
US experts instigate Taiwan authorities to follow Ukraine's example and "raid the mainland"


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The American experts were wishful thinking. Seeing Ukraine's successful raid and intrusion into Russian territory, they quickly urged the Taiwan authorities to follow suit and offered many vicious strategies, which were extremely despicable.

According to Taiwanese media reports, Michael Rubin, a "scholar" from an American think tank, published an article in an authoritative American publication, which caused a "carnival" among the "Taiwan independence" forces on the island.

The expert suggested that the Taiwan authorities could learn from the Ukrainian army's current military operation to invade Russia's Kursk Oblast and take the initiative to launch an attack to "raid the mainland."

[US military aid to Taiwan]

This view is very popular in American political circles. Looking at the resume of this expert, as expected, this so-called "expert" once served as an adviser to the Office of the U.S. Secretary of Defense and is a staunch "anti-China" force.

The expert also clamored that for the Taiwan region now, "offense" is the best defense. In order to achieve this goal, the Taiwan authorities can take the following measures.

First, the Taiwan military launched artillery attacks on Xiamen from Kinmen and took similar measures to threaten all coastal cities. Even if this caused tens of thousands of casualties, it would be a "just act."

Second, the Taiwan military can specifically target densely populated areas and facilities such as dams, causing chaos while distracting the mainland's attention.

Third, the Taiwan military dispatched special forces to carry out infiltration missions and contacted neighboring countries of mainland China to launch attacks simultaneously.

It has to be said that these strategies are extremely vicious. Not only do they target ordinary people, but they also conform to the "wishes" of the Taiwan authorities.

In fact, the bad ideas proposed by this American expert are not new. The Taiwan authorities have been trying to make such moves many times in the past and have been constantly plotting to achieve these goals.

For example, the Taiwan military once included the so-called "decisive battle outside the region" plan in its "white paper", and its core goal was to bomb the Three Gorges Dam.

For example, the Taiwan military has recently announced a series of research results on "cutting-edge weapons", including a "Qingtian" missile that is said to have a maximum range of 2,000 kilometers and a strike range that can cover Chongqing. Of course, the authenticity of this equipment is highly controversial, and some believe that the Taiwan military cannot produce it at all.

[The reliability of Taiwan’s “Qingtian” missile is in doubt]

In addition, not long ago, the Taiwan military openly announced that it would hold live-fire artillery exercises in the Kinmen Islands, with its simulated targets being coastal cities on the mainland. In the end, the exercise was shelved due to the PLA's circumnavigation of Taiwan.

Not to mention that in recent years, the United States has secretly shipped various weapons to Taiwan, which has made the Taiwan military threatening to a certain extent.

These dangerous actions all prove one thing, that is, the Taiwan authorities do have the ambition to threaten the mainland in a "preemptive" manner, but the question also arises, do the Taiwan authorities have the strength to do so?

The answer is of course no. First of all, there is no comparability between the situation in Taiwan and Ukraine. It is extremely ignorant for American experts to compare the two.

Secondly, Russia was not prepared for Ukraine's surprise attack, but the mainland is always vigilant about the ambitions of the Taiwan authorities and has clearly warned the Taiwan authorities that "using force to seek independence" will ultimately lead to death.

Finally, compared with Ukraine, the Taiwan authorities can obtain very little external "military aid" and so-called "strategic depth", not to mention that the PLA's routine patrols day after day have set up a "dragnet" for the Taiwan authorities.

If the Taiwan authorities want to launch a "live and die" surprise attack, we will no longer be polite. The People's Liberation Army's "military reunification" operation will be like an autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, cleanly and efficiently sweeping away all the resistance of the Taiwan military and completely shattering the fantasies of the Taiwan authorities and the foreign forces behind them.

[People's Liberation Army's Operation Around Taiwan]

As the military strength of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait increases and decreases, if the Taiwan authorities believe the US's "lies" and blindly launch an attack on the mainland, the fate of such a "vanguard" will surely be very tragic.

The US's mentality of "fearing chaos in the world" is one of the reasons why the situation in the Taiwan Strait has developed to this point today. We must not only be cautious about the ambitions of the Taiwan authorities, but also not take lightly the "small moves" of foreign forces.