
Shen Zui went to Hong Kong to visit his relatives. A little girl asked him: Why did you stab Jiang Jie with a bamboo stick? How did he answer?


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In 1980, Shen Zui, who had been pardoned for 20 years, came to Hong Kong to meet his relatives and friends whom he had not seen for many years.

An old friend of Shen Zui brought her granddaughter with her when they met. The girl asked Shen Zui a question that made him speechless.

Why did Shen Zui go to Hong Kong to visit his relatives after so many years? How are his wife and children? What did this little girl ask that made Shen Zui speechless?

He declared an uprising but was convicted of being a war criminal

At 10 o'clock in the evening on December 9, 1949, Yunnan Provincial Chairman Lu Han sent a telegram to Kunming announcing the uprising and officially declaring the complete liberation of Yunnan.

In Lu Han's telegram announcing the uprising, Shen Zui's name was prominently listed.

But after the liberation of Yunnan, Shen Zui was imprisoned by Lu Han as a war criminal, which made Shen Zui very angry.

Before Lu Han sent out the telegram to start the uprising, he hoped to get the support of three people. The first was Li Mi, who graduated from the fourth term of the Whampoa Military Academy and was a direct descendant of Chiang Kai-shek.

In the Huaihai Campaign, Li Mi's Corps was also a large corps as famous as Huang Wei and Huang Baitao. After Huang Baitao committed suicide and Huang Wei was captured, the two large corps were also annihilated by our army.

Although Li Mi was not targeted by our army at the beginning, his corps was successfully annihilated by our army as our army won victory after victory in the Huaihai Campaign.

However, unlike Huang Baitao and Huang Wei, Li Mi did not die or be captured. He successfully escaped from our army's encirclement.

Afterwards, Li Mi's corps was rebuilt and he led his troops into Yunnan. At that time, Chiang Kai-shek no longer trusted Lu Han and was afraid that Lu Han would send a telegram to revolt like Fu Zuoyi.

Li Mi's coming to Yunnan also played a role in containing Lu Han. If Lu Han wanted to succeed in his uprising, Li Mi's men would be a great threat.

So he wanted to win over Li Mi and get Li Mi to join him in the uprising.

The second is Yu Chengwan. Lu Han’s purpose of winning over Yu Chengwan is the same as his purpose of winning over Li Mi.

Li and Yu had more than 60,000 men under their command, which was a big threat to Lu Han. If this threat was not eliminated, Lu Han would not be able to start the uprising with peace of mind.

In addition to these two people with soldiers, Lu Han also wanted to win over Shen Zui to join him in the uprising. The reason for winning over Shen Zui was simple, Shen Zui had all the power of the Secret Service in Yunnan.

Lu Han knew that his telegram to revolt would definitely anger Chiang Kai-shek. He was not afraid of angering Chiang Kai-shek, after all, Chiang Kai-shek was far away in Taiwan and could not control him at all.

But he was afraid of the Yunnan Security Bureau. Once Chiang Kai-shek gave the Security Bureau an order to assassinate him, he would really live in danger every day.

For his own personal safety, Lu Han had to win over Shen Zui. Originally, Lu Han thought that Shen Zui was the most difficult to win over among the three people.

After all, as a member of the Military Control Commission, Shen Zui should be loyal to Chiang Kai-shek.

But Lu Han did not expect that Shen Zui would turn against him just by using force. It was after Shen Zui was placed under house arrest by Lu Han that Shen Zui knew he could not escape and that he would not have a good end if he resisted stubbornly.

So he decided to go all out and directly chose to launch an uprising together with Lu Han. To show his sincerity, Shen Zui also gave Lu Han a big gift.

Shen Zui's great gift was to capture Xu Yuanju and Zhou Yanghao, who had not yet had time to escape. Shen Zui played a great role in the capture of these two people.

Afterwards, Shen Zui handed Lu Han the personnel list of the Yunnan Provincial Security Bureau that he wanted very much.

Shen Zui also personally ordered the intelligence personnel in Yunnan to hand over the radio stations and other items.

However, what Shen Zui never expected was that even though he had cooperated so well with Lu Han, Lu Han still arrested him as a wanted criminal and locked him up in the same place with Xu and Zhou.

In 1956, Shen Zui and others were sent to Gongdelin for detention. Shen Zui was very angry about Lu Han's inconsistent behavior.

Amnesty for good behavior

When Shen Zui first entered Gongdelin, he specifically asked our party about his identity. He said that he had signed the telegram to revolt, so he should be an uprising general, not a war criminal.

But Lu Han disagreed with Shen Zui's statement.

Because Shen Zui first came to Yunnan with the mission of assassinating Lu Han. In order to prevent Lu Han from revolting, Chiang Kai-shek asked Shen Zui to kill him at a critical moment.

Moreover, Shen Zui's rebellion was actually forced. Even if he helped Lu Han later, it was a prudent choice after assessing the situation.

Lu Han detained Shen Zui as a wanted criminal in order to prevent him from suddenly turning against Chiang Kai-shek and taking his life.

Shen Zui felt that he was sincere, while Lu Han thought that he was fake. In this way, Shen Zui was detained.

During these years in Gongdelin, Shen Zui deeply realized the difference between our party and the Kuomintang. The Kuomintang was fighting for power and profit, while our party served the people.

Our party will never compete with the people for profits. What impressed Shen Zui the most was our party's attitude towards treating Du Yuming.

Although Du Yuming was a lieutenant general of the Kuomintang, there were countless major generals and lieutenant generals in the Kuomintang. Even a general like Du Yuming could not get any special medical resources.

When Du Yuming was ill, he was still fighting. Chiang Kai-shek did not allow him to leave the battlefield for a long time. He had to carry Du Yuming to the battlefield even on a stretcher.

After Du Yuming arrived at Gongdelin, medical staff discovered that he was sick all over and couldn't even sleep well.

In order to treat Du Yuming, our party even bought antibiotics. Although Shen Zui was a member of the Military Control Commission, he was popular in Gongdelin and everyone could chat with him.

Therefore, when Du Yuming fell ill and was hospitalized, Shen Zui took the initiative to take care of Du Yuming.

It was during the time he took care of Du Yuming that Shen Zui clearly saw what efforts our party had made to save Du Yuming's life.

Shen Zui's heart gradually began to lean towards our party, and he was no longer passive during the transformation of Gongdelin. Our party saw the changes in Shen Zui.

To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the founding of New China, our party decided to grant amnesty to a group of war criminals with good performance.

Although Shen Zui thought he had little chance, he still hoped that his name would be on the list. However, when the results came out, Shen Zui was not on the amnesty list.

But Shen Zui was not discouraged. He believed that if there was a first amnesty, there would be a second one.

So he continued to actively perform in the Merit Forest and did not feel depressed because he was not on the amnesty list this time. A year later, the second batch of amnesty lists was announced, and Shen Zui's name was on the list.

As the first military officer to be pardoned, Shen Zui was very grateful to our party and country. He decided to break away from his past self and concentrate on serving the people.

But after Shen Zui was released, what he cared about most was his wife and children. Shen Zui was left in Yunnan, and Chiang Kai-shek brought his wife and children to Taiwan to ensure his loyalty.

Shen Zui didn't know whether his family was still alive, nor when he could see them again. Shen Zui just hoped that Du Yuming's tragedy would never happen to him.

A little girl's question

After Shen Zui was pardoned, he began to inquire about the whereabouts of his family. The government cared about Shen Zui's life and tried its best to help him find his family.

However, Shen Zui finally found out his wife's whereabouts, but he learned that his wife had remarried. Although Shen Zui was very sad, he also knew that this was a desperate choice of his wife.

After all, Shen Zui had seen through Chiang Kai-shek's meanness when he was in Gongdelin. Chiang Kai-shek stopped the allowances for their families, and many wives were forced to remarry.

Shen Zui's wife also married a man named Tang with her children because she could not make a living in Taiwan. It was with the help of this man that Shen Zui's children were able to survive.

His wife had become his ex-wife, and Shen Zui was sure that she was living a good life now. In addition to his ex-wife, Shen Zui also wanted to see his children.

But most of the children were with his wife, so Shen Zui had no way to see them. Just when Shen Zui thought that this was not his chance, his ex-wife told him that their eldest daughter was in mainland China.

After learning the news, Shen Zui contacted his eldest daughter. When he learned that it was his ex-wife who had gone to great lengths to send the child back, Shen Zui couldn't help but burst into tears.

He failed to protect his wife and children, causing them to suffer after he left. He is not a qualified husband and father.

In 1965, Shen Zui was introduced by the organization and married Du Xuejie, who was ten years younger than him. In the following ten years, Shen Zui often wanted to see his children, but he did not go for various reasons.

In 1980, the domestic situation had eased, and Shen Zui's ex-wife was able to leave Taiwan. Shen Zui suggested that the two families meet in Hong Kong, and his ex-wife readily agreed.

This time, Shen Zui met not only his ex-wife and children, but also old friends who knew about him. Shen Zui took his eldest daughter to meet people he hadn't seen for a long time.

Shen Zui's ex-wife brought her current husband to meet Shen Zui and Du Xuejie. Although the two families were a little embarrassed, the joy of seeing their relatives was enough to dilute the embarrassment.

But when he was having a party with friends, something happened that made Shen Zui very embarrassed. It turned out that a friend brought his granddaughter, and the little girl looked cute and well-behaved, but when she opened her mouth, she said something shocking.

She questioned Shen Zui: "Yan Zui, what right did you have to stab Sister Jiang with a bamboo stick?" As soon as these words came out, the little girl's grandfather also looked at Shen Zui awkwardly.

Shen Zui didn't say anything, just touched the little girl's head.

In his memoirs, Shen Zui wrote about this incident. Shen Zui said that the person who arrested Jiang Jie was Xu Yuanju, and the person who interrogated Jiang Jie was also Xu Yuanju.

Because Jiang Jie would rather die than surrender, Xu Yuanju could not get anything out of her. At that time, Xu invited him to watch the interrogation. After being angered by Jiang Jie, Xu Yuanju wanted to insult Jiang Jie.

Shen Zui felt that this was too shameless, and Jiang Jie's words also made him feel ashamed. So he proposed the torture of pricking fingers with bamboo sticks to quench Xu Yuanju's anger.

At that time, Shen Zui was Xu Yuanju's subordinate in terms of position, and after the Kuomintang suffered successive defeats, many colleagues accused each other of being traitors.

Chen Zui would never save Jiang Jie for his own sake. If he stopped Xu Yuanju from torturing Jiang Jie, he might be caught by Xu Yuanju the next day.

Shen Zui saved Jiang Jie from the humiliation of the enemy, but also caused her to suffer excruciating pain. In Red Rock, Yan Zui, who was based on him, was even more hopelessly evil.

But we must admit that Shen Zui did contribute to the Yunnan Uprising. As a character that has been artistically processed, Yan Zui cannot be regarded as Shen Zui himself.

After visiting relatives in Hong Kong, Shen Zui returned to Beijing with his family. Although his son tried to persuade Shen Zui to stay, he refused to go with them.

At this time, Shen Zui's heart had completely surrendered to our party.