For the shop owner, this incident may really be a lesson for him to learn from the experience and improve his own business.

Of course, as consumers, when we go to these public entertainment venues, we should first realize that the store has a huge flow of people, and we must check whether the hygiene issues are in place. If there are any problems, we should respond in time.

The market's policy order also needs to be maintained by consumers. Just like this woman, discovering deficiencies in a timely manner and asking businesses to improve is actually safeguarding our own legitimate rights and interests, and it also facilitates the actions of subsequent consumers.

In short, the hygiene problem revealed by the woman this time is not an isolated case, but a widespread hygiene neglect in the market that needs to be paid attention to. Therefore, it is hoped that more people can check carefully before entering public places and engaging in entertainment activities.

References: (Shenyang Evening News)

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