
Focus on 2024 Exchange Week|Liu Baoli: Cultivating professional and skilled talents who are both proficient in Chinese and technology


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On August 24, the second "Chinese + Vocational Skills" education international cooperation and exchange series of activities was held. Liu Baoli, executive secretary-general of the China-ASEAN Education Exchange Week Organizing Committee, said in his speech that vocational education should focus on serving international capacity cooperation, actively connect with Chinese-funded enterprises, analyze the actual needs of enterprises, customize talent training programs for partner countries, develop high-quality "Chinese + Vocational Skills" vocational education standards and curriculum resources, and implement "Chinese + Vocational Skills" education.
In Liu Baoli's view, as the leading effect of the Belt and Road Initiative continues to be released, Chinese companies are accelerating their pace of "going global", and the demand for local, compound skilled and management talents who are proficient in Chinese and have skills continues to increase.
Liu Baoli, Executive Secretary General of the China-ASEAN Education Exchange Week Organizing Committee
Promoting Sino-foreign vocational education cooperation through "Luban Workshop" and other means is part of China's eight actions to support high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road". Liu Baoli said that the China-ASEAN Education Exchange Week takes serving China-ASEAN education cooperation and cultural exchanges, the "Belt and Road" construction, and Guizhou's all-round opening up as its mission goals, continuously deepens China-ASEAN education cooperation and exchanges, effectively promotes personnel exchanges and resource sharing between China and ASEAN countries, plays an active role in serving the country's neighboring diplomacy, and helps build a closer China-ASEAN community with a shared future.
The China-ASEAN Education Exchange Week has always attached great importance to international cooperation and research in vocational education, and promoted the establishment of the China-ASEAN Vocational Education Cooperation Alliance, the China-ASEAN Rail Transit Education and Training Alliance, the China-ASEAN Qingzhen Vocational Education Center, etc.
Liu Baoli said that these institutions that promote vocational education cooperation between China and ASEAN can support the two sides to jointly carry out "Chinese + vocational skills" talent development and training projects, jointly develop "Chinese + vocational skills" education standards and teaching resources, and cultivate localized professional and skilled talents who "master Chinese and are proficient in skills" that are urgently needed for the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" initiative.
Guizhou Daily Tianyan News Reporter Pan Xiaofei
Editor: Luo Qiuhong
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