
After the Olympics, there are still several beautiful destinations worth visiting in France


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Source: PlanetSeeker

The once-exciting Paris Olympics has just ended. French cities such as Lille, Lyon, and Nantes have become venues for the events, but the marine events have been moved to Marseille instead of being close to home. The southern shore of the English Channel near Paris, on the line of Mont Saint-Michel-Saint-Malo, is the world's top destination for sailing and surfing. However, Parisians believe that not hosting the Olympics can ensure the tranquility of this holiday reserve and marine backyard. This is the core area of ​​Brittany, the largest ethnic minority region in France in the traditional sense. It is the most pleasant thing to catch a sea breeze here.


Mont Saint Michel

First, get up early and take the 7:30 am train from ParisGare MontparnasseThe TER train from Montparnesse to Pontorson, the gateway to Brittany, is a great place to admire the rural scenery of northern France, which was widely depicted by the Impressionists.

A short shuttle bus ride from Pontorson will take you to the third holiest site in Catholicism after Jerusalem and the Vatican, and also a World Heritage Site.Mont Saint Michel(Mt.St Michel) is both far away and close at hand: there is a small river at your feet and vast grasslands on both sides; at the end of your sight, a conical hill breaks through the quicksand in the sea and rises from the ground; the granite buildings built on the island against the mountain are like a wedding cake; the commanding height is the towering spire of the Gothic church, and the golden statue of St. Michael holds a sword pointing to the sky.

In the 8th century, Catholicism was spread to the northern coast of France. The local bishop dreamed that the Archangel Saint Michael tapped his forehead. Receiving divine inspiration, he built a church on the sea and dedicated it to the Archangel. It took more than 200 years of construction to build the magnificent building we see today.

Opening the mobile phone map, this fairy mountain on the sea looks like a snail's tentacle extending into the English Channel. Although there is a free shuttle bus, if you have enough energy, you still have to walk along the two-kilometer-long road built 150 years ago.Long plank road, listening to the surging tide, even if you have different beliefs, you can't help but feel like you are on a pilgrimage to heaven.


But this sacred feeling is not enough to resist the physiological reaction at noon. Fortunately, the "Mama Cuisine" restaurant, which has a history as long as the plank road,La Mere Poulard, right next to the only entrance and exit of the island and the main road. What you can't miss is the original Western-style egg pancakeomelette——When Poulard's mother invented it in the 19th century, she took into account that climbers and tide watchers might not be able to eat on time and would be hungry, so she combined the omelet and puffed egg soufflé into one, which instantly boosted the taste and energy. Although it is expensive, it can almost fill an adult's stomach and save time, which is fair.

In the afternoon, you can climb the Holy Mountain along the main road around the island to digest the super calorie bomb you swallowed at noon, but remember to occupy a good position facing the mainland, that is, facing south, before dusk: there are two spectacular views at dawn and dusk every day.high tide, the quicksand between the holy mountain and the mainland, and even the trestle bridge on which we came, will be instantly submerged. This place has become a completely isolated island fairy mountain, but there is nothing to be afraid of. Since we are here, we should make the best of it. When the lights come on, we return to the Mama Cuisine just now and sit down at the seat we have reserved long ago.


As for what to eat, there's no need to look at the menu, judging by the photos of famous people who have visited the restaurant, including Hemingway and Yves Saint Laurent.Breton CasseroleThe casserole is so big and delicious that it will leave you room for dessert, but don’t forget to buy some of the handmade cookies here.Brittany Shortbread(galette), the unique and beautiful lace edge makes people reluctant to eat it.


Although this century-old inn also provides accommodation, the cost-effectiveness is not as high as that of catering. It is recommended to stay on the mainland, especially in the inns between the plank road and the river. In addition to being able to enjoy the view of the holy mountain and the holy statue passing by,Sunrise at sea, you can experience the winding and zigzagcouenon r.How did the sacred mountain of Couësnon, which originally belonged to Brittany, end up in Normandy over the course of several hundred years? This is a story for another time.

As the tides recede, the entire holy mountain becomes brighter and brighter, waiting for visitors to explore. Going up the steep stairs, you will find the essence of the entire island and mountain.Abbey and Church of Saint-MichelUntil the end of September, after 9 o'clock every night, the monks went to bed on time, and this place did not become a ghost town, but officially becameNight WalkerOn the stone walls and columns that have gone through thousands of years of vicissitudes, various lights and projections that change in an instant make the religious paintings move, interpreting the history of Catholicism for more than 2,000 years; and in every slightly larger hall, there is always a fairy dressed like in ancient Greek and Roman mythology, making the harp, flute, and organ sound the celestial music, and anyone will feel like they are traveling to heaven.


Don’t worry about playing too late and not being able to return, as the free shuttle bus to the mainland runs until late at night. The only ones who need to be careful are those who drive themselves: after experiencing the power of the tide in the evening, it is safer to park the car in a high place.



Head west from Mont Saint-Michel via Pontorson and you'll arrive in an hour.Saint-MaloSt Malo is a world-class marine sports resort. The natural harbor formed by the isthmus is filled with private yachts and sailboats, and is full of surfboards. Taking advantage of the calm sea after the early tide and the few tourists, it is a good time to rent a boat to go to the sea. However, I found that I could not enjoy the sunshine and waves like in Provence in the south. The English ChannelThe sea is darker and the wind is more chillingHowever, the experience of going through a lot of hardships and clearing one's spirit has more of a ritual sense of going to sea.


Going out to sea is like going to war, so of course you need to have some solid food before going out to sea. Brittany is the hometown of French desserts, and Saint-Malo is the essence of it.Breton PancakesThe Kouign Amann roll is a new favorite in oriental cities such as Tokyo, Hong Kong and Shanghai in recent years. It can satisfy the three requirements of being full, satisfying cravings and not taking up space in the stomach.


The name, which is different from typical French, betrays the Breton origin of this dessert:kouignIt is in the Breton languagecakeamannisbutterLike all Breton desserts, the local specialty butter is the soul of the dessert. And this dessert, like Chinese bacon and stinky tofu, is also a great mistake made by the chef - the butter was completely melted, so he had to repeatedly coat it in a stacked manner to form a spiral effect, which is twice as difficult and has twice the taste of the common French dessert thousand-layer puff pastry.


The tradition of marine sports here originated from the history of the naval port before World War II and for hundreds of years.Breton shirtIt is the hometown of the British East India Company. No wonder the blue and white clothes are the most common in the small shops on the street. Earlier, this place was the French version of Liangshanpo, where pirates have been active for thousands of years.Drouin(Trouin) andSurcoufThe statue of Soucouf is here to protect his hometown.Surcouf House MuseumThe "great achievements" of these two fathers of the navy are displayed here. Military fans should go to the fortress castle (Fort de la Cite) in the south that guards the old city.Municipal and Maritime MuseumThere are various exquisite ancient warships, as well asWWII MuseumOnly after seeing the real tragic and brutal battlefield scenes can you feel satisfied.


For more thorough ocean fans, you should return to the old city early and visit the aquarium under the north city wall before it closes.Simulated submarineGet in close contact with marine life. It makes sense that the most legendary submarine in French military history was named after Surcouf from Saint-Malo. On the west side of the aquarium, there is a statue pointing out the mountains and rivers. Upon seeing the name, it turns out that this is Surcouf's idol - Captain Cartier who discovered Canada.


However, Saint-Malo is not only home to many pirates. The most respected local figure here is the father of romantic literature, a politician, a diplomat, and aChateaubriandThe former residence of the writer is located on the other side of the aquarium. The Xia family was originally from a local prominent family. Now, apart from the memorial hall, most of the area within the mansion is a hotel named after the writer. The building decoration is veryNeoclassicismIt has a Brittany style and is a good choice for your stay.


It's still early, so go out to sea before the tide comes. Not far from the North Pier, next to Petit Be Island, the battlefield of World War IIDabei IslandGrand Be is the final resting place of the great writer. In sharp contrast to the longest "epitaph" and the thick "Memoirs by the Grave" that he wrote for himself long ago, the tomb of Hugo facing the sea is so simple that there is not a single word and no trace of the owner's personality. This is the true elegance of a famous person, which makes people sigh: It is not accidental that Hugo vowed early on to "either become Chateaubriand or achieve nothing".


Before dinner, I still found a sniper-like position on the northwest line of the city wall, keeping an eye on all directions. This is because this is the record holder for the highest tide in the world. At the beginning of every lunar month, the tide can reach as high as 15 or 16 meters.St. Vincent's Cathedral(Cathedral St Vincent) is the best place to rest your mind, and the most architectural and artistic value is the mosaic decoration on the floor.


Of course, the best way to calm down is through the stomach.Old Butcher Street(Rue de Vieille Boucherie). Families traveling together can make all kinds ofBrittany hamWind MeatThe tablecloth is spread out, and even if you are eating alone, you should treat yourself to a large skewer of beef and mutton and a cheese platter. The endless grasslands in the suburbs are the best pastoral areas in France, so beef, mutton and dairy products are a must. As for drinks, the locals loveApple CiderThe color is just like the sunset that dyes the English Channel red. If you just drink it as sweet water, by the time you realize its aftereffects, your consciousness will be even more blurred than the scenery in front of you.


As for the final dessert, you can’t miss No. 9 on the street, which has been on the top of various charts for many years.SanchezHandmade ice cream shop. Four large counters over ten meters long are filled with a hundred kinds of ice cream, which makes people have to overcome their intensive phobia before they have difficulty choosing. But the quantity is large and the taste is delicious. The standard 4-ball package is enough for a simple meal for two people.