
Huang Qishan, who has been married and divorced three times, has attempted suicide many times. Now at the age of 52, she only has Du Haitao as her child.


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Who would have thought that Huang Qishan, the queen of pop who once rocked the audience with her high-pitched voice, is now a "single dog" at the age of 52?

This female singer, who has been through three marriages and attempted suicide many times, has a life that is even more exciting than the 8 o'clock drama!

What is most surprising is that she now has only one "godson" - Du Haitao.

What kind of experience has led this once-famous singer to where he is today?

How many unknown secrets are there in Huang Qishan’s legendary life?

Talking about Huang Qishan’s musical journey, it is simply an inspirational blockbuster!

This girl from Chongqing was not born with a silver spoon in her mouth, but grew up in a difficult environment.

Huang Qishan was born in the mountain city of Chongqing in 1968, but fate seemed to have played a joke on her from the very beginning.

Before the little girl had the chance to enjoy the warmth of a complete family, her parents staged a "family separation" drama.

In this way, Xiao Qishan depended on her grandfather for everything. Who could have thought that this would become the enlightenment of her musical dream?

Grandpa was a fan of opera, and he hummed some songs all day long. Influenced by him, little Qishan also developed a strong interest in opera.

Her clear voice seems to be a natural gift, and she herself can't help but joke: "This voice has been like this since I was three years old, it must be inherited from my ancestors!"

I have to say that these genes are really powerful!

As she grows older, Xiao Qishan's musical taste is also quietly changing.

As an adult, she was deeply attracted by the singing of Teresa Teng and began to venture into the ocean of pop music.

This is like opening the door to a new world!

In 1986, fate finally favored this 18-year-old girl.

Huahua Dance Troupe was recruiting new members, and Huang Qishan was immediately selected as soon as she showed off her singing skills!

However, reality is always not as good as imagined.

Life in the dance troupe is simply synonymous with being extremely poor.

When she was broke, Huang Qishan often had to rely on borrowing to get by, and sometimes she even had to starve.

Boiled cabbage in plain water has become her "signature dish", it's heartbreaking just thinking about it!

But this stubborn girl was not defeated by difficulties.

In order to pursue her dream of singing, she resolutely went south to Guangzhou and became a resident singer in a nightclub.

This experience is just like a plot in an online novel, except that Huang Qishan performed it out vividly.

The turning point came quietly in 1991.

Under the guidance of well-known Taiwanese musician Peter Chen, Huang Qishan joined the "Butong 100" band.

This step allowed her to officially enter the entertainment industry.

From then on, her life stage began to become colorful.

However, what really made Huang Qishan famous was the 2013 "I Am a Singer" program.

When her high-pitched voice sang "Waiting" and "Can't Live Without You", the audience was excited!

This once unknown singer became the focus of everyone's attention overnight.

It's simply a life of cheating!

Huang Qishan's love for music is so touching that it makes people want to cry.

She once said affectionately: "Music is the most precious gift in my life. I love it, respect it and regard it as my everything..."

These words are so sincere, it's like he's taking his heart out and showing it to everyone!

Huang Qishan's music career can be said to be on the rise, but her love life seems to have stepped on countless landmines.

The emotional world of this pop diva is even more eventful than her singing!

With three marriages and three divorces, Huang Qishan's emotional journey is simply a real-life "love tragicomedy".

The first time she entered the marriage hall was when she was still a resident singer in Guangzhou.

At that time, Huang Qishan was young and beautiful, and her moving singing voice captured the hearts of countless boys.

Unfortunately, this marriage is like an adolescent impulse, it comes and goes quickly.

The failure of her marriage made Huang Qishan taste the bitterness of life and she almost became devastated.

But the magic of love is so magical that it can always rekindle people's hope.

In 1991, Huang Qishan met her "true love" - ​​music producer Tu Huiyuan.

The meeting between the two musicians seemed like a destiny.

Tu Huiyuan was deeply attracted by Huang Qishan's charming singing voice, and the two fell in love at first sight and began a romantic love.

In 1992, Huang Qishan and Tu Huiyuan got married. For the sake of love, she resolutely left her familiar hometown and moved to Taiwan with her lover.

During this period, Huang Qishan seemed to have devoted all her energy to love, even putting her music career on hold.

It was not until 1994 that she released the album "The Person Behind the Music".

However, it is sad that this pair of lovers who met and got to know each other through music eventually parted ways due to differences in musical concepts.

Music became the catalyst of their marriage, but also the terminator of their relationship.

The breakdown of this marriage dealt a huge blow to Huang Qishan.

She once complained tearfully that the breakdown of the relationship was caused by the other party's betrayal.

After the divorce, Huang Qishan fell into severe depression and even wanted to commit suicide at one point.

Fortunately, her friends found her in time and sent her to the hospital, thus avoiding tragedy.

It is said that the classic song "Cut Love" written by Tu Huiyuan for Huang Qishan was eventually given to Zhang Huimei to sing because of the breakdown of their marriage.

This song seemed to be the swan song of their love.

After experiencing this emotional blow, Huang Qishan remained single for more than ten years.

She chose to go to Singapore for further studies, using learning to heal her wounded heart.

After Huang Qishan participated in the "I Am a Singer" program in 2013, her career reached its peak again.

Perhaps it was the success of her career that gave her new courage, and Huang Qishan entered the marriage hall again.

This time, the ideal husband is singer Zhang Mi’s brother, Zhang Ying.

In fact, Zhang Ying and Huang Qishan knew each other as early as the early 1990s and had a long-term cooperative relationship.

Fate is such a magical thing. It brought the two of them together when Huang Qishan was in the most difficult time.

At that time, Huang Qishan encountered financial difficulties and asked for help from friends in the circle, hoping to get a performance opportunity.

It was this opportunity that brought her and Zhang Ying together again.

As time went by, Huang Qishan found that her feelings for Zhang Ying had gone beyond ordinary friendship.

In order to get closer to Zhang Ying, Huang Qishan also took the initiative to become good friends with Zhang Ying's sister Zhang Mi.

This "roundabout way to save the country" is unique!

However, the good times did not last long. In 2016, Huang Qishan and Zhang Ying's marriage ended in divorce again.

What’s worse is that this divorce was also accompanied by rumors that Huang Qishan had cheated on her husband.

It is said that she had an improper emotional entanglement with musician Lu Yanwei during her marriage.

There were even intimate photos of the two of them in a hotel in Yangzhou exposed online.

With three marriages and three divorces, Huang Qishan's love life is more exciting than a roller coaster.

Every time she entered into marriage with hope, but left with pain.

This experience is probably more touching than any love song she has ever sung.

Huang Qishan's love life is full of twists and turns, which makes people sigh: This is not a love relationship, it's simply playing with life!

After experiencing three failed marriages, an ordinary person would have probably lost faith in love long ago.

But our Sister Huang is not an ordinary person. Her life journey is even more exciting than the eight o'clock drama.

To be honest, what happened to Huang Qishan is really heartbreaking.

Every failed marriage was like a stab in her heart.

Especially the end of her second marriage pushed her to the edge of life.

Imagine Huang Qishan at that time, her career was on the rise, but she suddenly suffered a severe emotional blow.

This contrast is probably more exciting than a roller coaster!

Her inner world is probably more turbulent than the sea in a storm.

After the divorce, Huang Qishan fell into severe depression.

To be honest, I can understand her feelings.

After all, when you devote your whole heart to a relationship, but find that the other person has betrayed you, who can easily bear such a blow?

It is no exaggeration to describe Huang Qishan's condition at the time as "living is worse than death".

She even had thoughts of suicide many times, like a lonely soul lost in the darkness.

To be honest, when I think of this, I can't help but want to give her a big hug.

There was one time when Huang Qishan really planned to end her life.

Fortunately, her friend arrived in time at the critical moment and sent her to the hospital.

To be honest, this is a scene that only appears in movies!

Huang Qishan, you are really using your life to interpret your own life!

But guess what?

Huang Qishan’s ex-husband Tu Huiyuan said this after learning that she wanted to commit suicide:

"You love life so much, I believe you will never do such a stupid thing."

This sentence was like a loud slap in the face, waking Huang Qishan up.

To be honest, although this sentence sounds a bit harsh, I have to say it really works.

It was like a life-saving straw, pulling Huang Qishan back from the edge of the cliff.

Since then, Huang Qishan seemed to have re-recognized herself and began to re-examine the value of her life.

I have to say that Huang Qishan's psychological quality is really strong.

After experiencing so many blows, an ordinary person would have collapsed long ago.

But what about her? She always managed to get up from despair and continue to face life bravely.

This kind of strength is truly awe-inspiring.

Huang Qishan’s experience tells us that life is really fragile, but also very tenacious.

In the darkest moments, just a glimmer of hope can reignite the spark of life.

Her story is simply a real-life inspirational blockbuster!

After experiencing the ups and downs of life, Huang Qishan seems to have finally found her own rhythm.

Although she is still single at the age of 52, she lives a wonderful life.

To be honest, seeing her current state, one can’t help but sigh: This is a winner in life!

Huang Qishan's current life is simply synonymous with "Buddhism".

Without the constraints of marriage, she lived a more comfortable life.

Although she has no biological children, she has a "godson" - Du Haitao.

This "son" is a well-known funny guy in the circle!

Speaking of Du Haitao, we have to say that Huang Qishan really found a treasure.

This "son" not only makes her happy, but also cheers for her on the show from time to time.

With such a caring "son", who would care about not having a biological child?

Huang Qishan now has an attitude of "I am myself, a different firework".

She often shares her daily life on social media and has a lot of fun showing it off.

Looking at her updates, one can’t help but want to give her a big thumbs up!

Look at the photos she posted, how does she look like a 52-year-old aunt?

Her skin is well maintained and in better condition than many young girls.

I have to say that Huang Qishan has lived a wonderful life!

Although she experienced three failed marriages, Huang Qishan was not defeated by life.

On the contrary, she seemed to draw strength from it and became stronger and more optimistic.

This kind of mentality is really admirable!

Huang Qishan now devotes all her energy to her music career.

She still maintains her love for music and often sings on stage.

Every time I see her passionate performance, I can’t help but cheer for her!

To be honest, Huang Qishan’s experience tells us: eight out of ten things in life are not satisfactory, but as long as you have a good attitude, there is nothing that you can’t overcome.

She proved with her actions that at the age of 52, one can still live a wonderful life!

Looking at Huang Qishan now, I just want to say: Sister, you are so cool!

You use your own experience to tell us: the splendor of life does not lie in what you have experienced, but in how you face it.

I hope that in the future, Huang Qishan can continue to warm us with her music, and I also wish her to find her own happiness!