
"I just spent 50,000 yuan!" Many people posted their bills: I really didn't waste money


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This article is reproduced from [Jiangnan Metropolis Daily];
"The driving test cost 4,000 yuan, the mobile phone cost 6,000 yuan, the graduation trip cost 8,000 yuan, the myopia surgery cost 20,000 yuan, the clothes and shoes cost 2,000 yuan, and the laptop cost 8,000 yuan, totaling 48,000 yuan." Recently, a parent posted a bill for his child's summer consumption after the college entrance examination on social media, which caused widespread heated discussion.
This summer after the college entrance examination
How much did the child cost?
Where did they spend it?
What do children and parents think about this?
Some parents said
After the college entrance examination, I have spent more than 50,000 yuan on my child
"From the end of the college entrance examination to now, we have spent more than 50,000 yuan, and this amount is nothing!" When talking about her daughter's expenses this summer, Ms. Li couldn't help but sigh that it turned out that the biggest expenditure was after the college entrance examination.
Ms. Li's daughter's summer vacation bill
Considering her daughter's hard work, she bought her a new mobile phone as a reward on the day of the college entrance examination, plus a pair of headphones, which cost her 10,000 yuan. During the holidays, her daughter spent 1,000 yuan on hair perms and manicures, 3,000 yuan on gym exercises, and more than 5,000 yuan on pocket money for several parties with classmates.
In addition to resting, learning during the holidays is also essential. Ms. Li said that her daughter loves watching TV dramas and Korean, so she used this holiday to study, developing her interests and hobbies while maintaining the motivation to learn. The registration fee and training fee cost more than 30,000 yuan.
"We haven't gone out to travel yet, and these are all normal expenses." Ms. Li said that most of her friends whose children are taking the college entrance examination this year and her daughter's classmates went out to travel during the summer vacation. Many also took driving tests, bought computers, etc., and some spent even more.
Mr. Wang also made a rough calculation and found that his daughter has spent more than 30,000 yuan on various expenses since the college entrance examination, mainly including: 8,000 yuan on a new mobile phone, more than 10,000 yuan on cosmetics and beauty treatments, 2,000 yuan on clothes, and 10,000 yuan on a graduation trip with classmates.
Many prospective college students also posted their “bills” after the college entrance examination on social platforms. Their classmates’ spending situations were similar. Many of them spent 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, and all of them were “sponsored” by their parents.
Consumption bill after the college entrance examination on social media
Travel, digital products, and certification exams are the most expensive
During the investigation, the reporter found that most of the students' expenses after the college entrance examination were concentrated on electronic products, travel, tooth correction, myopia surgery, driving tests, buying clothes, cosmetics, etc.
Among them, the popular three items after the college entrance examination, such as electronic products, driver's license, and travel, appear on most people's summer bills.
"The driving test cost 4,000 yuan, the mobile phone cost 2,000 yuan, the computer cost 7,000 yuan, the travel cost 4,000 yuan, the snacks cost 1,000 yuan, the clothes cost 1,000 yuan, and the meals and entertainment with classmates cost 1,000 yuan, a total of 20,000 yuan." Student Zhang listed his expenses after the college entrance examination. He has just been admitted to a famous university this year.
In Zhang's opinion, these are normal expenses. "This will lay a solid foundation for my upcoming university life. At the same time, it allows me to understand the consumer market, make me more mature in social communication, and make my summer vacation more fulfilling, allowing me to have a happy vacation."
This summer, Qu spent 18,000 yuan on his driver's license test, cell phone, computer, clothes, classmate dinner, and other pocket money. "These are all necessary expenses, because in high school, there are few expenses other than studying, and even less on entertainment. The college entrance examination is finally over, so it's time to relax a little."
However, facing this amount of freshman spending, some are happy while others are sad. Peng Peng, a college entrance examination candidate this year, told the reporter that after the college entrance examination, she made a list of more than 10,000 yuan, of which the largest proportion was the cost of mobile phones and computers. Her mother hesitated when she applied for funds. Only then did she realize that her mother could not come up with several thousand or even tens of thousands of yuan at once.
Parent: Learning is not easy
Want the kids to relax
Parents generally said they would do their best to support their children's plans and spending. Some parents felt that their children had a hard time in high school and did well in the college entrance examination, so they were happy to spend some money to celebrate and reward their children; others felt that spending should be moderate.
Zhang's mother said: "Our child has worked hard for three years in high school and has achieved great results. He has been admitted to a good university. We are very happy as parents and encourage him to travel and relax. He also took the initiative to learn to drive during the holidays. He never spends the money we rewarded him. We feel that our child has really grown up and knows how to manage his own property and life. This makes us feel relieved and relieved."
Qu's mother admitted that her child's summer vacation after the college entrance examination was expensive, but it was acceptable. "After all, the children have worked so hard for so long, and they should be given a certain amount of freedom in time and money. But I don't want to indulge the children too much and give them too much disposable money. On the one hand, I want to tell them that making money is not easy, and on the other hand, I am afraid that the children will be cheated, especially during this special time of college entrance examination."
Some parents who are not very well-off are in a dilemma: they have to pay a large sum of money for a summer vacation. But it is not easy for children to get into college, and they need to release their emotions after the college entrance examination. If they are not satisfied at this time, they will feel sad.
Some experienced parents offer advice, "Computers are indeed a necessity, and you can buy a better one if you can afford it; you don't have to buy the latest smartphone; there's no need to buy all the cosmetics and skincare products at once, because no matter how well prepared you are, you'll still have to buy a lot of things when you start freshman year, and you'll have to shell out a lot of money by then, so it's better to buy them slowly during college."
Experts: Make reasonable plans
Let the "post-college entrance examination bill" become the bill for children's growth
The "post-college entrance examination bill" can easily start at tens of thousands of yuan.
Should I spend so much money on my children?
How to make children more reasonable
Planning your future college life?
In the discussion about the "quasi-freshman bill" on social platforms, some people think that some children want this and that, and even demand to have a complete "Apple family bucket", otherwise family conflicts will be imminent. These children do not know how to be considerate of their parents and as adults they should learn to be self-reliant. Others think that parents should fulfill the promises made before the exam.
Miao Miao, who is about to go to college, has a deep understanding of this. She told reporters that her parents promised to buy her a new phone before the college entrance examination, but did not fulfill the promise after the exam. She decided to fulfill her wish by working during the summer vacation. "More important than a new phone, I hope my parents can talk to me openly about the family's financial situation, so that I can plan my future college life more reasonably."
A parent of a prospective freshman said that she has already set a monthly living allowance of 2,500 yuan for her child after he or she goes to college. This is a decision she and her child made together. The child lists every expense during school, explains his or her needs, and then considers it comprehensively based on the family budget.
Wang Weihong, former vice president of Chongqing Institute of Education and Science, said that both parents and students should decide how much to spend based on their actual needs and conditions. "You can't generalize the standards for spending more or less."
In short, it is okay for prospective freshmen to spend some money reasonably to prepare for admission. How much and how to spend it depends mainly on several aspects: the value and necessity for healthy development; the possibility of the family's financial situation; the gratitude to the parents and the experience of their unspeakable secrets; the most important thing is to proceed from reality, not to compare with others, and not to force the parents to do anything.
He also said that when children are about to enter college, parents should pay more attention to planning college goals with their children and guiding them in college life rather than material rewards. "Scientific planning for the future at this time is more conducive to the growth of children. List the needs of children, make plans based on the strength of the family, and cultivate children's sense of responsibility to the family. Such a bill is the 'bill' for children's growth."
Source: Qianjiang Evening News, Changjiang Cloud News, Upstream News