
As soon as the Kinmen representatives arrived in Beijing, Lai Qingde rushed to Kinmen, fearing that the mainland would "cut off the firewood"


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Representatives of Kinmen's people went north to Beijing to discuss cooperation with the mainland. A few days later, Lai Ching-te urgently went to Kinmen, fearing that the mainland would "cut off the source of funds".

At present, the situation in the Taiwan Strait is at a delicate stage. The sudden visit of Taiwan leader Lai Ching-te to Kinmen is nothing more than promoting the "Taiwan independence" theory, exaggerating the tense atmosphere, and continuing to create cross-strait confrontation. However, it may not have much effect, and in the end, the form is more important than the meaning.

[Taiwanese leader Lai Ching-te suddenly went to Kinmen]

However, the DPP must go through the motions in Kinmen, because in recent cross-strait exchanges, Kinmen has shown an increasingly strong sense of autonomy. First, people from all walks of life on the island launched a joint signature campaign, demanding that the DPP authorities fully support the construction of the Xiamen-Kinmen Bridge, and then they also demanded that Kinmen be "demilitarized";

Immediately afterwards, Kinmen also sent a local delegation to Beijing, preparing to bypass the rules and regulations set by the DPP authorities and discuss cooperation directly with the mainland.

These developments are happening right under the nose of the DPP. Although Kinmen is the KMT's stronghold in terms of the political distribution on the island and the DPP does not have much of a base here, due to the special and sensitive geographical location, Lai Ching-te cannot help but pay attention to it.

However, despite the importance attached to it, the DPP authorities have very limited options. Kinmen’s demands are nothing more than a few: first, to ensure basic living standards, then to continue to promote local economic development, and finally to avoid being pushed to the front line of confrontation with the mainland and to “demilitarize” as much as possible.

Let's first look at the basic living standards. Kinmen now relies entirely on the "small four connections" project, namely water supply, electricity supply, gas supply, and bridge supply. Water supply, needless to say, is the earliest project implemented. Electricity and gas supply also have mature technical solutions. Now we have reached the last step, "bridge supply", and now is the critical moment.

[The Kinmen local organization sent a delegation to Beijing]

Kinmen has recently initiated a joint signature and headed north to carry out the work. These actions fully demonstrate that local agencies are carefully considering it. Even if they face huge resistance from the DPP authorities, they will cooperate with the mainland to push the construction of the Xiamen-Kinmen Bridge to the end and complete the last link of the "Mini Four Links" project.

Then there is the development of local economy. Kinmen and Xiamen are across the sea from each other, and the "economic living circle of the two places" has become the general trend, which the people of Kinmen will not deny, so cross-strait exchanges are the most urgent needs among urgent needs.

However, we have also seen the DPP's attitude towards cross-strait exchanges in recent years. If cross-strait exchanges are too close, the DPP's "Taiwan independence" line will lack a fertile soil for survival. Therefore, Lai Qingde's administration often sets restrictions for unfounded reasons and turns a blind eye to the voices on the island.

Even in the face of increasing pressure, the Lai Ching-te administration has mostly made verbal statements and rarely taken practical actions, which has further strengthened Kinmen's determination to distance itself from the DPP authorities.

[In cross-strait affairs, Kinmen's independence tendency is getting stronger]

The last one is "demilitarization", which is a commonplace topic. Kinmen was also involved in artillery battles in the past because it is close to the mainland. Overall, the intensified confrontation between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait has the most obvious impact on Kinmen.

We also know that since the vicious ship collision incident at the beginning of the year, the mainland has significantly strengthened patrols and law enforcement in the Xiamen-Kinmen waters, and the so-called "restricted waters" on the island have become meaningless.

The Democratic Progressive Party has also been planning to strengthen its military deployment in Kinmen, both openly and covertly. There was news before that US military personnel appeared in Kinmen and participated in the daily training of the Taiwan military.

Kinmen is particularly worried that if Lai Ching-te continues to act like this, he will be forced to take the lead in the cross-strait confrontation. But on the other hand, if "demilitarization" can be achieved, it will be able to focus on in-depth interaction with the mainland and become the "vanguard" of Fujian-Taiwan integration.

[Xiamen and Kinmen are across the sea from each other, and Kinmen relies entirely on the mainland for basic living security]

The DPP authorities can neither meet nor want to meet these three demands, because this would undermine Lai Ching-te's "Taiwan independence" line.

This is Kinmen's urgent need. No matter how much Lai Ching-te speaks, it cannot cover up his "Taiwan independence" nature. For the people of Kinmen, the DPP's retrograde actions have made them live in constant fear in the tense atmosphere across the Taiwan Strait, which is the biggest original sin.

Therefore, if Lai Ching-te continues to show off his "Taiwan independence" theory in Kinmen, it will only accelerate Kinmen's move closer to the mainland.

In the final analysis, national reunification is the general trend, and no matter who is in power on the island, this will not change. Over the years, the Kuomintang and the Democratic Progressive Party have taken turns in power, and cross-strait relations have been up and down. We have gradually recognized the nature of political parties on the island, and the reunification process still needs to be led by the mainland.

But then again, although unification is the general trend, we cannot just sit and wait for the general trend to come to us, but we must take the initiative to create opportunities, both politically, militarily and economically. We must give the necessary pressure and continue to promote the necessary exchanges, and we are indeed doing so.

[To promote unification, the necessary pressure must be exerted]

Kinmen is closest to the mainland, so it feels this trend the most. The Lai Ching-te administration is out of reach. The DPP administration is now focusing on promoting US-Taiwan ties, rather than taking care of the people's livelihood demands on the island.

It is worth mentioning that when Lai Qingde went to Kinmen, foreign media also released news that the heads of the Taiwan authorities' defense and foreign affairs departments "secretly" visited Washington to conduct "special channel" dialogues with the United States. Although it was said to be a secret, foreign media got the news early, which shows that they are not very low-key.

This "two-pronged" deployment actually leads to the same goal. No matter in what occasion, as long as it involves cross-strait relations, the DPP's "Taiwan independence" face will be thoroughly exposed.