
Buying an iPhone instead of Huawei means being unpatriotic? Beijing News: Don’t blackmail Quan Hongchan


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On August 23, in response to the fact that some netizens questioned Quan Hongchan for buying an Apple phone in a shopping mall, the Beijing News published a commentary saying that people should not morally blackmail Quan Hongchan.

The following is an excerpt from the media article:

I'm afraid Quan Hongchan herself didn't expect that buying an Apple phone would actually cause controversy online. Some netizens believe that as an Olympic champion, Quan Hongchan should support domestic brands and buy a Huawei phone, otherwise she would be unsupportive of domestic products. Some netizens even labeled her as "unpatriotic." There is no doubt that this view is not only narrow-minded, but also too harsh in interfering with Quan Hongchan's personal freedom.

It is true that as a public figure, Quan Hongchan's every move may be magnified and interpreted, but this does not mean that her personal choice should be subject to moral kidnapping. In terms of consumer choice, which brand of mobile phone to buy is a personal free choice. Patriotism is a deep emotion and sense of responsibility, but directly linking it with consumer choice is obviously a misunderstanding and abuse of patriotism.

Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei also said in an interview with the media that we should not incite national sentiment and should not simply equate buying Huawei with patriotism.

In today's globalized world, the diversity of consumer choices is a reflection of the market economy. Everyone has the right to choose products according to their needs and preferences. Apple phones have a huge user base worldwide, and their product quality and user experience have also been recognized by consumers. Huawei phones are considered the "glory of domestic products" and are deeply loved by consumers at home and abroad. Quan Hongchan's choice to buy an Apple phone may be based on her trust in the product performance and brand, which is understandable.

In fact, there are many ways for athletes to be patriotic, and it cannot be simply equated with whether or not to buy domestic products. Quan Hongchan has won glory for the country in international competitions, and each of her victories is a great contribution to the country. Through her efforts and achievements, she has shown the world the elegance of Chinese athletes, which in itself is a powerful expression of patriotism.

It should be pointed out that excessive attention to athletes' privacy and moral blackmail not only puts psychological pressure on them, but may also cause wider social problems. Quan Hongchan once said that the close attention and comments from the society made her feel tormented. This pressure not only affects her life, but may also have a negative impact on her career.

As netizens who care about her, we should pay more attention to her performance and contribution on the field instead of focusing on her personal privacy.

Patriotism is a belief that is deeply rooted in the hearts of Chinese people. Everyone hopes that their favorite athletes can achieve good results in the arena and win glory for the country, but they should also create a relaxed and free environment for them so that they can focus on training and competition without unnecessary interference from the outside world. This is common sense in public life, and only in this way can these athletes be free from external interference, perform at their best in the arena, and win more honors for the country.