
There is a sea hidden at the foot of Mount Lu?


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After the beginning of autumn, the heat of summer began to gradually dissipate. If you still want to catch the feeling of summer (in China), we recommend you to come to Wuning Xihai. Wuning County is a small town where "the mountain is in the city, the city is in the water, the water is in the green, the green is in the people, and the people are in the painting", but it is also a place that even developers think has not been developed well. Like many people, we started our trip from the most popular tag of Xihai on Xiaomoushu, but we were inevitably disappointed because leaving the scenic area, Xihai is more exciting, more natural, and more interesting. If it appears in the form of a conclusion, we would like to say that Wuning Xihai is suitable for water sports enthusiasts, diving enthusiasts, bird watching enthusiasts, niche tourist destination enthusiasts, surrounding short-distance travelers and people who like the Maldives. In short, it is suitable for more people than now know it.

If you type "West Sea" into a search engine, you will see phrases like "Wuning West Sea", "Lushan West Sea", "Jiangjunxia West Sea Rafting" and so on, which are so similar that you don't know how to combine them. Which West Sea are we talking about? First, let's define the scope of our destination.

"West Sea" was originally named Zhelin Reservoir, located between Yongxiu County and Wuning County in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province. Yes, West Sea is not a "sea", but a freshwater lake formed by the Zhelin Dam, the largest earth dam in Asia, which intercepts the Xiu River and stores water. It is located to the west of Mount Lushan, and more than two-thirds of its waters are in Wuning County, which is the origin of "Wuning West Sea" and "Mount Lushan West Sea". You can reach this quiet place in an hour's drive from Changbei Airport.

To locate Xihai, we can indeed locate Lushan first. Lushan is bordered by the Yangtze River in the north, Tengwang Pavilion in the south, and Poyang Lake in the east. Xihai is close to Lushan, and all the scenery near it can be reached by car in Xihai.


Scenic spots

Taking a boat trip from the official "Lushan West Sea Main Scenic Area" is the first step for almost everyone to enter the West Sea. Like many friends who learned about the West Sea from social media, my first stop in the West Sea also started from here.

You can go to the island by boat if you buy a boat ticket from Zhelin Lake Scenic Area. The 160 yuan includes the price of the boat and you can go to 7 islands. We chose route A.

"Woo--" With a short, small whistle, the cruise ship left the dock and headed towards the center of the West Sea.

The surroundings changed from scenic spots to absolutely green peaks, and the water gradually changed from lake blue that completely reflected the sky to green. Outside the right window, you can see a tree standing on the water. This tree is called "the tree left in the sea", and the locals call it the West Sea Fairy Tree. During the 1998 flood, the tree was submerged for more than two months and completely withered. The next year, it was found to have miraculously revived. Today, as a symbol of life's resilience and eternal loneliness, it undertakes the work of making wishes from many cruise ships.

The lake is surrounded by mountains. The waves gradually rise, and the boat gradually shakes with a sense of grandeur. These islands are actually mountains in the past. Time has turned rivers into lakes and seas, and hills into islands. The birth of Zhelin Reservoir has unintentionally created the beautiful West Sea.

Get off the boat and go to the island. Yunju Island is quiet and peaceful, with both water and lake colors. You can see the blue sea and beaches like the Maldives when going up and down the mountains; you can see peacocks, squirrels and other animals on Ruoxi Island; Xihai Star is the commanding height of the scenic area. After climbing the tower, if you are brave enough, you can have a panoramic view of large and small islands (but I am just a five who started shaking when I stood on it, so I couldn’t see anything clearly). According to the report of the companions in front: From a high place, the layers of mountains and ridges disappeared, and the mountains became a miniature landscape like a three-dimensional sand table. The most iconic heart-shaped island picture in Xihai can be seen here.

In fact, when we get here, we have already visited all the most popular and out-of-the-circle scenes of Lushan West Sea in Xiaomou's book, including the Golden Dragon Bridge, the Heart-shaped Island, and the Tree in the Sea. But if you want to see a more natural West Sea, believe me, it is worth it. I can say subjectively that the main scenic spot of Lushan West Sea is not an object worth checking in. On the one hand, the scenic spot is completely based on nature. It is a bit monotonous to go up and down the mountain. The ratio of 7/900 is not convincing enough for beauty, at least it has not reached the level of Amway that local friends continue to recommend from the bottom of their hearts. On the other hand, the infrastructure of the scenic spot is too old. The "coffee" of 38 yuan a cup in the sky cafe is a dream back to the 1990s. After living in the local area for three days, we want to say that there is a less commercial and more enjoyable way to understand Lushan West Sea.

Jiujiang is a place where many waters converge and water and mountains blend together, so the focus of coming to Xihai is to understand the mountains and waters.


Start with Water

Understanding the West Sea

The first step to understanding mountains and waters is to go into the water and go in front of the mountains.

Xihai has a variety of water activities, including electric floating boards, paddle boards, wakeboarding, canoeing to the island, etc.

Almost all the homestays and hotels around the West Sea can provide these functions.

Yongguichuan Wuning Xihai, where I live, is located on the shore of Xihai Lake, on a cape peninsula that extends into the lake. It is surrounded by the sea on three sides and is a secluded place. Each of the projects mentioned above can be realized in the hotel.

Looking out from my room, the view is filled with the calm water. It is still summer in the West Sea. I set the air conditioner to normal temperature at night, and the glass is full of fog in the early morning. Traveling may mean continuous sensitivity of vision, smell and hearing. Every morning, when I draw the curtains, it is like drawing a romantic stage background. The whole room is filled with insects. After the mist dispersed a little bit, the sun came in, and the whole space presented a gentle, stable and comfortable atmosphere. Open the window, you can hear the birds singing. This peaceful picture not only makes me focus, but also hypnotizes me. For three consecutive days, I felt calm while watching the sky change from black to dark blue, light blue, and finally to white.

Then you can go to make an appointment for the project. Among all the projects, the one that you must not miss is the jet ski. This is a suggestion for everyone.

The jet ski has a stable buoyancy, so even those who are afraid of water sports will not feel dangerous. With the left hand for the brake and the right hand for the accelerator, after receiving training from the instructor, you can speed on the water for an hour under the escort of the other party.

No one can tell you how vast the 300 square kilometers of water is unless you set out on your own. But our experience shows that one hour is enough for you to reach the mountains.

At first I tried to travel at a slow speed. The lake was calm and the water was clear and transparent, as bright as a mirror. The mountains were far away and the water reflected everything, like a sparse and light landscape painting, which broadened my mind.

There are also paths in the water. Beginners need to follow the waves of the instructor, or avoid them. Break through the obstruction of the waves of the car in front and run safely in a straight line, and the instructor will let you go first. At this time, you can move freely. The mountains that I could only see and imagine from a distance on the big boat yesterday are right in front of me. I stopped to look closely and saw a variety of trees on the soil and rocks. I remembered that these islands used to be mountains, and I felt differently.

Offshore, speed up, circle, the motorcycle jumps up, presses out waves! The water marks are stacked, and the spirit is refreshed. The whistling sea breeze in your ears when driving at a high speed is an experience you can't have on land. When the speed exceeds 50, all the small thoughts that linger in your mind have to be thrown away. The last sweet memory in my mind is that you can always see a small rainbow on the side of the water facing the sun. If the speed increases, you can only hold the handlebars and look forward. You can only do this, without distraction.

The jet ski has a fast way of going and a slow way of seeing. In comparison, the island in the main scenic area is indeed a bit superficial.

Wake surfing, which is the hottest sport recently, is another popular sport among all the activities.

Surfers use the wake of the boat in front of them to stand up on the water and glide quickly on the artificial waves. Unlike surfing, where you have to wait for a wave, now the wave is right in front of you, but whether you can stand on the board still tests your courage. After falling into the water several times, I realized that the key point of all surfing projects is to accept fear. When facing big waves, the more you give in and avoid them, the more you will fall into the water. But how reasonable is human fear? After falling a few times, you will know how insignificant people are in front of the waves.

People can always learn a lot from the relationship with waves and water. This is the philosophy of waves that Xihai tells us, as well as the falling and ups and downs when moving forward. In the turbulent life, there will always be times when these insights are useful.

The West Sea also has heart-pounding underwater stories.

There has long been a folk legend of "Wu City sinking into the sea and floating in the dark", which is the first sinking that people think of when mentioning Wuning. It is not verifiable, but what can be confirmed is that the old county of Wuning, built on Yuzhen Mountain in the fourth year of Tianbao in the Tang Dynasty, has really sunk into the West Sea. Yes, under the empty West Sea is actually the former ancient county of Wuning, and the former Poyang scenery has disappeared in time. The proprietress of Yongguichuan said that they are developing a diving project.

As a hedge, a peaceful and beautiful view is provided for everyone to enjoy: in Xihai, you can enjoy the sunset even if you do nothing. At about 3 pm, the angle of the sun begins to tilt, and the afternoon in Wuning Xihai begins amid the brilliant blue waves.

The sunset in Xihai is a very down-to-earth sensory enjoyment. It is so large that it enters your sight extremely and is irresistible. The sunset lasts about 3 minutes, dyeing the mountains and sea with red and orange glow. The probability of seeing it is high. If you don’t see it today, you can see it tomorrow. Locals say that you will not miss it 97% of the time in a year.

As dusk fell, only the afterglow danced on the water. Between the water and the sky, the boat dragged a series of shallow waves and went farther and farther. One of my greatest enjoyments in Xihai is to pull up a chair and watch the sunset anytime and anywhere. The setting sun poured down like molten gold, and the lake and the sky merged into one. At this time, if you row a boat to the center of Xihai, the boat will move slowly. When there are waves, even if you don't wave the oars, the waves will push you along until the afterglow falls, the dark blue night is reflected in the water, and looking up is a sky full of stars. In the dim lights, the hotel is like a lighthouse.

Back to the hotel,Take the final step in experiencing the mountains and waters: eat fish.

The water of the West Sea of ​​Lushan Mountain is clear and there are abundant fish. The locals are experts in fishing and eating fish. It is said that when the water level rises after rain, a row of people would fish by the dam... The chef can clearly distinguish the earthy smell. The local specialty Wuning Stick Fish is one of the specialties of the West Sea of ​​Lushan Mountain. This fish has tender meat and delicious taste. It tastes very good whether grilled, braised or steamed.

If you come later, you can see the Lushan Sand Sea, which is half desert and half seawater. In winter, it is a famous bird watching spot. Lushan West Sea is suitable for more people than now.