
The verdict of a female driver who killed eight people late at night sparked heated debate: It turns out that "I am right if I die" doesn't work anymore...


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Following the rules is not only about protecting others,

It’s also protecting ourselves.


I've watched too many cases in the underworld.

It's rare to see something like this in the world of the living.


The story begins in 2017.

Malaysian Chinese girl Shen Keting,

One night at about 3:00 a.m.,

Driving your own car

Driving on the mountain road.

Because it was dark and there were many bends,

She drove carefully and not fast.

Suddenly, at the bend

A group of teenagers on bicycles rushed out,

The car crashed head-on into Shen Keting's car.

It caused heavy casualties, with 8 deaths and 8 injuries.

Shen Keting was frightened by the sudden change.

I called the police immediately.

Stay at the scene and wait for the police.

After police investigation,

The young man who unfortunately died,

The oldest is only 16 years old.

The youngest is 13 years old.

The case

It soon attracted the attention of countless people.

Many people think that

Shen Keting is finished.



After the first and second instance judgments,

Shen Keting was acquitted.

The judge even returned her driver's license.

Why is this happening?

Because Shen Keting was involved in this accident,

Indeed, it is impeccable.

After investigation, the police found that

Shen Keting strictly abided by the traffic rules.

No drunk driving,

No speeding either.

The seat belts were also fastened securely.

And those dead and injured teenagers,

But he didn't take his life seriously.


They were racing like crazy at 3am,

Speed ​​70 km/h,

Even in reverse.


The bicycles they rode were modified.

No brakes, no lights,

He also did not wear any safety gear such as a helmet.

Finally, they are not so much in the car,

It’s better to say “speeding”.

The way these teenagers race is very unique.

The whole body is lying on the bicycle.

Keep your legs straight and parallel to the ground.

Looks like it's flying,

Therefore, this car

It is called "mosquito bicycle".

Because the modified car has no brakes,

When encountering obstacles,

You can only go straight up.


Instead of Shen Keting bumping into them,

It would be better to say that she was bumped into by this group of teenagers.

They didn't take their own lives seriously.

You really lose your life.


So many people were killed.

He was found not guilty?

Isn’t human life valuable?

The victims’ families

This is totally unacceptable.

They appealed several times.

Demand justice.

Even during a court hearing,

The judge overturned the previous ruling.

Shen Keting was found to be driving dangerously.

Sentenced to 6 years in prison,

They will be fined and not allowed bail.

The family members were satisfied with the verdict.

But it caused huge controversy.

It's a pity that 8 lives were lost.

But in the final analysis,

Isn't it their own fault?

Shen Keting only appeared

The unlucky driver at that time and place,

According to the way these young people play with their lives,

Even if it wasn't Shen Keting,

They also hit other drivers.

Shen Keting was dissatisfied with her verdict.

Then choose to appeal.

This time,

She finally got a fair verdict.

The court sentenced Shen Keting to dangerous driving.

Not guilty of causing death.


The judge in charge of this case

He said something very powerful:

“This is the law.

Just because someone died in an accident,

The driver should bear all the responsibility.”


Such justice,

It's too timely and too rare.

The weight of 8 lives is too heavy.

Heavy to many times,

Even if the driver's behavior is impeccable,

The law will also follow the principle of "the dead are the greatest".

Asking the driver for "humanitarian" compensation,

Even bear legal responsibility.


The world shouldn't be like this.

If because someone

Injured, dead,

Or poor, weak,

The law is on their side.

Then those who abide by the rules honestly,

Wouldn't it become a joke?

It is indeed sad that tragedy happened.

But the division of responsibilities

We shouldn't give in to this.

The law should not

Make way for those who ignore the rules.

We should not let innocent people suffer.


Remember the uproar?

Is there a case of an elderly person dying suddenly from smoking in the elevator?

Yang dissuaded an old man from smoking in the elevator.

This annoyed the old man.

There was a dispute between the two sides.

The property management later conducted mediation.

But unexpectedly, after Yang left,

The old man had a heart attack

He died despite rescue efforts.

Afterwards, the elderly man’s family asked Yang

Compensation for various expenses exceeding 400,000 yuan.

The court of first instance held that

Although Yang and the old man's death

There is no causal relationship.

But it is a fact that the old man died suddenly after the quarrel.

According to the principle of fairness,

Request Yang

Pay 15,000 yuan in compensation to the elderly’s family.

Yang was also very sorry about the old man's death.

For humanitarian compensation,

He is also willing to pay the money.

But the old man’s family members were not happy.

One person died.

Who should I give the 15,000 yuan to?

The family appealed.

Ask for more compensation.

The second instance court did change the verdict.

Not only corrected

The first instance court made an error in applying the law.

Even the compensation of 15,000 yuan was waived.

The court held that Yang’s dissuasion process

Stay calm and restrained throughout the process.

No more than is necessary,

The death of the old man,

In addition to having undergone heart surgery,

I haven't been able to control my emotions yet.

Eventually leading to a heart attack.

And inside the elevator

You shouldn't smoke in the first place.

There was nothing wrong with Yang's dissuasion.

Not because someone died,

This would deny the positive significance of Yang's behavior.

The sentence in the judgment:

"The first instance judgment ordered Yang to share the losses;

Citizens who legitimately exercise their right to discourage smoking should bear the responsibility for compensation.

It will dampen citizens’ enthusiasm for safeguarding the public interest in accordance with the law.”

It's really gratifying!

That's how the law should be.

Those who break the rules will have to pay the price.

Instead of letting those who follow the rules suffer.


Why write this article?

Because we have seen too many outrageous judgments,

Various humanitarian compensations,

Judging from various emotional angles,

In the end, it is those who follow the rules who suffer.

The law is not a joke.

It is to safeguard everyone’s legitimate rights and interests.

You followed the rules.

The law will protect you.

Instead of you being poor, weak, or dead,

Let the scales of law tip in your favor.


If allocation by noise becomes the mainstream,

What will this society look like?

First, blindly letting people who don't follow the rules go.

Their arrogance will only become more and more arrogant.

There is a line in "The Taoist Goes Down the Mountain":

The reason why bad guys are so rampant is that

It’s because of the silence and connivance of good people.

How many such things are there?

On the bus

An old lady forgot to get off the bus at her stop.

She asked the driver to stop the car according to her request.

The driver refused.

She hit the driver with her cane.

On the contrary, I am old and I am right.

No need to pay any money.

Sixty-year-old man from Guangzhou

When touring the scenic area,

Quietly climb up the tree to steal bayberries,

As the branches withered and broke,

causing Wu to fall from the tree.

He was sent to the hospital but died after failed rescue efforts.

The family members angrily took the scenic spot to court.

The claim was over 600,000 yuan.

They said the scenic spot did not take good safety precautions.

Another shameless reason:

Who said your trees are so easy to climb?

If the law cannot stop this trend,

Such a bad villain

There will be more and more.


Second, the more bad villains there are,

It will lead to moral decline.

People are becoming more and more apathetic.

"You didn't hit me, why are you helping me?"

It has directly set back China's morality by decades.

So many people reached a consensus.

Doing good things will bring you trouble.

Without considering how much money is in your pocket,

Who dares to step forward?

The woman fell down while riding her bike.

Many people passing by

No one dared to step forward to help.

An old man fell down and couldn't get up.

Many people passed by but no one helped.

A man in white

I lingered around him for a long time.

I want to find a helper.

Finally, no one came forward.

Also chose to leave.

In fact, many times it’s not that they don’t want to save.

But they dare not save them, or even cannot afford to save them.

If the elderly's family

What should I do if I am blackmailed?

What if the family members blame themselves for the collision?

I have no money at all.

How to resist their blackmail?

This is why we have long indulged the "weak"

The worst outcome,

The whole society will become indifferent.

So don't break the rules at the beginning.

Pamper the weak.


Why do I keep on doing this today?

Emphasize the importance of following the rules?

Because following the rules is not only about protecting others,

And also protecting yourself.

Zhihu user @小郇郇

I told you a true story.

When my friend was driving and waiting at a red light,

I was hit by a pregnant woman on her bike.

The traffic police saw that the woman was a pregnant woman.

Let your friend take full responsibility.

There's insurance anyway.

Pregnant women are weak.

My friend gave in out of pity.

Take him to the hospital for examination.

The doctor said there was nothing wrong.

I was given some pregnancy-preserving medicine.

The insurance company reimbursed the cost on the spot and closed the case.

Who would have thought that a week later,

The pregnant woman's family came to the door.

Pregnant women are said to feel all kinds of discomfort.

He also threatened to take the accident responsibility certificate

Go to court and sue.

My friend is looking for an insurance company.

Insurance companies said

It was checked on the day of the incident.

Not accepted.

I went to the traffic police, and the traffic police changed to another person, who said:

“It’s not your responsibility.

Why do you take full responsibility?

Isn’t this insurance fraud?”

Friends can only blame themselves for their bad luck.

Communicate with the pregnant woman’s family members.

The result is that pregnant women

All expenses except production reimbursement.

You see, he clearly followed the normal process.

There won't be any trouble.

I just sympathize with others and break the rules.

As a result, I became the biggest victim.


I remember the incident that shocked the whole country.

"Shanghai old man pushes down motorcycle" case.

The old lady pushed down the motorcycle for no reason.

The car owner suffered a loss of nearly 10,000 yuan.


The old lady was adamant and refused to pay compensation.

The family members have been avoiding him.

No phone.

There was no apology at all.

It is understood that

The old lady had intentionally damaged other people's property many times.

This is how I always get away with it.

The owner decides

Use the law to protect your rights.

The local police did not play it safe.

First, a case was filed for investigation on suspicion of provoking disturbances.

After being arrested by the procuratorate,

The old man was detained in the detention center.

After the old lady died of illness,

The car owner then filed a claim against the old lady's son.

With the support of the court,

The old lady's son was ordered to pay compensation

Motorcycle repair costs 16,704 yuan.

The process was tortuous, but the result was good.

It not only gave justice to the car owner,

Here is another lesson for those who are lucky:

You can't hide from it.

My own mistakes,

You have to pay the corresponding price.

Guan Zhong once said:

"A virtuous king,

Practice governance and repair system,

Our ancestors wore it."

Use morality and human feelings to govern the country,

Can't achieve good results.

Only those who break the rules will pay the price.

Let those who disregard the law suffer the consequences.

Everyone will be shocked.

Also a little fearful.

As Zweig famously said:

"A good society is not the product of morality;

It is a product of rules.

A society

It is not because there is no morality that there is no order.

It is because there is no order that there is no morality.”