
The group purchase card for the swimming pool is limited to women under 45 years old with a bachelor's degree. The person in charge said: People with higher education have higher quality.


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Recently, a netizen posted online that a group purchase of swimming cards at a swimming pool in Wuxi requires consumers to be women under 45 years old and have a bachelor's degree. "So, do I need to show the China Higher Education Student Information and Career Center report when I redeem this swimming card?" The swimming pool's practice has sparked heated discussions and speculation among netizens.


Modern Express reporter learned that the swimming pool is called 2049 International Swimming and Diving Training Center, located in the World Trade Center. The group purchase service launched does include the Knowledge Lady Month Card, which is clearly limited to women under 45 years old with a bachelor's degree. In addition, other swimming courses for women are also launched.

On the afternoon of August 21, a reporter from Modern Express visited the swimming pool. At around 3 p.m., there were only two or three "one-on-one" female students in the swimming pool for swimming training. The swimming pool manager and coach clearly stated that there are no gender or educational restrictions for swimming training, only the bi-monthly swimming card has them. When verifying the information, users are indeed required to provide proof of age and education, but photos are sufficient, and generally the degree certificate can match the face, so it is not as complicated as netizens imagine.

Why the restriction? The person in charge said that the swimming pool was not open to the public originally, and its main business was diving and swimming training. Later, some students said they wanted to come here to swim during the summer vacation, so they launched this two-month swimming card, which sets gender, age and education requirements. The main purpose is to limit the flow of people and distinguish between groups. In fact, they don’t want many people to come here to swim.

"There are far more women than men learning to swim nowadays. Age restrictions are actually very common in swimming pools. For safety reasons, in big cities, the age limit is usually under 60 years old, but our requirement is stricter, under 45 years old." As for the educational requirements, the person in charge said, "It is based on the fact that people with higher education have higher emotional intelligence, better understanding of social order, and higher quality."

The person in charge said that the reason for requiring "higher quality" is because swimming pools generally have problems such as poor order, children running around, and easy loss of things in a crowded place. In addition, the hardware facilities of this swimming pool are not good. The lockers in the locker room are not locked. There are only students and coaches. Students put their mobile phones next to them when swimming. The requirement for academic qualifications is also to "screen out high-quality users" and maintain the safety and order of the venue.

"This is a blatant discrimination clause. Without a bachelor's degree or above, you can't swim?" Many netizens expressed their disapproval of the swimming pool's practice. "Does not having a bachelor's degree mean low quality? Does having a degree mean high quality?"

In this regard, the reporter interviewed an expert from a university business school. He said that although the business of swimming pools is a commercial behavior, it is inappropriate and unwise to impose requirements on consumers' gender, age and education level for swimming, a popular behavior, on public platforms such as group buying websites. On the one hand, these sensitive restrictions are easy to cause public speculation. On the other hand, consumers and businesses are equal, and such restrictions will make consumers feel disrespected and even cause consumers to be disgusted.

Before publication, Jiupai News searched and found that the swimming pool was operating as normal.