
50,000 yuan to create a hot search? Don’t let “trolls” disrupt the network ecology


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Recently, media reported that the Xinxiang police in Henan Province successfully destroyed a large-scale "Internet water army" criminal gang with a large number of "Internet celebrities" and "big V" accounts. The criminals artificially created hot searches, misled the public through false traffic, and disrupted the network ecology. Mr. Niu, a car reviewer on the self-media Weibo account, was one of their "service objects". Mr. Niu said: "The video said that it can help quickly increase fans and increase the popularity of the account." After a brief communication with the customer service, he paid the other party 50,000 yuan in "promotion fees", hoping to quickly increase fans in this way.

Nowadays, online media has become an important platform for people to obtain information and exchange ideas. However, with the vigorous development of some online media platforms, some lawless elements have taken advantage of this platform to employ a large number of "online brushers" to create false traffic, manipulate hot searches, and artificially create hot topics, disrupting the order of the network, in an attempt to obtain huge profits in a short period of time.

This kind of "Internet water army" not only damages the legitimate rights and interests of netizens, but also has a serious impact on the credibility of the entire network ecosystem. For this behavior, relevant laws and regulations have long had clear requirements. The "Internet Information Service Algorithm Recommendation Management Regulations" clearly state that algorithm recommendation service providers shall not use algorithms to falsely register accounts, illegally trade accounts, manipulate user accounts, or falsely like, comment, or forward. However, combating "Internet water army" is a complex and ongoing process. To eradicate the threat of "water army", a multi-pronged approach of law and regulation is needed.

Relevant law enforcement departments should continuously improve relevant laws and regulations in response to the behavior of "Internet water army", clearly define its definition, behavioral characteristics and legal consequences, provide a solid legal basis for combating "Internet water army", and severely investigate and punish illegal behaviors such as rumor diversion, public opinion blackmail, brushing volume and control of comments, and paid deletion of posts. Regulatory departments and media platforms should establish and improve the monitoring and early warning mechanism of "Internet water army", conduct real-time monitoring of key websites and social platforms, and timely discover and block the transmission chain of "Internet water army" through big data analysis and artificial intelligence technology. At the same time, a cross-departmental collaboration mechanism should be established to strengthen information sharing and joint law enforcement between public security, Internet information, market supervision and other departments, and carry out precise strikes against online black and gray industries. Those involved in the case should be severely punished in accordance with the law, and typical cases should be made public to form an effective deterrent.

Legal red lines cannot be crossed, and cyberspace needs to be jointly maintained. As an important part of the network ecology, many self-media practitioners are the source of content production. They should establish correct values ​​and consciously resist the temptation of online black and gray industries. They must understand that content quality is always the key to attracting fans and increasing popularity. Those "hot spots" that rely on false traffic will not last long. Only by insisting on originality, deepening content, and producing more high-quality works can we win the recognition and love of readers. The majority of netizens must also learn to look at the popularity of the Internet rationally, not blindly pursue hot searches, not be easily swayed by false information, and use practical actions to maintain the healthy development of the network ecology and truly become the guardian of the network ecology.

Cyberspace is the spiritual home of hundreds of millions of people, and its healthy development is related to everyone's vital interests. We call on all sectors of society to work together to form a joint force to jointly resist fake traffic and crack down on "online water armies" to make cyberspace real and pure, and become an important force for spreading positive energy and promoting social progress.

Source: People's Court Daily, Page 2

Author: Song Bo

Editor: Yang Mengjiao | Tel: (010) 67550948 | Email: [email protected]
