
Du Yuming died of illness in 1981. Before his death, he repeatedly told his wife: Don't leave, just stay in the mainland.


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In 1981, on his deathbed, Du Yuming held his wife's hand and told her word by word: "After I die, don't go to Taiwan to look for the children. Just stay in the mainland. The government will take care of you."

Why did Du Yuming, who was loyal to Chiang Kai-shek, say on his deathbed that he would not allow his wife to go to Taiwan? How did Du Yuming face reality after being captured?

Stubborn Du Yuming

When Du Yuming was arrested, he was ready to die. After all, as a student of the first class of Whampoa Military Academy, Du Yuming was deeply poisoned by Chiang Kai-shek's loyalty to the emperor and patriotism.

Du Yuming was a soldier and he had seen the miserable conditions of our captured generals. In Du Yuming's mind, he believed that all prisoners of war were treated the same.

Du Yuming, who had made great contributions to Chiang Kai-shek, had the blood of our party on his hands. The moment he was captured by our army, he knew he was going to die.

The party had not yet killed him, and he did not think the party would let him go. Du Yuming just thought that the party did not want him to die secretly, but wanted to execute him openly.

Thinking of this, Du Yuming laughed at himself. He thought, our party has indeed won, and now we can execute these people openly.

Du Yuming was unwilling to be tried and executed by our party. He felt that if he was tried by our party, his identity as enemies of the people would be completely confirmed.

Once their identities were confirmed, Chiang Kai-shek's rule would be illegitimate. As a die-hard Chiang Kai-shek loyalist, how could Du Yuming allow Chiang Kai-shek to be reviled by everyone?

After being captured, Du Yuming tried to commit suicide several times, but was stopped by our party. However, after being stopped, Du Yuming felt that our party had a conspiracy.

Therefore, Du Yuming was not proactive, cooperative, or vocal in his attitude towards our Party. Faced with Du Yuming's stubbornness, the staff in charge of the prisoners of war were also helpless.

Even though Du Yuming made malicious speculations about us, our party still put aside the past grudges and treated Du Yuming, always paying attention to his health.

Seeing that our party had a very good attitude towards him, Du Yuming also murmured in his heart. He didn't know why our party wanted to treat him, because if they were going to execute him, there was no need to treat him at all.

No one knew better than Du Yuming how ill he was. Even before the liberation of Northeast China, Du Yuming had been suffering from many diseases.

Originally, the commander-in-chief of the Northeastern Suppression Campaign was Wei Lihuang, who had no relationship with Du Yuming. However, during the Anti-Japanese War, Wei Lihuang was close to our army and even provided us with supplies.

The suspicious Chiang Kai-shek suspected that Wei Lihuang had contacts with our army and did not trust him, so he sent Du Yuming over. Wei Lihuang was very clear about Du Yuming's purpose of coming to the Northeast.

He simply let go and let Du Yuming deal with it on his own. All the big and small things in the Northeast fell on Du Yuming, which put Du Yuming under great pressure.

The situation in the Northeast battlefield was not as smooth as Du Yuming had imagined. Although our army was weak, we fought hard against the attacks of the Nationalist army and fought for every inch of land.

Compared with our army, the Kuomintang army had more people and more weapons and equipment than our army, but they started to panic at the slightest disadvantage. Except for Chiang Kai-shek's direct troops, the other miscellaneous troops were like a mob.

Commanding such an army in battle was a great loss to Du Yuming's health. Before the situation in Northeast China was over, Du Yuming fell ill.

However, after Du Yuming fell ill, Chiang Kai-shek did not give up exploiting his value. Before Du Yuming was fully cured, he was appointed as the deputy commander of the Xuzhou Suppression Headquarters.

Du Yuming was diagnosed with kidney stones and was forced to have his left kidney removed. Originally, Du Yuming should have rested well, but the people in the Northeast could not wait.

In this way, Du Yuming, who had just finished the operation, was sent back to Northeast China by Chiang Kai-shek by plane. In the subsequent battles in Northeast China, Du Yuming spent most of his time commanding on a stretcher.

Even though Du Yuming did so much, after the liberation of Northeast China, Chiang Kai-shek still pushed all the responsibility onto Du Yuming.

The Heartless Chiang

It is the tradition of the KMT to blame each other for defeat and to take credit for victory. As the leader of the KMT, Chiang Kai-shek would never admit that he was incompetent.

Therefore, the blame for the loss of Northeast China could only be borne by the boss's younger brother. In Chiang's view, Zheng Dongguo died for the sake of justice, Wei Lihuang escaped and was imprisoned, and the rest were also captured by our army.

The only one left was Du Yuming, who was picked up by Chiang Kai-shek's plane and became the best person to take the blame. Of course, Du Yuming didn't know at that time that Chiang Kai-shek had put the blame for the defeat in Northeast China on him.

After leaving Northeast China, Du Yuming rushed to the battlefield in North China without stopping. Du Yuming had originally promised his wife that he would take good care of his health after the battle in Northeast China was over.

However, Chiang Kai-shek, who had no one to use, refused Du Yuming's request to go abroad for medical treatment. In this way, Du Yuming went to Xuzhou with injuries and was eventually captured by our army.

After Du Yuming was captured, his wife and children followed Chiang Kai-shek to Taiwan. They had no choice but to go, because if they didn't go to Taiwan, his wife and children would not be able to survive in China.

Many families of Kuomintang members went to Taiwan because they had no ability to survive. Du Yuming thought that since he had sold his life for Chiang Kai-shek for so many years, his family would be treated well.

Therefore, when he was seeking death, Du Yuming was really determined. He thought that on the one hand, he wanted to be loyal to Chiang Kai-shek, and on the other hand, he wanted Chiang Kai-shek to see his loyalty and give his wife and children a good life.

Unfortunately, Du Yuming did not understand Chiang Kai-shek's ruthlessness. After learning that Du Yuming was captured, Chiang Kai-shek told Du Yuming's wife that Du Yuming had died in the battle.

Chiang also said that Du Yuming had entrusted them to him and asked them to go to Taiwan with him. Cao Xiuqing didn't want to go, but he had to go.

Her and Du Yuming's children were still in school, and her mother-in-law was bedridden all year round. If she didn't go to Taiwan, she wouldn't be able to support the whole family in mainland China.

Cao Xiuqing and Du Yuming had the same idea. Since Du Yuming worked so hard for Chiang Kai-shek, Chiang Kai-shek should remember their old friendship.

However, when Cao Xiuqing arrived in Taiwan, she realized that she had thought too highly of Chiang Kai-shek. Chiang Kai-shek believed that he had lost the country because of these generals, so how could he treat their families well?

Chiang Kai-shek stopped Du Yuming's allowance and refused to pay him death compensation. Chiang Kai-shek's ruthlessness made Cao Xiuqing despair.

She had nowhere else to turn to, so she turned to Chiang Kai-shek for help. Chiang Kai-shek agreed to give Cao Xiuqing a subsidy after Cao Xiuqing's repeated requests.

But the subsidy from Chiang Kai-shek was not enough for the family to live on. Cao Xiuqing went out early and came back late every day to work to support her family.

From Loyalty to Hatred

Chiang Kai-shek stopped paying Du Yuming's allowance and his children's tuition. At that time, Du Yuming's eldest son and daughter were studying in the United States, and his eldest son was a top student at Harvard.

Originally, the government paid for the tuition of Du Yuming's two children. But when Du Yuming was defeated and captured, Chiang Kai-shek was naturally unwilling to continue to support his children's education.

But Chiang Kai-shek not only did not allow the government to provide tuition, but also did not allow banks to lend money to Cao Xiuqing. The eldest son Du Zhiren needed 3,000 US dollars a year for tuition, but Cao Xiuqing could not afford it.

She sought help from people everywhere, and with the help of Du Yuming's old friend, she met Chiang Kai-shek. In order to avoid being criticized, Chiang Kai-shek agreed that the bank would provide a loan to Cao Xiuqing.

Cao Xiuqing hurried to the bank, but to her despair, Chiang Kai-shek only provided a loan of one thousand US dollars, which would take two years to get.

In other words, Cao Xiuqing could only get a loan of 500 US dollars. And this time, no matter how much Cao Xiuqing begged, Chiang Kai-shek refused to see her again.

Cao Xiuqing had no choice but to send the 500 US dollars to Du Zhiren. After learning the whole story, Du Zhiren could not stand such humiliation and finally committed suicide.

When Du Zhiren committed suicide, Du Yuming was still thinking about being loyal to Chiang Kai-shek. The meticulous care given to him by our party at that time had already touched Du Yuming's heart.

Because our party's attitude towards him was much better than Chiang Kai-shek's. Chiang Kai-shek was indeed good to him, but Du Yuming knew that it was because Chiang Kai-shek thought he was useful.

Once he was no longer useful, Chiang Kai-shek would discard him. However, Chiang Kai-shek's influence on Du Yuming's thoughts over the years could not be eliminated in a short time.

What really changed Du Yuming's attitude towards Chiang Kai-shek was the news of Du Zhiren's death. Upon learning of his son's death, Du Yuming was devastated.

His proudest eldest son was forced to death by Chiang Kai-shek. However, he worked for Chiang Kai-shek and was imprisoned. Not only did he not see his son for the last time, he even learned about his son's death from other people.

Since then, Du Yuming completely changed his attitude towards Chiang Kai-shek and became the most active person in Gongdelin's transformation. He also took the initiative to ask our party to bring his wife to Beijing.

Our Party has been trying its best to fulfill Du Yuming's request. After Yang Zhenning won the Nobel Prize, under the arrangement of our Party, Cao Xiuqing first flew to the United States and then took the opportunity to return to Beijing.

When Cao Xiuqing returned to Beijing, Du Yuming had already gotten rid of his war criminal status. After many difficulties, the couple finally met and couldn't help crying.

After this experience, the couple had seen through Chiang Kai-shek's true colors and neither of them thought of returning to Taiwan. However, Cao Xiuqing returned to the mainland, while Du Yuming's other children remained in Taiwan.

Du Yuming and our party have mentioned this several times, hoping to allow other children to come back and see the world. Our party has also discussed this issue with Lao Jiang.

However, neither Chiang Kai-shek nor his successor Chiang Ching-kuo would allow Du Yuming's children to return to the mainland to visit their relatives. Although Du Yuming felt regretful, he was satisfied to have his wife by his side.

In 1981, when Du Yuming, 77, passed away, he held his wife's hand and told her word by word not to go to Taiwan.

The only thing Du Yuming was worried about was his wife, who had suffered all her life. He was afraid that his wife would miss their children and go to Taiwan, and the couple would be separated again.

Du Yuming told his wife that the government would take care of her life and she should never be afraid. Cao Xiuqing grabbed her husband's hand and nodded with tears in her eyes.

On May 7, Du Yuming closed his eyes forever. He closed his eyes with his life's merits and demerits, and his life's glory and sins turned into dust and became traces of history.