
Philippine ship provokes Chinese Coast Guard again: follow supervision, interception and expulsion throughout the process


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The China Coast Guard announced on the 25th that a Philippine ship deliberately rammed a Chinese Coast Guard boat 21551 that afternoon, resulting in a collision, and the responsibility lies entirely with the Philippines. This incident happened just one week after a Philippine ship deliberately rammed a Chinese Coast Guard vessel on August 19.

Gan Yu, spokesperson for the China Coast Guard, said that on the 25th, the Philippine ship No. 3002 illegally entered the waters near Xianbin Reef in China's Nansha Islands without the permission of the Chinese government. The Chinese Coast Guard took control measures against the Philippine ship in accordance with the law. At 14:12, the Philippine ship No. 3002 ignored China's solemn warning and deliberately rammed China's Coast Guard 21551 boat in an unprofessional and dangerous manner. "We warn the Philippines to immediately stop its infringement and provocation, otherwise all the consequences arising from this will be borne by the Philippines," Gan Yu said.

Later that day, the China Coast Guard issued another statement, saying that the Philippine ship had also taken journalists to film the incident, distorting the facts and inciting propaganda and hype. The Chinese Coast Guard monitored and supervised the Philippine ship throughout the incident, resolutely intercepted and expelled it, and the on-site operation was professional, standardized, reasonable and legal.

Recently, the Philippines has been carrying out provocative acts in the waters of Xianbin Reef in the Nansha Islands. On August 19, the Philippine Coast Guard Ships 4410 and 4411 illegally entered the waters near Xianbin Reef in China's Nansha Islands without the permission of the Chinese government. The Chinese Coast Guard took control measures against the Philippine ships in accordance with the law. Its Coast Guard Ship 4410 ignored China's repeated warnings and route control and turned to China's Ren'ai Reef waters to carry out ramming activities. During the period, the Philippine Ship 4410 deliberately collided with China's 21551 boat, which was carrying out normal rights protection and law enforcement, resulting in a collision. Afterwards, Philippine media reported that both Philippine Coast Guard ships were damaged.

In addition, the Philippines has repeatedly hyped up China's "dangerous actions" in an attempt to create public pressure. The Philippines' "South China Sea Task Force" claimed on the 24th that when the Philippine Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources' aircraft was "conducting a routine patrol flight" on the 22nd, China fired flares at the Philippine patrol aircraft from Subi Reef; when the Philippine military aircraft was carrying out a flight mission over Huangyan Island on the 19th, Chinese fighter jets also fired multiple flares at the Philippine patrol aircraft.

Earlier, on August 10, the Philippine military accused the PLA of interfering with its military aircraft patrol activities in the airspace of Huangyan Island. This was the first time that the Philippine military accused Chinese military aircraft of making "dangerous actions" in the airspace of the South China Sea since Philippine President Marcos came to power. The PLA Southern Theater Command immediately refuted that the fact was that the Philippine military aircraft illegally entered the airspace of Huangyan Island and the PLA warned and drove them away in accordance with the law.

Gan Yu said on the 25th that the Philippines has been making trouble and provoking continuously in recent days, which is of a very bad nature, seriously infringing on China's territorial sovereignty, seriously violating the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, and seriously undermining regional peace and stability. He urged the Philippines to immediately stop infringing on the rights and interests, provoking, smearing and hyping.