
A man pretended to be a firefighter and operated a Douyin account, defrauding 4 women of their hearts and money and was detained


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Screenshot of the suspect's TikTok interface. All the pictures in this article are from Shanghai Putuo Police.

Security guard Wang, who loves to watch martial arts skits, gave himself a stage name "Long Shao" in order to "walk the rivers and lakes" with dignity. Even more ridiculous, Wang also claimed to be the captain of a fire brigade to cheat people everywhere, in order to win the admiration of others, and even set up a fan group of 100 people to cheat money and love.

On August 10, Mao, a staff member of a fire station in the area, went to the Yichuan Xincun Police Station of the Putuo Branch of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau to report that their unit had discovered during work that someone had posted videos about firefighters on TikTok posing as a fire brigade captain. After receiving the report, the police immediately launched an investigation.

After investigation, it was found that the publisher of the video was Wang, who has released multiple videos related to firefighting through Douyin and other social platforms since 2021. He not only shot a large number of personal selfie videos wearing fire brigade uniforms, but also posed as the captain of the fire brigade to attract fans' attention. Through further investigation, the police found that Wang was not a firefighter, but a security guard working in Shanghai. At the same time, the police found that there were several reporting videos about Wang on the Internet. After contacting the publisher of the video, the police found that they were all women who had been deceived by Wang. Not only were they cheated of money, but also their feelings.

At around 10:30 a.m. on the day of the incident, police arrested Wang at his workplace while he was at work, and found evidence on his mobile phone that he was pretending to be a firefighter and chatting with others.

After being arrested, Wang confessed his crimes truthfully. According to Wang, he used to work as a security guard in a fire brigade in the city. He watched firefighters train and go out on police duty every day, and he felt very envious. He believed that firefighters could be respected and loved by everyone. After leaving his job, Wang bought informal fire brigade uniforms from the Internet, posted videos on Douyin under the name "Long Shao", and lied that he was the captain of a fire brigade. With everyone's good impression of firefighters, Wang quickly attracted a large number of fans. During this period, some people doubted Wang's identity, thinking that he had a lot of time to chat with people every day, and he didn't work as hard and busy as firefighters. Wang lied that he was the captain of the brigade and prevaricated on the grounds that the leader did not need to participate in training.

At this time, Wang had already fallen deeply into "self-hypnosis". He even added dozens of firefighters to the Douyin group chat, and he did not feel uncomfortable chatting with real firefighters. At the same time, Wang also established a fan group of nearly 100 people, sharing promotional videos about firefighters reposted from regular platforms in the group every day.

Upon investigation, it was found that Wang had deceived four women in the name of "Captain Long". He also demanded a total of more than 10,000 yuan from his "girlfriends" using various excuses such as "vomiting blood and needing to go to the hospital" and "insufficient living expenses".

Screenshot of the law enforcement recorder of arresting the suspect

At present, the suspect Wang has been criminally detained according to law on suspicion of fraud, and the case is under further investigation.