
Trane Technologies sees thriving growth opportunities across multiple vertical markets and will continue to invest


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Shanghai, August 21 (Reporter Chen Jing) "We have achieved double-digit growth in the Asia-Pacific market (including China) for two consecutive years (2022 and 2023). "Carrie Ruddy, global senior vice president and chief corporate communications and marketing officer of Trane Technologies, a global innovator of temperature control systems, said in an interview with reporters in Shanghai on the 21st, "We have currently discovered some vertical markets with booming growth opportunities in the Chinese market. Combined with our technological advantages, we can achieve good future growth in the segments of these vertical markets."
She cited data centers, new energy vehicles, photovoltaic industry, semiconductors and other fields. "We are confident in the continued growth of the future market in these fields." Carrie Ruddy said frankly, "Trane Technologies is highly aligned with the Chinese government in terms of sustainable development. In the future, we will continue to increase investment in products, technologies and solutions to support China in accelerating the achievement of its 'dual carbon' goals."
Carrie Ruddy explained: “Trane Technologies is particularly strong in the field of energy-saving renovation. Through equipment upgrades and intelligent control system optimization, as well as one-stop complete solutions, we can effectively reduce the air conditioning energy consumption of existing buildings, helping to achieve the long-term goals of energy conservation, cost reduction and sustainable development.”
Carrie Ruddy, global senior vice president and chief corporate communications and marketing officer of Trane Technologies, came from the United States to participate in the one-week "Spirit" Bud Tour - Trane Technologies STEM Enlightenment Classroom 2024 Summer Camp, and was interviewed by reporters. (Photo provided by Trane Technologies)
Regarding investment in China, Carrie Ruddy believes that China is one of Trane Technologies' most important markets worldwide. According to reports, Trane Technologies, which has been deeply rooted in China for 30 years, currently has 3,600 employees and four manufacturing bases in China, and global R&D centers in Shanghai and Taicang, responsible for R&D projects around the world and in the Asia-Pacific region.
It is revealed that in recent years, Trane Technologies has continued to invest in the Chinese market. "For example, this year, we have built a new factory covering an area of ​​25,000 square meters in Wujiang, which is mainly responsible for the company's transportation temperature control business. In 2022, we invested in a localized production line in the Taicang factory to achieve self-made mass production of rotors, an important component of air conditioners." Carrie Ruddy introduced, "We continue to help upstream and downstream suppliers improve their technical level. Because only when they produce high-end components can they better enhance Trane Technologies' own product innovation capabilities, and then support the development of high-tech industries we serve, such as semiconductors, data centers, and new energy vehicles. "
Carrie Ruddy told reporters, "We attach great importance to investment in talent development." Last year alone, Trane Technologies added 400 positions, covering sales, service, project management and other fields. "Paying attention to the attraction, development and retention of talents; creating a diverse and inclusive working environment and corporate culture for employees are all talent development strategies of Trane Technologies." She said that Trane Technologies maintains good cooperation with well-known domestic universities and jointly established the "Future Women Engineers Scholarship Program" to enhance the diversity of the talent team and reserve talents for the future.
During the Trane Technologies STEM Enlightenment Classroom 2024 Summer Camp, children experience a mini air conditioner model. (Photo courtesy of Trane Technologies)
Trane Technologies also continues to invest in educational public welfare projects such as the "STEM Enlightenment Classroom" to contribute to the development of the next generation of talents. It is understood that the "Spirit" Bud Journey hosted by Trane Technologies - Trane Technologies STEM Enlightenment Classroom 2024 Summer Camp has just ended. During the week-long exploration trip, teachers and students from Leishan, Guizhou and Qingchuan, Sichuan visited Trane Technologies' Asia-Pacific R&D Center and manufacturing base, and experienced the charm of cutting-edge refrigeration technology.
"Every child should have the opportunity to experience the charm of science and pursue their dreams." Carrie Ruddy came all the way from the United States to attend the summer camp and interact with the children. She said: "Through this summer camp, we hope to build a bridge for children from remote mountains to explore the world of science in depth, so that they can learn through experience and grow through exploration."
Since its launch in 2022, Trane Technologies' "Going into the Mountains, Changing the Future" STEM enlightenment classroom project has carried out more than 540 class hours, benefiting more than 2,000 students in Guizhou and Sichuan. Carrie Ruddy pointed out in an interview with reporters: "On the one hand, we will provide students with some scientific practical experience, so that students have the opportunity to operate experiments by themselves in addition to listening to lectures and learning book knowledge in daily classes, and experience the fun and vividness of science firsthand, so that they can more easily integrate into the world of science."
"On the other hand, in the two years since the project was launched, nearly 1,000 Trane Technologies employee volunteers have shared their professional skills and valuable experience with students, helping rural students better plan their future career development." Carrie Ruddy revealed that starting from September, Trane Technologies will continue to invest more resources to expand the project to Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and Qinghai provinces, bringing STEM courses to nearly 2,500 rural students. (End)