
Dong Yuhui and Li Juan wanted to end the live broadcast 7 times. Why was the conversation between them so awkward?


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I hope Dong Yuhui can get some inspiration from Li Juan.

Text | Shewen

Dong Yuhui and Li Juan had different interview frequencies. They wanted to end the conversation 7 times, but they couldn't continue.

Dong Yuhui, a popular anchor.

Li Juan, a popular female writer.

On the evening of August 21, the two had a conversation in Dong Yuhui's live broadcast room. One is good at speaking, and the other is good at telling stories with words. Logically, they should be good communicators, but most of the time the two could not communicate with each other, making netizens feel that "the network was stuck."

In the second half of the conversation, Li Juan asked seven times whether it was over. Dong Yuhui tried to save the situation in various ways.

Of course, the audience has their own feelings, some feel awkward, some feel comfortable. Some think Li Juan's social phobia is cute, but I think Li Juan just didn't hide her nervousness, while Dong Yuhui tried hard to hide his inner nervousness or entanglement.

Regardless of whether the conversation was laggy or not, the average number of viewers for this live broadcast was 300,000, and the record of selling 170,000 books still shows the "value" of live broadcast. This should be the most important thing for Dong Yuhui.

Li Juan’s conclusion at the end of the conversation was this: What a strange interview…

I remember it was embarrassing, but I didn't remember what I said.

In fact, as soon as the conversation between Dong Yuhui and Li Juan appeared, there was a sense of déjà vu.

In May this year, when the TV series "My Altay" was on the air, conducted a talk show. The female hosts Wei Bingxin and Li Juan sat on the grass outdoors, with cattle and sheep grazing freely behind them. The interview lasted from day to night, and the two ladies were afraid of the cold and put blankets on their knees.

That live broadcast was very impressive. Both Li Juan's condition and the content of her talk were talked about by netizens.

Dong Yuhui also carefully designed the conversation to be held outdoors, which felt like a viewing platform, surrounded by mountains behind, and the stools were a little higher.

The format of outdoor dialogue was amazing the first time I saw it, but the second time, it was just so-so.

And last time, it seemed that Li Juan and the host were sitting very comfortably. Is it because the stools are too high this time? Why do they look so stiff?

Phoenix Network host Wei Bingxin has been doing reading and cultural programs, and has interviewed writers such as Yu Hua, Liu Zhenyun, and Chen Danqing. In the last interview, you will find that your attention is not on the host, but on Li Juan. The host's "listening sense" may also be the reason why Li Juan can come up with golden sentences frequently.

When talking about the reason why she looks very young, Li Juan said, "Because I don't work, I don't have children, I don't have to worry too much about my family, and I don't have too high pursuits in material things. At the same time, I am not a sociable person and don't need to maintain a complicated social network."

This statement may not be "correct", but it is too true. Later, various articles on the Internet interpreted this statement.

Looking at Dong Yuhui's conversation again, it is difficult for the audience to focus on Li Juan.

Dong Yuhui asked Li Juan how her literary characteristics were formed. Li Juan tried to explain with great difficulty, saying, "This is a talent for learning rather than a talent for writing."

At this time, Dong Yuhui frowned and took out a pen and paper to start taking notes. Li Juan saw it and said, "What are you taking notes for? This is not a meeting."

Li Juan's joke was a natural reaction, and the audience's attention was immediately attracted by Dong Yuhui... I don't want to say that Dong Yuhui was pretentious, but I think this action interrupted Li Juan's speech, which was a bit unworthy. I don't know whether Dong Yuhui wanted Li Juan to say more or less.

Dong Yuhui, who is used to literary stand-up comedy, may not be used to listening to others talk, or he is particularly afraid of "dull silence", because dull silence can easily lead to loss of fans and attention, which is a taboo for live streaming businesses.

Li Juan's self-consistency and Dong Yuhui's entanglement

When Li Juan repeatedly stressed that she was not that confident and was particularly nervous, she might not be that panicked inside. Dong Yuhui, on the other hand, admitted in a previous interview that he had always been inferior since childhood and did not like his current status as an internet celebrity.

As the top host of literary live streaming, Dong Yuhui has previously achieved extraordinary results. He promoted "People's Literature" and "Harvest", making these niche literary magazines a big hit.

But when Dong Yuhui interviewed 2021 Nobel Prize winner in Literature Gurner, the online comments began to diverge. Dong Yuhui, a former New Oriental English teacher, did not speak English during the interview but asked questions in Chinese and waited for translation, and the interview did not seem to cause any response.

Facing the Nobel Prize winner, Dong Yuhui did not show his top-man aura, but was more like an ordinary fan-chasing reader.

In a previous interview with Dong Yuhui, he said: "I can't say for sure that I love myself. At least my current life is not that relaxed, and it's hard for me to say that I enjoy my current life. Except for a few days in Hainan some time ago, I could breathe freely every day. During those days, I felt that I laughed. But I rarely laugh when I am working."

Today, Dong Yuhui lives in a dilemma. Actually, it can’t be called a dilemma. Just like what Quan Hongchan said, everyone has pressure and is tired. It’s just that those who want both commercial success and poetry and distant places will be more tired.

When talking with Li Juan, Li Juan said that her personality would make her keep saying "sorry" to people around her. Dong Yuhui said that people with a people-pleasing personality would care too much about other people's opinions.

In fact, it is not important to care about other people's evaluation. Li Juan has long eliminated the so-called inferiority and cowardice from her literary success and achieved self-consistency. Dong Yuhui revealed in the interview that he had invited Li Juan before, but was rejected on the grounds of "social phobia" and "cats can't leave me".

So is Li Juan trying to please others? No.

At the end of the interview, Li Juan asked seven times whether it was time to end it.

Can we say that Li Juan is "pleasing"? No.

Li Juan then concluded: Anyway, I feel very relaxed during this interview, and you have also felt relieved to some extent.

Neither Li Juan nor Dong Yuhui continued to discuss this, but I think Li Juan is right. I hope Dong Yuhui can get some inspiration from Li Juan.