
Chairman Mao asked Wei Lihuang: Which foot did the donkey take first, the left foot or the right foot? Wei was puzzled at first, but then he suddenly realized.


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After the full-scale war of resistance began, Wei Lihuang was the most friendly general to our party. At that time, our army belonged to the Second War Zone, and Wei Lihuang was the commander-in-chief of the southern front.

When Wei Lihuang visited Chairman Mao on one occasion, he asked Chairman Mao how to fight the Japanese army?

Chairman Mao asked him in return: "Which one did the donkey take first, the left foot or the right foot?"

Chairman Mao's question confused Wei Lihuang. To be honest, he really didn't know whether the donkey took the left or right step first.

But he was only confused for a moment, and Wei Lihuang reacted immediately.

What did Wei Lihuang realize? What does the donkey's left foot and right foot have to do with the Anti-Japanese War?

Wei Lihuang's road to success

Wei Lihuang was also a legendary figure in the Kuomintang. He was born in a rural area in Anhui Province. His father was a land tax official, not even a ninth-rank official.

Although he was only a minor official, his father supported a large family. When Wei Lihuang's father was still alive, his family was relatively well-off.

But when Wei Lihuang was old enough to go to school, his father died of illness. The family suddenly lost its source of income, and Wei Lihuang's mother decided not to let him go to school.

At that time, the whole family depended on Wei Lihuang's elder brother Wei Lijiong for support, and the family was a little tight. But Wei Lijiong liked his younger brother very much and believed that he would become a great man in the future.

Even though the work was hard and tiring, Wei Lijiong still took out money to let Wei Lihuang go to school.

Wei Lihuang later said that it was his elder brother's persistence that changed his destiny, otherwise he would have been a farmer working in the fields all his life.

Wei Lihuang successfully studied and he seized the opportunity to read a large number of books.

Wei Lihuang was not limited to reading just one type of book, he liked to read everything. It was also through reading again and again that Wei Lihuang understood the differences in the world and the sufferings that the country was suffering.

So after the Xinhai Revolution began, he joined the army without hesitation and became a follower of Sun Yat-sen. However, there is no such thing as a quick success on the road to revolution.

After joining the revolution, Wei Lihuang experienced the blow of the revolution's failure. But he did not give up, but further realized that revolution was the only way out for the country.

After many failures, Wei Lihuang had to live a life of wandering in exile.

Wei Lihuang was a little confused. He didn't know how long it would take to save the country.

He seemed to have been fighting and revolutionizing aimlessly. All his actions were in accordance with the instructions of others, but he himself did not know what he was doing.

At this time, Wei Lihuang met Sun Yat-sen. Because of his outstanding performance on the battlefield, he was recommended to be Sun Yat-sen's bodyguard.

He was naturally very happy to be able to protect Sun Yat-sen, the pioneer of the revolution. He believed that by following Sun Yat-sen, he would be able to find the meaning of revolution.

After meeting Sun Yat-sen, Wei Lihuang, who had been tempered by the battlefield, was as excited as a young boy. Wei Lihuang followed Sun Yat-sen and gradually understood his deeds.

Sun Yat-sen spent half his life in revolution, and he failed more times than he succeeded. But even so, Sun Yat-sen never gave up his ideals.

Sun Yat-sen also answered Wei Lihuang's questions. Whether their revolution succeeded or failed, it was to accumulate experience for those who came after them.

If the revolution succeeds, there will be no need for successors to follow suit. If the revolution fails, successors can learn from the experience and lessons and start the next revolution.

Sun Yat-sen's words enlightened Wei Lihuang. His thoughts were re-cleaved, and his inner confusion was dispelled. He began to understand what he was fighting for.

From the "Five Tiger Generals" to the pro-communist anti-Japanese war

As Sun Yat-sen's bodyguard, Wei Lihuang did not know much about our party. In his opinion, only Sun Yat-sen could truly solve China's problems.

After Sun Yat-sen passed away, he listened to Chiang Kai-shek and believed that the line our party was following was contrary to Sun Yat-sen's line. At that time, Wei Lihuang had just got married, and his wife had a good relationship with Soong Mei-ling.

As Chiang Kai-shek's virtuous wife, Soong May-ling's friendship with these military officers' wives was not completely useless.

At least Wei Lihuang's wife listened to Soong Mei-ling and persuaded Wei Lihuang to encircle and suppress our army.

Under the dual persuasion of his wife and Chiang Kai-shek, Wei Lihuang really believed that our party was a scourge endangering the country. As a soldier, he had the responsibility to eliminate the scourge.

When Chiang Kai-shek was suppressing our army, Wei Lihuang also made great efforts in it. However, after fighting with our army many times, he found that our army was not as Chiang Kai-shek said.

From this time on, the seeds of doubt were planted in Wei Lihuang's heart.

What really made Wei Lihuang change his attitude towards our party was the Xi'an Incident.

Before the Xi'an Incident, Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng secretly contacted our party while pretending to obey Chiang Kai-shek. Zhang Xueliang also repeatedly advised Chiang Kai-shek to unite with our party to fight against Japan.

Chiang Kai-shek suspected that the two men had ulterior motives, so he sent Wei Lihuang to supervise them. As a result, Wei Lihuang came into close contact with our army.

Wei Lihuang's view of our party completely changed after the Xi'an Incident. At that time, it was not only Chiang Kai-shek who was imprisoned, but also Wei Lihuang and other close associates of Chiang Kai-shek.

Wei Lihuang, Chen Cheng and other people, a total of more than 20 senior military and political officials were captured. It can be said that the people brought by Chiang Kai-shek were basically the top leaders of the Kuomintang.

Once these people have problems at the same time, the country will surely fall into chaos.

At this time, Wei Lihuang learned the attitude of the Nanjing government. They clamored to kill Zhang and Yang and rescue Chiang Kai-shek by force.

When someone holds a hostage in their hands, directly clamoring to kill the other party is a clear sign of wanting to put them to death.

Wei Lihuang was desperate about this power-grabbing government. He could even imagine how he would be judged in history books. How ridiculous it was for a general to be killed by his own people.

However, when Wei Lihuang was ready to die, our party did not intend to kill them. Our party even persuaded the Kuomintang who wanted to kill them to put the overall situation of anti-Japanese war first.

In order to resolve this incident, Premier Zhou came to Xi'an regardless of his own safety. This behavior made Wei Lihuang admire our party even more.

Which political party is dedicated to the country? There is no need for anyone to tell you at this point, Wei Lihuang can tell for himself.

So after Wei Lihuang was released, he showed goodwill towards our party.

When Wei Lihuang learned that our party wanted to establish a unified anti-Japanese front, he expressed his 100% support for this. Although he was a general of the National Army, he was able to distinguish between national justice and personal grudges.

Facing Chiang Kai-shek's difficulties in the reorganization of the Red Army, Wei Lihuang wanted to scold Chiang Kai-shek. At this time, Chiang Kai-shek was still fussing over trivial matters.

Fighting the war for the country, regardless of party affiliation

In fact, the relationship between Wei Lihuang and Chiang Kai-shek was very delicate. Although he was one of the "Five Tiger Generals", he was not Chiang Kai-shek's confidant.

First of all, Wei Lihuang was not from the Whampoa Military Academy. His seniority in the Kuomintang was no less than Chiang Kai-shek's, and his relationship with Sun Yat-sen was obviously deeper than Chiang Kai-shek's.

Moreover, Wei Lihuang was from Anhui, not from Zhejiang, which was the favorite of Chiang Kai-shek. So although he had made great contributions in the Kuomintang, Chiang Kai-shek had always suppressed and excluded him.

But on the other hand, Wei Lihuang and Chiang Kai-shek also had a deep friendship. When Wei Lihuang was serving as Sun Yat-sen's bodyguard, he knew Chiang Kai-shek.

Later, they both accompanied Sun Yat-sen in Guangxi, and the two became friends. Sun Yat-sen assigned Lao Jiang and Wei Lihuang to the Guangdong Army, where they were both marginalized.

After Sun Yat-sen's death, Wei Lihuang made great efforts to help Chiang Kai-shek disarm Xu Chongzhi.

This is also why Chiang Kai-shek was able to deceive Wei Lihuang in the beginning, because they once had the same ideals and were on the same path.

But Chiang Kai-shek gradually deviated from the correct path, while Wei Lihuang found the right path on his own.

After the full-scale war of resistance broke out, Wei Lihuang had a lot of contact with our army.

Wei Lihuang even went to Yan'an and paid a special visit to Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou. For Chiang Kai-shek, this was unbearable.

At that time, Wei Lihuang, as the deputy commander-in-chief of the Second War Zone, had a lot of contact with General Zhu and General Peng. From the two generals, Wei Lihuang felt the determination of our party to fight the war.

Wei Lihuang visited Yan'an in 1938. He went to Xi'an for a meeting. The Yan'an military and civilians expressed a warm welcome to Wei Lihuang's arrival.

Seeing the scenery of Yan'an, Wei Lihuang had to admire the ability of our party. Even though life in Yan'an was difficult, our party never thought of giving up.

Wei Lihuang had a great time talking with Chairman Mao in Yan'an, but he had a question in his mind. During a walk after dinner, Wei Lihuang asked this question.

He asked Chairman Mao how to completely drive the Japanese away?

Chairman Mao smiled. He had also been studying this issue recently and had made some progress.

Chairman Mao said that only by mobilizing the masses and letting them fight together with the army can Japan be completely defeated.

Because in this way, Japan will be dragged into the quagmire of a protracted war. Why did Japan start a war? Because they have a small land area and insufficient resources.

If Japan falls into a protracted war, its domestic economy will inevitably collapse.

Wei Lihuang benefited a lot from listening to Chairman Mao's analysis. At this time, an old farmer passed by with a donkey, and Chairman Mao asked the question of whether the donkey should take the left leg or the right leg first.

Wei Lihuang did not understand Chairman Mao's meaning at first, but after thinking about it, he suddenly realized that Chairman Mao wanted him to observe the enemy and attack in time when the opportunity was right.

Only by understanding the enemy's combat methods can we strike effectively. As the saying goes, "Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be in danger of a hundred battles." Our ancestors have long summarized the experience for us, and we just need to apply it flexibly.

Later generations speculated that Wei Lihuang and Guo Rugui had the same identity, which is obviously wrong. Wei Lihuang was not a member of our party.

But even if he was not a member of our party, it did not hinder Wei Lihuang's patriotism. He loved the country from the bottom of his heart and was willing to give everything for the country.