
She became a superstar at the age of 16, and her beauty was no less than that of Joey Wong, but she competed with Anita Mui for a scumbag and committed suicide by cutting her wrists, ruining her life


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Born in a slum, Akina Nakamori would never have imagined that one day she would become a famous singer popular throughout Asia.

But she should have cherished this hard-earned success, but she almost ruined her life because of a scumbag.

During that time, she was deeply trapped in an emotional quagmire, and she never left the scumbag even though he cheated on her many times.

What is unexpected is that Anita Mui was actually one of the many mistresses of this scumbag.

In order to win the scumbag back, she even tried to commit suicide by cutting her wrists, but fortunately she was found and rescued in time.

Since then, she has been blacklisted because of this scandal of the century and is rarely seen in the Japanese music scene.

Just when everyone thought that her era was about to end, she announced her comeback.

What kind of story is behind this?

The Birth of the Original Songstress of the Showa Era

She was born in 1965 in a poor family in Japan with many brothers and sisters.

Her mother was originally a middle-class person, and her dream since childhood was to be able to stand on the stage and sing.

But later, because the family fell into poverty, this dream was buried forever.

So when her mother heard that she wanted to take ballet lessons, she worked multiple jobs to raise money for her tuition because she didn't want her child to have any regrets.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye she was in junior high school. As she became more sensible, she wanted to help her mother share the burden.

In 1978, she participated in a talent show, but unfortunately, she was not selected.

In 1980, he participated in the show again, but was still eliminated.

Unwilling to give up, she participated for the third time after a year of settling down.

This time she found her own style, finally succeeded, and signed a contract with a company.

But her luck doesn't seem to be that good. The company spent 100 million yen to train her, but in return, no one was interested.

In desperation, they could only change their style and make her into a rebellious girl.

At first Akina was very resistant and shouted:

"If I don't like it, I don't like it. I will definitely not sing it."

She even cried and refused to film and sing, but the company would never let a newcomer act unreasonably, so they forced her to complete it.

What is shocking is that the album sold 400,000 copies as soon as it was released, which is a very impressive achievement for a newcomer.

During those years, she was extremely successful. Every album she released was a hit and she won numerous awards.

How great is her influence?

Leslie Cheung regarded her as his goddess, and many Hong Kong singers covered her songs.

Even Tsui Hark extended an olive branch to her, inviting her to play the role of Nie Xiaoqian. After being rejected, she had no choice but to choose Joey Wong.

But all this was ruined by a man. What is the charm of this man?

The bumpy road of emotions

He met Kondo Masahiko on a variety show.

Kondo Masahiko captured the hearts of countless girls with his face, and she was no exception.

She fell in love with Kondo the first time she saw him, and so did Kondo.

The two people who had a liking for each other soon started dating secretly behind the backs of their fans.

Even their two agents would work together to get rid of the media and fans that followed them.

At that time, the two often returned to Akina's hometown, chatted with her family and played poker, and their life was so happy.

But Kondo is a playboy and had been rumored to have cheated on her long before he started dating her.

Sure enough, when the two were still in love, Kondo dated other female stars many times.

But Akina, who thought she had met her true love, didn't care at all. She always fantasized that she would be the one to be with him until the end.

She was totally wrong.

In 1985, Kondo Masahiko came to Hong Kong to participate in an event, and Anita Mui was also present at the event.

When they returned to the hotel, the two just exchanged glances, and thus began a forbidden love.

After the two had spent a few wonderful months together, Anita Mui wanted to end this foreign relationship.

But Kondo was not only unwilling, he also started to use cold violence. Only then did she find out that he already had a girlfriend in Japan.

Anita Mui thought about every little thing that happened between them and believed that he definitely loved her, so she decided to be selfish for once.

That day, Anita Mui was seriously ill and flew to Japan alone to find him.

She started working as a nanny in his home, and Anita Mui took care of all his daily life and even cleaned the toilet for him herself.

What Anita Mui did was just to please herself. Kondo Masahiko became more and more impatient and said directly to Anita Mui:

Stop doing this useless work. You can still live without me, but if Akina Nakamori leaves me, she will really die.

So, the two broke up.

But did Kondo Masahiko really treat Akina well later?

Not at all.

She told Kondo Masahiko that she wanted to get married, but he refused on the grounds that he had no house.

In order to marry him as soon as possible, Mingcai spent 80 million to buy a house for him and even lowered her status to join his new company.

However, he continued to live a life of debauchery as usual, and was even rumored to be having a tryst with her rival Seiko Matsuda abroad.

At the same time, the torture from her family made her feel suffocated.

After Mingcai became famous, all the family members quit their jobs and relied on her to support them.

She felt that she had the ability to make her family's life better.

So we opened bars and coffee shops for them, and business was booming, but all the money went into their pockets.

Later, her mother died of cancer. The building she built with a loan of 200 million yen continued to lose money due to poor management and she was heavily in debt.

But the relatives around her watched her die without helping her, and such family love made her feel heartbroken.

So, under the dual pressure of love and family affection, she committed suicide by cutting her wrists at home.

Fortunately, he was discovered in time and finally survived after 6 hours of rescue.

This incident was widely reported by the media, and Kondo Masahiko became an eternal sinner overnight.

In order to minimize the impact of this incident, he teamed up with various media companies to hide her.

But Kondo Masahiko was engaged to a rich girl and was using the house she bought as his wedding house.

Since then, she has been in a state of decline, smoking and drinking, her voice can no longer sing, and she has become seriously ill.

Thus, the curtain fell on a generation of singing girls.

But what no one expected was that on August 30, 2022, Akina Nakamori suddenly opened her own account.

He also announced that he would return to the music scene to fulfill his unfinished dream.

But the entertainment industry is changing so fast, will she still have a place in the music industry?


After experiencing the pain of committing suicide by cutting her wrists, Akina Nakamori began to re-examine her life.

Years later, she gradually emerged from the shadow of the past and bravely faced the challenges of life.

Today, Akina Nakamori is 59 years old, but she is still active in the music scene.

Not only is her singing voice still touching, but her beauty is still there.

She uses her own experience to tell the world that there will always be ups and downs in life, but as long as you face them bravely, there will always be light at the end of the tunnel.