
Qiao Guanhua's return to his hometown Yancheng for burial was blocked, Suzhou: Yancheng doesn't want us, we don't want you, you can bury him anywhere


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September 22, 1983Suffering from illness, Qiao Guanhua died in the hospital.

People today may not be familiar with Qiao Guanhua, but to people of that era, he was a legendary figure.

Qiao Guanhua once served as China's Minister of Foreign Affairs and made great contributions to the revolutionary cause in his early years.

Strangely enough, his obituary was only 40 words long.When the burial was approaching, many obstacles were encountered in Yancheng.

What is going on?

Qiao Guanhua, the Prodigy of Heaven

The story has to start with his career. His life can be said to be full of ups and downs.

Qiao Guanhua was born into a merchant family in Yancheng, Jiangsu.He has been very smart since he was young.

When other children were still playing in the mud, he was already studying the Four Books and Five Classics with his teacher in a private school.

When he arrived at school, his grades were outstanding.His classmates all said that he was born to be a student.

A proud child of heaven, a young man full of vigor and vitality, 1929,Qiao Guanhua was admitted to Tsinghua University at the youngest age in his class.

In this top university in China, he felt like a fish in water.My grades have always been among the best, and even foreign professors are amazed by my performance.

After graduating from university, Qiao Guanhua went to Japan to study at the Imperial University of Tokyo.

However, no one expected that this inconspicuous choiceIt actually changed his life's destiny.

During that period, he read widely and was particularly fascinated by military theory. He even planned to give up literature and take up military service to defend his country.

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In a foreign country,Qiao Guanhua has developed extraordinary courage and strategy, which laid the foundation for his future diplomatic career.

In 1937, the Marco Polo Bridge Incident broke out and China was in turmoil. Upon hearing the news, Qiao Guanhua returned to China and resolutely joined the anti-Japanese and national salvation movement.

Later, under the introduction of his comrades, he chose to join the Communist Party of China. In this way, an unruly young man stepped closer to the center of the stage of history.

Due to his outstanding performance, Qiao Guanhua's position climbed all the way up.Gradually grew into a mature and steady diplomat.

Even Chairman Mao praised: "Qiao Guanhua's articles are worth two tank divisions!"

In 1955, Qiao Guanhua served as an advisor to the Chinese delegation.Attended the famous Bandung Conference with Premier Zhou Enlai.

On this global stage, he was quick-witted and able to respond with ease, winning wide respect and support for the new China.

Premier Zhou praised him highly and said that the delegation felt at ease as long as Qiao Guanhua was there.

However, what made Qiao Guanhua famous in history and a household name was his outstanding performance in the United Nations.

In 1971, the People's Republic of China returned to the United Nations.As the head of the delegation, Qiao Guanhua was full of confidence.

At the United Nations meeting, he made a powerful speech, every word was brilliant and every sentence was shocking, attracting the attention of the world media.

At that moment,The Chinese people have truly straightened their backs and are proud of themselves., and once again stood at the center of the international community.

What impressed people most was thatQiao Guanhua's long laugh at the United Nations conference.

Faced with all kinds of difficulties from foreign reporters, Qiao Guanhua was not annoyed, but laughed out loud.

His laughter is bold and generous, confident and calm.The smile shows the confidence of the Chinese people and fully demonstrates the spirit of New China.

And the photo of Qiao Guanhua laughing up to the sky,It is still printed in the archives of the United Nations and has become a famous story.

Unfortunately, Qiao Guanhua and his first wife Gong Peng did not get to enjoy their old age.

Gong Peng was his revolutionary partner, but unfortunately died young.Qiao Guanhua was heartbroken and wanted to follow her several times.

But his ideals and responsibilities made him cheer up and devote himself to new work.

Just when his career was at its peak, love quietly came knocking on his door. At this time, he was over fifty years old, but he met true love.

People often say that love knows no age.When Qiao Guanhua met Zhang Han, he finally understood the true meaning of this sentence.

Zhang Hanzhi was a young and beautiful female diplomat. The two of them became friends through work and always had endless common topics to talk about.

The first time I met Qiao Guanhua was during a foreign affairs event.Qiao Guanhua was the Minister of Foreign Affairs at the time, while Zhang Hanzhi was just an ordinary translator.

However, Qiao Guanhua fell in love with the young girl at first sight. He was attracted by her talent and temperament.

She can't help but be attracted to him, but she also worries that she's not good enough for him.

that's all,The two fought side by side on the diplomatic stage, tacit cooperation, tacit understanding.

But in private, they all missed each other secretly, but dared not show it. It was not until they had been together for many years that they gradually let go of their restraints.

In 1982, Qiao Guanhua was diagnosed with lung cancer, and the situation was very serious. Facing the attack of the disease, Qiao Guanhua seemed unusually calm.

Unfortunately, even though Qian Guanhua enjoyed excellent medical resources, he still couldn't defeat the disease.

September 22, 1983Qiao Guanhua's condition continued to deteriorate, and finally the attending physician was powerless and passed away.

On his deathbed, he held Zhang Hanzhi's hand tightly, his eyes full of reluctance. He hoped to be buried in his hometown, Yancheng.

According to his wishes, the funeral was kept simple.His funeral was not grand, there was no solemn memorial service, and even the obituary was surprisingly simple.

People only learned from a brief Xinhua News Agency telegram that this diplomat and revolutionary had passed away quietly.

But Qiao Guanhua's influence is far from gone. The burial of his ashes went through a lot of twists and turns.This also reflects the changes of the times.

Qiao Guanhua's greatest wish before his death was to return to his hometown.

However, when he died in 1983,However, the Yancheng Prefectural Committee found a reason and politely rejected the family's request.

Zhang Hanzhi was heartbroken and fainted several times, but she still managed to hold on and left Yancheng with Qiao Guanhua's ashes.

Just when she was almost in despair,Wu County, today's Suzhou, lent a helping hand.

Local leaders generously stated:"Yancheng doesn't want it, but we do! On the shore of Taihu Lake, on Dongting Mountain, wherever his wife wants to be buried, she can be buried there."

This touched Zhang Hanzhi deeply, and after careful consideration,Qiao Guanhua's ashes were finally buried in Dongshan, Dongting, Suzhou.

Although he had no connection with Suzhou during his lifetime, this beautiful city became his final destination.

The Suzhou leadership's move was a sign of Wuxian leadership's respect for a revolutionary.It is also a courtesy to a diplomat.

As time goes by and things change, with the deepening of reform and opening up, many things have changed, and people's evaluation of Qiao Guanhua has also undergone a major change.

Yancheng gradually realized that Qiao Guanhua was their pride and their wealth.So, Yancheng started the action of "welcoming back Mr. Qiao".

Some of the city's main roads were renamed "Guanhua Avenue"; and a memorial hall was approved to be built at Qiao Guanhua's former residence.

In order to fulfill Qiao's last wish, people even proposed to move Qiao Guanhua's ashes back to Yancheng so that he could return to his hometown.

After the news spread, there was a huge response from the public.Some people think that the old man should be buried in peace and there is no need to go to the trouble of moving his tomb.

Some people also think that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.However, Suzhou did not stop it and instead expressed support.

Thanks to the efforts of all parties, Qiao Guanhua's ashes finally returned to Yancheng.

Nowadays,Next to his former residence, a simple monument stands, telling the legendary life of this great man.

Yancheng also has a new landmark and memorial sites, which have created countless spiritual treasures for future generations.

I would like to use this article to commemorate Mr. Qiao Guanhua and thank him for his great contributions to the motherland and the people.

Reference: Tsinghua University Alumni Association - 50 years ago, the smile of this Tsinghua person spread all over the world

News Noon Report - Revealing the Secrets: The Story of Qiao Guanhua's Burial in Suzhou