
The story of paying tribute to the hero continues, and people around him restore Luan Liuwei's life story


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Gratitude for the heroic deeds, some customers deliberately paid more and "threw" the money and ran away; knowing that the store was short of staff, Luan Liuwei's former colleagues and friends rushed to help...On August 25, the reporter once again visited the Liangjianrongtian Old Beijing Lamb Scorpion Hotpot Xi'erqi store run by Luan Liuwei during his lifetime and found that many citizens came to the store in the rain to pay tribute to the hero. Old customers, store clerks and colleagues at the scene told the reporter their precious memories about Luan Liuwei.

Customers wait in the rain

Citizens braved the rain to pay tribute to the hero

"I sent three groups of customers to the same restaurant in half a day. Why are they all going to eat lamb ribs in the middle of summer?" At around 3 pm on August 25, when the reporter was on his way to a hot pot restaurant, the taxi driver Master Cao asked in confusion.

When Master Cao learned that the owner of this hot pot restaurant was the hero Luan Liuwei who died while saving three drowning children, it suddenly dawned on him. He kept saying, "I saw him on Douyin. It turns out that this is the hero's shop. No wonder so many people have come here recently." Master Cao said,He usually does business within a 20-kilometer radius, and has never encountered a situation where he had to deliver three groups of customers to the same store within half a day.

At 4 p.m., the reporter arrived at the hot pot restaurant. Flowers sent by citizens were placed next to the counter, and the staff were busy shuttling around the restaurant, preparing for the upcoming dinner. Outside the restaurant, the line of customers waiting for the 5 p.m. meal had already reached No. 37. By 6:30 p.m., the line had reached No. 136.Around 7 o'clock in the evening, the rain continued to fall, but more and more customers were waiting for a table. The two rows of plastic stools in front of the store were full of people, and more than 20 customers were standing on the sidewalk in twos and threes, holding umbrellas and waiting for their number to be called.

"We came here specifically to be heroes. We won't leave until we're in line. It doesn't matter if we have to wait a little longer."Mr. Guo and his family arrived at the store at around 5 pm and stood on the steps at the door holding umbrellas. They had been waiting in line for more than two hours.Mr. Guo said that on August 24, he heard about Luan Liuwei's deeds and drove for six hours, covering more than 600 kilometers, to Beijing with his family, hoping to visit the store to pay tribute to the hero and help patronize the store's business with practical actions.

Mr. Liu, a customer, has known Luan Liuwei for five years. After learning about Luan Liuwei's story, he also came to the store to pay tribute to the hero. Mr. Liu recalled: "The first time I ate in the store, I hit it off with Boss Luan. He is a very enthusiastic person with a sunny heart.I have never seen him unhappy. The store is always clean and tidy, and Boss Luan pays special attention to details. He washes his hands with hot water in winter. "

"We met for the last time on August 3, and I took many photos of him playing with my little daughter. I never expected that he would die while saving people a few days later." Mr. Liu said that he learned about Luan Liuwei's death from other restaurant owners. He was shocked and upset.Mr. Liu thought again: "Those of us who are familiar with him know that he has this kind of personality and is very helpful. If he encounters this kind of thing, he will definitely rush to it at the first time."

A dozen guests came and "threw" money and ran away

Bouquet of flowers given by citizens

"The number of customers coming to the store has increased several times over the past few days. There are hundreds of people lining up at noon, and sometimes the store is open until 3 a.m. The store clerks and chefs are also busy from morning to night." Employee Lv Fengchai introduced that the boss's hot pot restaurant had been opened on Zhufang Road in Qinghe for seven years and had just moved to Xi'erqi in the past four months. In the past, people had to line up in the store even in winter, but there had never been so many people.

"The boss's wife was still in her hometown taking care of household chores. After learning about the situation in the store, she specifically reminded us that we must not accept extra money from customers and must thank them properly when returning the money." Lu Fengchai said that in the past few days at least a dozen customers deliberately gave more money and "threw" the money down and ran away.Yesterday morning (25th), when she arrived at the store, she saw an envelope of money stuffed into the crack of the door. Yesterday (25th) during lunch, a customer put the envelope of money under the plate after finishing the meal. The waiter who was clearing the table found it, and Lu Fengchai chased him for more than 200 meters, and finally managed to put the money back into the customer's hand after much persuasion.

"Soon, the customer came back and tried to secretly stuff money into the store, using the excuse that he had forgotten his child's hat. We pushed and shoved him around in the store for a long time before he finally took the money back." These past few days, Lu Fengchai was so tired that she could hardly speak and had lost a lot of weight, but she was still very energetic in the store, politely declining every customer who tried to "stuff" extra money.

In Lv Fengchai's eyes, Luan Liuwei is not only a boss, but more like a "big brother". "Whenever we encounter difficulties, we will ask him for help. Even when business is difficult, he will borrow money to pay employees' salaries and has never defaulted on payments." Lv Fengchai recalled that last year, her husband who worked in Fengtai suffered a sudden cerebral hemorrhage and was sent to the hospital. "At that time, Brother Luan drove me to the hospital without saying a word. He was busy running around and even took an ambulance all the way, traveling thousands of kilometers across provinces to escort us from Beijing back to our hometown in Baoji, Shaanxi."

The colleagues brought their best friends to help.

In order to alleviate the shortage of staff in the store, the hot pot restaurant head office sent employees to provide support in the past few days, and many of Luan Liuwei's friends also came to the store to help spontaneously.

At the door of the store, the reporter met Yang Jiawei, the owner of a restaurant who came to help. He was arranging his employees to work in the store. Yang Jiawei's store is on the same street as Luan Liuwei's hot pot restaurant before it moved. "I just learned that Brother Luan's store is very busy and his sister-in-law is still in Shandong, so she definitely can't take care of the store. So I brought the best guys in the store to help." Yang Jiawei said.

Yang Jiawei recalled: "Brother Luan opened a shop on Zhufang Road earlier than I did. He was good at organizing and helping people. When we asked Brother Luan about water and electricity renovation, business operations, and other things we didn't understand, he would always guide us enthusiastically. If there was anything in the shop that needed to be borrowed, he would lend it to us without hesitation.No matter what problems people encounter, he will come to help first. There is no shop owner around who is not familiar with him, and there is no one who does not speak well of him."Yang Jiawei said.

The restaurant opened at 5pm and a large number of people were already waiting for a table.

Source: Beijing News, Beijing Daily Client
