
The world's first "Aurora Pioneer" ship successfully completed its sea trial!


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This article is transferred from [Science and Technology Daily WeChat];
On August 22, the world's first offshore carbon capture and storage ship, the "Aurora Pioneer", successfully completed its first sea trial under the escort of the Dalian Maritime Safety Administration's law enforcement vessel "Haixun 0301". After formal delivery, the ship will become one of the world's first professional ships serving the offshore carbon dioxide transportation and carbon capture and storage business.
The ship is about 130 meters in length, 21.2 meters in width, and 8 meters in structural draft. It was independently designed by Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Corporation and is the world's first 7,500 cubic meters of liquid carbon dioxide transport ship. By applying two innovative technologies, rotor sails and bubble drag reduction, it meets the most advanced Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI Phase III) requirements. It is a cutting-edge product that conforms to the global scientific and technological revolution and green development trend, and will set a positive example for reducing land carbon dioxide emissions.
Source: Science and Technology Daily. The pictures in this article are provided by Dalian Maritime Safety Administration.
Reporter Zhang Yun Correspondent Jing Ziwen