
Zhang Zhiyong, member of the Beijing Dongcheng District CPPCC: Let the general public know, love and protect the central axis


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CPPCC website

Second time

It is difficult for us to arrive at the scene in the first place, but we will speak authoritatively in the second place. We will be with you in the second place.

"A square city, nine gates hidden among the Sophora japonica trees, water flowing under the Wanning Bridge, and clocks ringing on the bell and drum towers..." The creation process of this original song "Beijing Melody Central Axis", which won the Best Creation Award in the 2023 Beijing Central Axis Cultural Heritage Inheritance and Innovation Competition, is inseparable from the hard work of Zhang Zhiyong, member of the Dongcheng District CPPCC and chairman of the District Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

Image source: Xinhua News Agency

"Of the 15 components of Beijing's central axis that carry heritage value, 12 are located in Dongcheng." Zhang Zhiyong introduced that in order to deeply explore the cultural connotation of the old city and vividly tell the story of the central axis, in recent years, he has led the Dongcheng District Federation of Literary and Art Circles to carefully plan theme activities, organize artists from various literary and art associations in Dongcheng District to go deep into the streets of Dongcheng for field trips, and mobilize artists from different categories of the Dongcheng Federation of Literary and Art Circles to record more than 100 online courses and activities, and create and publish 11 series of books such as "The Prosperous Love of the Central Axis-"Dongcheng Stories" 2022"; guide the creation of central axis paintings, the musical "The Light of the Central Axis", and the song "Beijing Melody Central Axis"; hold the "Music of the Central Axis" concert, the "Light and Shadow Central Axis" photography exhibition, the Central Axis paper art exhibition, calligraphy and painting exhibition, etc.; go deep into the Municipal Youth League School, the Bus Group and other institutions to preach, and hold activities such as the "Central Axis Creation Sharing Session"; actively create 6D8K "Digital Central Axis" creation; assist in the construction of Beijing Central Axis College, and recommend more than 80 teachers.
Cultural confidence comes from cultural self-knowledge. Zhang Zhiyong believes that oral history and cultural heritage protection should be done well, material heritage and intangible heritage should be organically combined, relevant historical materials should be collated and collected, folk culture and traditional stories should be collected, and the cultural connotations contained in historical relics should be accurately, well and thoroughly told with vivid and lively "Zhongzhi Stories". Cultural heritage should be revitalized and utilized, and the opportunity of "letting history speak and letting cultural relics speak" should not be abandoned. Through rich and colorful cultural activities, the general public should know, love and protect the Zhongzhi.
Zhang Zhiyong suggested that a list of cultural heritage protection and regional resources for the central axis be established in a classified manner, and the cultural connotations and spiritual values ​​contained in cultural relics and historical buildings be deeply explored. Combined with Dongcheng District’s unique cultural spaces, reading spaces, and internet celebrity check-in spots, especially the cultural venues along the central axis, the role of cultural institutions should be brought into play to create a series of communication brands for the central axis to let more people know about the history and culture of the central axis.
"We need to further improve the brand connotation and create more sub-brands that are well-known, popular and lasting." Zhang Zhiyong gave an example. For instance, a "Central Axis Art Exhibition" can be added to the "Appreciate the Central Axis" series, and the types can be photography, intangible cultural heritage, cultural and creative industries and other categories; in the "Taste the Central Axis" series, a "Central Axis Salon" can be held every month, inviting famous masters and central axis experts to talk about the central axis culture; a "Central Axis Cultural Festival" can be held in a fixed month every year, and a series of activities can be carried out in a relatively concentrated manner to allow the public to gradually form brand memories.
"We can also set up mechanisms for public participation and interaction, such as holding interactive activities and conducting social media topic discussions, so that more people can gain a deeper understanding and experience the culture of the central axis," Zhang Zhiyong suggested.
"We should design logos and slogans for the central axis brand activities that are easy to remember, and produce promotional materials that introduce the historical and cultural characteristics of the central axis and the background and highlights of the brand activities." Zhang Zhiyong further suggested that we should give full play to the advantages of multimedia resources, do a good job in mass communication on the basis of systematically sorting out the history and culture and telling the story of the central axis, and use traditional media and new media for three-dimensional publicity. Strengthen cooperation with travel agencies and scenic spots, and incorporate the cultural brand activities of the central axis into the tourist routes. Organize activities such as research and practice, on-site teaching, and immersive experience of the central axis, and carry out cultural publicity and cultural innovation competitions with extensive public participation, so as to promote research and learning through competitions.
Zhang Zhiyong believes that the central axis of Beijing is not only the city line, space line, historical line, but also the cultural line and development line of Beijing. Creating the central axis brand activities requires the joint efforts of many parties and long-term efforts to make the central axis of Beijing shine more dazzlingly.

Reporter: Li Minjie

Text editor: Zhang Jiaqi

New Media Editor: Hong Lin

Reviewer: Zhou Jiajia