
A brigade of the 82nd Group Army held a discussion on the "New Era Struggle Outlook" in light of its glorious history


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A brigade of the 82nd Army Group held a discussion on the "New Era Struggle Outlook" in light of its glorious history.
Revisiting the struggle stories to inspire the fighting spirit of strengthening the army
■Yu Wenqi Liberation Army Daily reporter Zhang Kejin
“We must carry forward the glorious tradition of hard work of our predecessors and create new achievements on the new journey”, “Only by devoting ourselves to training and preparation for war, and carefully studying tactics and training methods, can we accelerate the struggle to build a strong army in the new era”... Recently, a brigade of the 82nd Group Army organized a special exchange activity in conjunction with the "New Era Struggle Outlook". Many veterans of the "Daqingshan Model Garrison Company" were invited to return to the army to hold talks with officers and soldiers, and to review the glorious traditions and struggle stories of the company, guiding officers and soldiers to keep in mind their original mission and draw strength from their progress.
"'Boosting the spirit of doing things and starting businesses' is one of the key tasks proposed by President Xi for deepening the political building of the army on the new journey." The brigade leader introduced that after the Central Military Commission's political work conference is held, they will carry out in-depth discussions on the "new era outlook on struggle" and combine it with learning and implementing the spirit of the conference. They will specially invite veterans of the honorary company to the team to tell them about their arduous struggle and further stimulate everyone's enthusiasm and motivation to do things and start businesses.
It is reported that in the 1970s and 1980s, the predecessor of the company was stationed in Daqingshan to carry out national defense construction and completed various tasks excellently. It was awarded the honorary title of "Daqingshan Model Garrison Company" by its superiors. At the discussion site, the veterans told the stories of their struggles during the construction period, inspiring young officers and soldiers to not fear hardships, improve their martial arts and strengthen their abilities, and polish the foundation of fighting to strengthen the army and win the battle. "The more difficult the environment, the more it can train people and the more it can temper hard bones." During the discussion, the company's old instructor Kang Jixi recalled that when they first arrived in Daqingshan, the station was barren. The officers and soldiers built barracks and dug wells by themselves, lived with the mountains all year round, overcame various difficulties such as the harsh environment, and stayed in Daqingshan for more than 10 years with a tenacious and hardworking state.
"Our predecessors worked hard and told us with practical actions how to strive to build a strong army." "The struggle stories of our predecessors illuminate our way forward." ... Kang Jixi's moving narration resonated with the officers and soldiers. They all expressed that they must inherit and carry forward the spirit of their predecessors who were not afraid of hardship, sacrifice and dedication, and complete various training tasks with stricter requirements and higher standards.
At the end of the discussion, the officers and soldiers held a special handover ceremony. As a representative of the veterans, the old company commander Liu Genzhi handed over a flag symbolizing the fighting spirit of the "Daqingshan Model Garrison Company" to the current company commander and instructor, and said affectionately: "I hope you will continue to carry forward the glorious traditions of the company, work hard, take on heavy responsibilities, and integrate your fighting youth into the great cause of strengthening the army."
Relive the struggle stories and inspire the fighting spirit of strengthening the army. As the discussion on the "new era struggle concept" deepens, the officers and soldiers of the brigade actively plan and study war, hone their strong skills of daring to fight and win, and set off a new round of training and preparation.
Source: China Military Network-People's Liberation Army Daily