
Putting aside the Taiwan authorities' "going it alone", Kinmen representatives went to Beijing for negotiations, and Lai Ching-te's two confidants made secret visits to the United States


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Putting aside the Taiwan authorities' "going it alone", Kinmen representatives went to Beijing to talk with the mainland. At the critical moment, Lai Qingde's two confidants secretly visited the United States. What topics did the Kinmen representatives discuss with the mainland when they went to Beijing? What was Lai Qingde's plan for sending people to visit the United States?

Hello everyone, I am Ying Qian, welcome to watch my channel.

According to the Financial Times, after KMT Chairman Eric Chu went to the US last week, the DPP authorities also sent a number of heavyweights to the US for a secret visit. It is reported that the two people sent by the DPP this time are Lai Ching-te's trusted generals, one is Lin Chia-lung, the current head of Taiwan's foreign affairs department, and the other is Wu Zhaoxie, the former head of Taiwan's foreign affairs department and the current secretary general of the security department.

The report mentioned that during their stay in the United States, the two men held talks with relevant US personnel through the so-called "secret channels."

Because there is no formal official contact between Taiwan and the United States, Taiwanese officials cannot enter sensitive departments such as the White House, Congress, and the Pentagon.

This is why when Taiwanese politicians went to the United States before, most of them communicated with local so-called think tanks. In fact, there are many former government officials in these think tanks, and they only serve as a "mouthpiece" between the United States and Taiwan.

In order to solve this problem, the United States and Taiwan established this secret channel in 2021. Former US National Security Council Senior Director for Asian Affairs Michael McEwen once said that this "secret channel" is one of the most sensitive and important mechanisms in today's global politics.

This is why the media exposed the matter only after the talks were over, and the content of the talks is still unknown. The White House and Taiwan have kept their mouths shut about it. Even Taiwan's mainstream media Central News Agency quoted the content of the British media in its report on the matter. It can be seen that Lai Qingde's confidants must have discussed some things that are difficult to see in the public when they visited the United States.

During the regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the 23rd, a reporter asked about China's opinion on this matter. Spokesperson Mao Ning immediately warned the United States, demanding that the United States must be extremely cautious in handling the Taiwan issue, stop official exchanges between the United States and Taiwan, stop upgrading the substantive relations between the United States and Taiwan, and stop condoning and supporting "Taiwan independence" separatist activities in any way.

Just when the DPP authorities sent senior officials to visit the United States, a delegation led by Kinmen representatives Hong Yundian and Chen Yuzhen came to the mainland. The Kinmen delegation came mainly to discuss the resumption of normal cross-strait tourist exchanges as soon as possible. Since the epidemic, the Taiwan authorities have imposed strict restrictions on mainland tourists to Taiwan. After the epidemic ended, the DPP authorities still did not relax the policy of mainland tourists to Taiwan. After repeated appeals to the authorities to no avail, Kinmen finally couldn't sit still this time and decided to get rid of the DPP and go it alone and contact the mainland alone.

On August 22, the delegation met with Song Tao, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council. Hong Yundian said during the meeting, "We are originally one family, and we should not speak two languages." Tourism practitioners from Kinmen also expressed to Director Song Tao their hope to restore cross-strait tourism to normal as soon as possible. In response, Director Song Tao said, "We will never let everyone go back empty-handed." It is obvious that as long as they do not interfere with Lai Qingde's separatist behavior, there is nothing that cannot be discussed between the two sides of the strait.

While Hong Yundian was still in the mainland and had not yet returned to Kinmen, the Taiwan authorities were already eager to "take action" against him. According to Taiwan's Ministry of the Interior, they have received a proposal to remove Hong Yundian from the People's Representatives, and a vote will be held before September 16.

Of course, the DPP authorities will not directly use the excuse of visiting the mainland to deal with Hong Yundian. It is reported that the reason for removing Hong Yundian is that he treated his colleagues as "personal servants" and abused the land of the agency to build an illegal guesthouse. It is obvious that they can find any excuse to accuse him of a crime.

Coincidentally, Lai Qingde came to Kinmen on August 23. Although ostensibly to attend the commemoration of the "823 Kinmen Battle", considering that Hong Yundian had just led a delegation to visit the mainland and was suddenly proposed to be removed, Lai Qingde arrived in Kinmen a day later, and within two days Kinmen became the center of the cross-strait political vortex, isn't it a bit too coincidental?