
The Kuomintang criticized the pro-green wing group for illegal fundraising and reported: Where did the more than 7 million New Taiwan dollars go?


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The pro-green wing group "Keelung Youth Front Association" recently opened a fundraising platform "Zhezhe" to raise funds for the Keelung recall case. On the 23rd, the Kuomintang revealed in front of the Taiwan Supervisory Agency that the recall is a political activity and the relevant fundraising should be regulated by the "Political Donation Law". Taipei City Councilor You Shuhui said that the association is a foundation, but it is selling dog meat under the guise of sheep, pretending to be famous for community building, but actually raising political donations. Lawyer Pan Aijia said that the donation of more than 7 million yuan (New Taiwan dollars, the same below) has no way to be supervised, and it is not known where the money is spent. It has already involved the risk of money laundering, so he signed a report to the Taiwan Supervisory Agency and called for an investigation and punishment as soon as possible.

As the petitioner, Pan Aijia explained that the "Political Donation Law" has very strict regulations on the receipt and use of political donations to ensure the fairness and justice of political activities. However, in Keelung City, pro-green groups raised funds through the "Zhezhe Fundraising" platform, which violated the provisions of the "Political Donation Law". The cash donated by people on the platform cannot be supervised and the purpose is unknown. In other words, it can be found that this recall is basically a mobilization of hatred. It is not only a waste of money and energy, but also involves the potential risk of money laundering, which is unacceptable to the people. Please ask the Taiwan supervisory agency to actively deal with it to put an end to the chaos.

Lawyer Ye Qingyuan pointed out that the "Political Donation Law" clearly stipulates that candidates or political groups who want to accept political donations must first report to the Taiwan Supervisory Agency, and only after approval can they open a special account for political donations. However, after checking, no relevant groups seeking to recall Liang have set up special accounts with permission. After reporting to the Taiwan Interior Agency in early June, the Taiwan Interior Agency replied that this part should be investigated and punished by the Taiwan Supervisory Agency. If the Taiwan Supervisory Agency does not take any action, it is not ruled out that a criminal complaint will be filed with the District Prosecutor's Office in accordance with the provisions of the "Political Donation Law".

You Shuhui pointed out that the group that called for the recall of Liang raised funds on the fundraising platform through the "Keelung Youth Front Association". The association is a corporate entity, and its purpose is to organize cultural and youth activities. Using it for political fundraising is a false pretense, and violates the purpose and charter of the consultation association. You Shuhui said that the more than 7 million yuan raised by the group that called for the recall of Liang has not yet been disclosed in its account details. She called on the association to disclose the purpose and details of the fundraising, and called on Taiwan's supervisory agencies and the Taiwan Interior Department to keep a close eye on it.

Taipei City Councilor Xu Hongting pointed out that Pan Aiga had asked the Taiwan Interior Department in early June whether the "Keelung Youth Front Association" had illegally raised funds. The unit immediately replied pointing out that such a situation was illegal. He asked why the Taiwan supervisory agency had not dealt with it from June to now, and called on it to intervene immediately and impose penalties.

Lin Jingxian, Taiwan correspondent of Strait Herald