
In 1975, Huang Wei was pardoned. The Kuomintang proposed to pay him 27 years of lieutenant general salary. Why did he refuse?


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In 1975, the last list of amnesty was released, and Huang Wei's name was on it. After being held captive for 27 years, Huang Wei finally had a chance to be released.

At this time, Huang Wei received a letter from the Kuomintang, inviting him to return to Taiwan and offering to pay him 27 years of salary as a lieutenant general. Huang Wei refused outright.

Why did Huang Wei refuse? Wasn't he the most stubborn person in Gongdelin?


Huang Wei was different from everyone else in the KMT. He was from Guixi, Jiangxi Province, and came from a farming and reading family in Guixi.

Although Huang Wei's family was a peasant, they were not poor and had some assets. Huang Wei was influenced by Confucianism since he was young and upheld the way of a gentleman.

After all, the countryside is a relatively isolated place. Huang Wei has never been out, so naturally he has no access to progressive ideas.

Under the influence of Confucianism, Huang Wei became a scholar who behaved in a rigid manner. After graduating from the Normal School, Huang Wei returned to his hometown to teach. When teaching students, Huang Wei also followed the teachings of Confucius and Mencius, and he always talked about loyalty to the emperor and patriotism.

Huang Wei also believed in communism briefly in the past, because his classmate Fang Zhimin brought him new knowledge from outside.

At that time, the country was in turmoil, and Huang Wei also wanted to find a way to save the country. The emergence of communism gave Huang Wei a straw to grasp. However, he was expelled from school for promoting communism in school.

Communism undermined the interests of local gentry, and Huang Wei soon could not stay there. With the help of Fang Zhimin, Huang Wei entered the Whampoa Military Academy and became a student of the first class of Whampoa.

As a first-term student of Whampoa Military Academy, Huang Wei was personally taught by Sun Yat-sen. He admired Sun Yat-sen's Three Principles of the People and directly abandoned the communism he had previously promoted.

Chiang Kai-shek's way of being loyal to the emperor and his subjects just happened to cater to Huang Wei's Confucianism. Huang Wei combined his own way of being loyal to the emperor with Chiang Kai-shek's loyal subjects and generals, and Chiang Kai-shek became the only "emperor" he was loyal to.

Huang Wei's stubborn and rigid character was not suitable for the Kuomintang. But no one could have imagined that Huang Wei was really appreciated by many bigwigs.

Chiang Kai-shek liked Huang Wei's loyalty, and Chen Cheng and Chen Lifu also recognized Huang Wei's loyalty. Huang Wei was also very obedient, and basically followed his instructions.

So Huang Wei, who was originally insignificant in school, was able to rise step by step after joining the army. Of course, Huang Wei himself was also a capable person, and Chiang Kai-shek was not blindly praising him.

However, when Chiang Kai-shek was purging his party, Huang Wei and his classmates had a bad time. In Huang Wei's opinion, as long as you are a student of Whampoa, you must be loyal to Chiang Kai-shek.

But when Chiang Kai-shek asked students who held membership in both parties to make a choice, most of them chose our party. In Huang Wei's view, this was a betrayal of Chiang Kai-shek.

In the Confucianism that Huang Wei subscribed to, traitors were always considered shameful. So when he and Chen Geng had a farewell dinner, Huang Wei couldn't help but curse Chen Geng.

Huang Wei simply said that Chen Geng was a traitor who had betrayed Chiang Kai-shek and the country, and even overturned the dinner table. Not only that, Huang Wei also scolded everyone who had a farewell dinner with Chen Geng, including Hu Zongnan.

It was after this incident that Huang Wei's reputation as a rigid person became known. Before that, everyone thought Huang Wei was just a nerd who was rigid and dogmatic.

Unexpectedly, Huang Wei is no longer rigid, but inflexible. After all, everyone knows that they have different beliefs, so they have taken different paths.

Huang Wei insisted on calling this a betrayal, but there was actually no reason for it. After all, the two parties had cooperated in the past, and he joined the Kuomintang in order to be able to work well together.

If Huang Wei said so, then those who quit our party should also be considered traitors. It was also because of Huang Wei's point of view that few Whampoa students had a good relationship with him.

Huang Wei, the Out-of-Touch

Because of his personality, Huang Wei was incompatible with other people in the Kuomintang. We all know that during the Great Revolution, the revolutionary army was clearly an honest and upright army, and the Kuomintang was also a government that loved the people.

Why did the KMT become a place of fame and fortune in such a short period of time, where people would do anything to gain power? Even the military became a place where corruption was rampant.

However, among the corrupt KMT officers, Huang Wei was the only one who could stand out from the crowd. He would rather be penniless than give money to the soldiers.

In fact, Huang Wei was also very confused about the situation within the Kuomintang, because many of these corrupt officials were his former classmates.

They had clearly sworn an oath when they entered school, not for promotion or wealth, but for world peace. But why is it that now, everyone is busy and no one is willing to realize their original ambitions?

However, although Huang Wei had such doubts, as a loyal minister of Chiang Kai-shek, he could not question Chiang Kai-shek's decision.

Huang Wei was Chiang Kai-shek's favorite. Not only did he obey orders, but he also had some abilities and was not a waste.

So Chiang Kai-shek was willing to promote him and sent him to study in Germany. Chiang Kai-shek trusted Huang Wei very much and believed that even if he went to Germany, he would not change his loyalty.

After returning from studying in Germany, Huang Wei went to the battlefield under Chiang Kai-shek's arrangement. The Battle of Songhu was extremely brutal, and troops from all over the country rushed to the battlefield, but were crippled or wiped out in a short time.

Facing the enemy's attack, Huang Wei strictly followed the order left to him by Chiang Kai-shek - to defend Luodian to the death and not retreat a single step.

At that time, Huang Wei was already a division commander, and he was one of the two direct descendants of Chen Cheng, and he was the division commander of the 18th Army. The 18th Army was Chen Cheng's direct descendant, which was also Chiang Kai-shek's direct descendant.

Huang Wei's 67th Division was top-notch in both equipment and combat effectiveness. But even so, facing the Japanese attack, Huang Wei still had a hard time defending.

Huang Wei held out for a week, and almost all his soldiers were killed. In the end, even the cooks and clerks went to the battlefield.

However, even though the battle was so brutal, Huang Wei never thought of retreating. He did not withdraw from the battlefield until Chiang Kai-shek gave him the order to retreat.

Huang Wei's fighting career lasted until he became the commander of the 54th Army. Because Huang Wei had a conflict with Guan Linzheng, Guan Linzheng accused him of eating empty salaries and dismissed him.

After that, Huang Wei never went to the front line again. After the end of the Anti-Japanese War, Huang Wei still stayed in the second line. It was not until Chiang Kai-shek had no one else to use that Huang Wei was re-employed by Chiang Kai-shek.

Chiang Kai-shek originally thought that Huang Wei could continue his style in the Battle of Shanghai and make our army flee in panic. Unexpectedly, Huang Wei met his old classmate Chen Geng.

Chen Geng, who was very familiar with Huang Wei's character, developed a set of tactics specifically for Huang Wei and successfully turned Huang Wei into a prisoner of our army.

Huang Wei's ideological transformation

When Huang Wei was first captured, he realized that Chen Geng had defeated him, and his expression improved for a while. Otherwise, Huang Wei ignored everyone.

Huang Wei insisted that Chiang Kai-shek was his monarch, and that he not only failed Chiang Kai-shek's trust but was even captured by our army, bringing shame to Chiang Kai-shek.

When he was first in the prisoner-of-war camp, Huang Wei was extremely uncooperative. He did not obey the military's requirements for learning and reform, and even repeatedly provoked the staff.

Our Party tolerated Huang Wei's provocations with the utmost patience. Even so, Huang Wei still kept his loyalty to the emperor in prison.

Huang Wei even grew a beard for this purpose. Huang Wei said that our party had deprived him of everything he had in the Kuomintang, but his beard was his own.

He would not shave the beard he grew in the Kuomintang in our party. Even when the war criminals were gathered in Gongdelin, Beijing, Huang Wei still insisted on his way.

Huang Wei not only insisted on being loyal to Chiang Kai-shek, but he also couldn't stand others actively reforming themselves. Once he found someone actively reforming themselves, Huang Wei would come forward and make sarcastic remarks.

When they were in Gongdelin, Huang Wei also made a big fuss that our army would not treat them well and that death would surely be waiting for them.

However, no matter how our army treats these people, they all know in their hearts. Just like Du Yuming who was just captured, he is also just as stubborn.

But our party did not give up on him, nor did it let him get sick without treatment. When Du Yuming was seriously ill, our party bought antibiotics from Hong Kong for him, saving his life.

People are all made of flesh and blood. Under the meticulous care of our party, Du Yuming recovered his health. Chiang Kai-shek refused to treat his illness, but our party cured him. How could Du Yuming's attitude not change?

Huang Wei's thoughts changed several times in Gongdelin, one of which was when he learned that our army had sent troops to North Korea. Huang Wei had never expected our army to send troops.

Huang Wei was particularly shocked by the victory of our army. In Huang Wei's view, the invincible American army could not lose to the Volunteer Army.

But the fact is that the US military lost. You have to know that when the US military invaded North Korea, it united with 16 countries. Facing the coalition forces of 17 countries, our army still won.

Huang Wei's second change of mind came when he learned about the family situation. When the news of Du Yuming's eldest son committing suicide in despair came out, even Huang Wei, a loyal minister, didn't know how to exonerate Chiang Kai-shek.

He could only explain palely and helplessly that Chiang Kai-shek needed to support many troops and had no extra money. However, Song Xilian, who was captured in the northwest, exposed his lies.

Song Xilian told Huang Wei that Chiang Kai-shek had a lot of money, but he didn't want to spend money on them because they were no longer useful.

This incident also had a huge impact on Huang Wei. He began to examine Chiang Kai-shek and his own monarch. The preferential treatment of our party and Chiang Kai-shek's behavior made Huang Wei begin to change his mind.

Later, Huang Wei's thoughts finally changed completely, and he was successfully pardoned. After learning that Huang Wei was pardoned, Chiang Kai-shek still wanted Huang Wei to go to Taiwan.

Chiang Kai-shek was seriously ill at the time, so he asked someone to write a letter to Huang Wei, offering to pay him the 27 years' salary. But since his family had not been taken care of by Chiang Kai-shek before, Huang Wei did not dare to believe it this time.

Moreover, Huang Wei had already determined that he was a Chinese, and Chiang Kai-shek should not have acted on his own and should have returned to the mainland as soon as possible.

So Huang Wei rejected Chiang's invitation, but he still planned to visit his old friends on the other side of the strait to promote cross-strait exchanges. Unfortunately, Huang Wei's journey was not carried out after all, and he died of a sudden heart attack.

Although he was stubborn for most of his life, Huang Wei's desire for the reunification of the motherland and his willingness to contribute to it are very worthy of recognition.