
A "Ding Yizhen-style window" appeared in a clinic building in Jiangsu Province. The Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention said: Stools are usually available.


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On August 23, a video of "Ding Yizhen-style window appeared in the outpatient building of the CDC" attracted attention online. That afternoon, a reporter from Huashang Daily Dafeng News learned from the Taixing CDC that stools were usually provided at the payment window of the outpatient building, but no rectification measures had been taken for the time being because the outpatient department was about to move to a new building.

Netizens posted a video to reflect that when paying for outpatient services at the CDC, they had to squat on the ground

At 22:52 on August 20, a netizen whose IP address showed to be from Jiangsu Province posted a video online, reflecting that a "Ding Yizhen-style window" had appeared at the Health and Epidemic Prevention Station (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) in Taixing City, Taizhou, Jiangsu Province, where one had to squat on the ground to pay, which was very uncomfortable.

A reporter from Huashang Daily Dafeng News saw that the words "Registration and Payment Office" were written on the window in the video, and the window sill was about 1 meter from the ground. A man was squatting on the ground with his arms on the window sill, handling business.

Screenshot of the video circulating online

In the video comment area, some netizens left a message: Buy a small stool, the most expensive is no more than 60 yuan... Another netizen commented: Ask the leaders of the health and epidemic prevention station to come out and see and experience it. Another netizen joked: Secretary Dakang, come and enforce justice.

The Health and Disease Control Center replied: We are currently using the old building, and the new building will be put into use in 2 months

When was the video filmed? Was the incident located in the outpatient building of Taixing Center for Disease Control and Prevention? On the afternoon of August 23, a reporter from Huashang Daily sent a private message to the netizen who posted the video. As of press time, no response has been received.

That afternoon, a staff member of Taixing City Center for Disease Control and Prevention told the Huashang Daily Dafeng News reporter that on the afternoon of the 23rd, the media had contacted them to inquire about the relevant situation.

"The comprehensive outpatient building of Taixing CDC is an old building rented from other units and will be demolished soon. The new comprehensive outpatient building of the CDC is expected to be put into use in two months, so the original outpatient payment window has not been renovated. This situation will not exist after moving to the new building."

The above-mentioned staff member of Taixing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention said that the outpatient clinic of the center rarely sees patients on weekdays, and its main business is physical examination. Citizens only need to submit their ID cards through the window, and it takes very short time.

"There is always a stool at the window, and sometimes someone will take it away, so it is impossible for the staff to keep an eye on it all the time." The above-mentioned staff member of Taixing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention said that they did not know how long the window reported by netizens had been in use. However, they will report the situation reported by netizens to the supervisor in a timely manner to see how to deal with it (rectify it) next.

The "Ding Yizhen-style window" is the window of the Guangming District Petition Bureau "specially designed" by former district party secretary Ding Yizhen in the TV series "In the Name of People". The window is low and there is no chair, so visitors are forced to bend over and lower their heads to talk to the staff inside the window in an extremely uncomfortable posture.

Huashang Daily Dafeng News reporter Chen Youmou editor Li Zhi