
The message from the delivery guy who owes more than 100,000 yuan is heartbreaking and heartwarming: There are 20 yuan at the bottom of the box, please take it if you need it


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Recently, a group of pictures of takeout boxes circulated on the Internet and caused heated discussions. The note on the picture read: Please don't steal my food and car. I am at the bottom of my life and I deliver food to pay off my debts. If you are forced by life, there is 20 yuan under the box. You can use it to have a meal. Let's cheer for 2024. Some netizens were moved by the rider's optimistic spirit and love, while others questioned the authenticity of the picture.

On August 23, a reporter from Zhengguan News contacted the delivery rider Qin Jiatang, who said the incident was true. "The original intention of leaving a message on the delivery box was to help people in difficult situations and to reduce their hunger. I also do charity work because I have received kindness before and hope to pass it on," Qin Jiatang said.

Since he has been noticed by all walks of life, Qin Jiatang has received a lot of kindness from strangers. "Many netizens left messages wanting to donate to me or offer me a free house, but I refused them all. One of the things that left a deep impression on me was that once when I opened a takeout box, I found several hundred cash inside, and no name or contact information was left," Qin Jiatang said.

It is understood that Qin Jiatang, 30 years old this year, is from Liuzhou, Guangxi, and currently delivers food in Changsha, Hunan. Due to family reasons, he dropped out of school at a young age and only went to the fifth grade of elementary school. He started wandering and traveling at the age of 12, selling handicrafts along the way. He ended his journey at the age of 23, and received help from many people during this period.

According to Qin Jiatang, he had previously opened his own gaming studio, but due to various reasons the studio was closed down and he owed more than 100,000 yuan in foreign debt, so he chose to deliver food to pay off his debts.

Qin Jiatang told the reporter that during the normal operation of the studio, he had planned to cycle around the world, and he also accumulated a lot of cycling experience during that time. In Qin Jiatang's opinion, "delivery is similar to cycling tourism. When I was cycling, I also set up tents along the way. Now I also use tents for delivery. I feel very comfortable."

In addition, Qin Jiatang has opened his own social media account to share his personal experiences and interesting stories during the delivery process with more people. He is a real "slash youth". "I work two jobs at the same time every day, hoping to earn more income," Qin Jiatang said.