
The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and other departments recently released 19 new occupations including online anchors - how new occupations can create new momentum


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Original title: The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and other departments recently released 19 new occupations including online anchors - (lead)
How new professions create new momentum (theme)
Guangming Daily reporter Qiu Yue
In recent years, various new occupations have been integrated into all aspects of people's lives, and the number of practitioners in new occupations has shown a rapid growth trend. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security recently issued an announcement to add 19 new occupations, including online anchors, as well as 28 new types of work, such as live broadcast recruiters and life service experiencers, and gave these new occupations and new types of work "national status".
How can new professions better build a bridge between supply and demand? How can we guide more people to join new professions and create new momentum for development? The reporter conducted an interview on this.
Production? Consumption? ——The domestic demand chain starts from here
According to the data of the "China Internet Audiovisual Development Research Report (2024)", as of December 2023, the number of professional anchors on the entire network will reach 15.08 million. People may wonder - is there really such a big market for professional anchors?
According to the report, 71.2% of users have purchased goods after watching short videos or live broadcasts, and the proportion of people who believe that "short videos or live broadcasts have become their main consumption channel" has reached 40.3%.
"Behind this live broadcast room of more than 10 square meters are three large factories and more than a dozen small factories. The jobs of thousands of people depend on the orders here." Wu Huilan, 54, is a worker in the factory that cooperates with Li Fujia, a Kuaishou live broadcast expert. He said: "It's no problem to earn 70,000 to 80,000 yuan this year. Our boss's business is good, so we have something to do."
Wang Chen, chairman of Mixing Group, said: "The live streaming room has become a new growth engine for the regional economy. The number of orders for our online store has exceeded 120 million, and behind this 120 million are thousands of partner brands, tens of millions of garments and tens of thousands of jobs."
With consumption on one side and production on the other, online anchors have become a bridge in the domestic demand cycle, with a significant effect in stimulating domestic demand, becoming an important force in the construction of the digital economy and the development of new quality productivity.
After 20 years of development, online anchors have gone through three stages: the embryonic stage of rapid development, the growth stage of orderly development, and the stable stage of high-quality development. From the initial content sharing to the creation of content in culture, sports, fashion, etc., live broadcast e-commerce, local life, real estate, agriculture, rural areas and farmers, recruitment and other industry anchors have emerged. It has now become a profession engaged in by thousands of ordinary people across the country.
Not only network anchors, with the emergence of new technologies, new trends, and new demands in economic and social development, the demand for corresponding professional and skilled personnel in industrial development is also gradually increasing. Carbon emission managers aim to promote green development and reduce excessive emissions; building information model technicians are deeply involved in the popularization of digital technology in intelligent manufacturing, making buildings more intelligent and digital; the deepening of my country's aging population has promoted the emergence of a new profession of elderly ability assessors, laying a good human resource foundation for promoting the integration of medical care and nursing care...
"In just a few years, new professions have shined in areas such as live streaming, urban renewal, rural revitalization, and marketing." Zhang Chenggang, associate professor at the School of Labor Economics of Capital University of Economics and Business and director of the China New Employment Form Research Center, believes that these new professions effectively support scientific and technological innovation and industrial transformation, better meet people's needs for a better life, bring opportunities for the development of various industries, reshape traditional business models and consumer behaviors, and are changing the business models of many industries.
Of the 19 new occupations added this time, "digital occupations" account for about half. In 2023, cities such as Beijing, Suzhou, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou successively issued a series of policies to promote the development of the digital economy and also drive the development of related new occupations.
Talking about the boost that new professions have given to the economy, Wang Pinghua from the Employment Service Administration of Guangdong Province listed them all: "New professions have created a large number of jobs, giving rise to dozens of new positions such as Internet marketers and short video slicers, driving a large number of new employment opportunities in the upstream and downstream industrial chains, promoting the development of diversified professions, and making positive contributions to new employment."
Extend the supply chain? Supplement the supply chain? ——Rural revitalization will accelerate from here
34-year-old Yu Wenming never thought that one day he would deal with farmland every day like his father, but the way of dealing with it is somewhat different: he no longer faces the loess and back to the sky, but "drives" a drone to farm.
In the rice fields of Changming Village, Qushe Town, Jizhou District, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province, Yu Wenming manipulated the handle, and the machine soared into the air with a roar. The wind from the propeller stirred up layers of rice waves. A few minutes later, he stopped this 100-jin big guy steadily between the ridges of the field.
"A pickup truck can handle the job, including a drone, a generator, a water tank, water pipes, and oil barrels. Using a drone to spray pesticides on 1,000 acres of land can be completed in three daytimes, and the operating efficiency is dozens of times that of traditional manual operations," Yu Wenming told reporters.
With the advent of the era of smart agriculture, there are more and more "pilots" in nearby villages who can operate agricultural drones. In particular, the inclusion of drone pilots in the new profession has opened up new channels for the career development of many "pilots".
There are fields under his feet and the sky in front of him. The remote control device in Yu Wenming's hand connects new technology and traditional agriculture. When the plant protection season arrives, he takes his team and drones to travel around nearby villages and travels all over the country, becoming a "migrant bird" serving the development of rural industries.
"The front-line pilots in the team can operate on a cumulative area of ​​hundreds of thousands of acres. A hard-working plant protection pilot can earn more than 100,000 yuan a year." Yu Wenming was full of pride when talking about the new gains from his new career.
Different from Yu Wenming's experience, Yunnan girl Yan Linying is thinking about selling the good things from her hometown.
In Binchuan County, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, purple-skinned single-headed garlic is a local specialty. It has high nutritional value and is easy to peel, but it is not well-known and "cannot be sold or fetched at a high price."
After graduating from university, Yan Linying began to study how to sell purple garlic. "We shoot some short videos and share them on the platform, so that more people can get to know and understand it, place orders, and repurchase it." Yan Linying introduced that the company's overall sales in 2023 will be nearly 100 million yuan, and e-commerce sales will account for 70%.
Through live broadcasts, purple-skinned single-headed garlic has made its way to dining tables across the country, also driving the development of the entire industrial chain.
The Central Government’s No. 1 Document of 2024 proposed for the first time to “implement the high-quality development project of rural e-commerce and promote the construction of county e-commerce live broadcast bases” and “encourage localities to vigorously develop characteristic industries according to local conditions and support the creation of local characteristic brands.”
"The development of new industries has given rise to new professions. New professions and new jobs, such as drone pilots and agricultural product brokers, have demonstrated the new achievements in the development of new quality agricultural productivity, promoted the diversified development of rural industries, and promoted the optimization and upgrading of the rural economic structure. It has contributed to the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas and provided more rural youth with opportunities to shine in life." said Li Guoxiang, a researcher at the Rural Development Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
Advantages? Weaknesses? ——The employment "reservoir" is filled here
"Our company specializes in undertaking various types of conferences, exhibitions, stage construction and other work. In recent years, my country's exhibition industry has developed rapidly, and the exhibition economy has gradually become a new industry growth point. The selection of exhibition builders as a new profession has improved the professionalism and standardization of our work. We are also more confident in exploring international markets and helping Chinese exhibitors go global." A relevant person in charge of an international exhibition company in Shanghai told reporters.
As a new form of recruitment in recent years, live broadcast recruitment has not only broken the geographical and time limitations of offline recruitment, but also provided job seekers with more choices and space, thus developing rapidly. In January 2022, Kuaishou launched the live broadcast recruitment business "Kuaipin". So far, the platform has more than 400,000 full-time anchors engaged in live broadcast job services, attracting 250 million workers to participate monthly.
Zhou Guangsu, deputy director of the China Employment and People's Livelihood Research Institute of Renmin University of China, said that the traditional labor market has strong market frictions, which greatly reduces the matching efficiency between supply and demand, making frictional unemployment an important type of unemployment. Digital technology has emerged with many new occupations, improving the information matching efficiency between the supply and demand sides of labor factors, thereby greatly improving the employment rate and welfare level of workers.
The driving effect of new occupations on employment is becoming increasingly apparent. The "Live Streaming Platform Employment Value Report (2023)" released by the China Employment and People's Livelihood Research Institute of Renmin University of China pointed out that the driving effect of live streaming e-commerce on employment is mainly reflected in two aspects: on the one hand, the different business links of the live streaming room itself have spawned a series of new employment needs, covering more than 30 new forms such as anchors, assistants, and product selectors; on the other hand, live streaming e-commerce provides a large number of employment opportunities for the upstream and downstream industrial chains, such as production and manufacturing, product research and development, packaging and logistics, and other links. It is estimated that every increase of 100 million yuan in online transaction volume of live streaming e-commerce can drive an increase of about 1,100 jobs.
Zhou Guangsu believes that from the supply side, new occupations have not only spawned a large number of new formats, but also enabled traditional formats to be digitally enabled, thus bringing about a substantial expansion of employment. From the demand side, new business models represented by live e-commerce have driven a large-scale growth in residents' consumption demand, which in turn has been transmitted to the expansion of employment through the expansion of total social demand.
New occupations have absorbed a large number of employment demands, and their value is reflected in further enriching the form of the social employment "reservoir" and enhancing the flexibility of the whole society to cope with employment pressure. Liu Fan, associate professor of the School of Economics at the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, believes that the employment "reservoir" is not only a "reservoir", but also has the important function of "adjusting" labor distribution and enhancing labor mobility.
"The employment 'reservoir' can be supported by more and more new occupations, and it is itself one of the foundations of China's economic and social vitality, injecting momentum into economic and social development," said Liu Fan.
It should also be noted that some new professions are growing rapidly in scale, but there are still shortcomings in service capabilities, such as incomplete training chains, uneven levels, and lack of evaluation standards. For example, while the online anchor industry is developing rapidly, it is also facing challenges such as vulgar content, false propaganda, and infringement of intellectual property rights. In order to regulate the development of the industry, industry insiders suggest that laws and regulations should be improved, the rights and obligations of anchors should be clarified, content review should be strengthened, and the punishment mechanism for violations should be improved. In addition, training should be used to improve the legal awareness and professional ethics of anchors, guide them to spread positive energy, and credit ratings should be used to encourage compliant anchors and implement joint punishment for violations. Industry associations must formulate norms to guide anchors to self-discipline and maintain the image of the industry. Use technical means such as artificial intelligence to assist content review, strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights in live broadcasts, and safeguard the rights and interests of creators.
Experts suggest that in order to promote the healthy development of new occupations, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of supporting systems such as human resource training, occupational standard setting, skill level certification, labor rights protection, and promotion incentive mechanisms, so as to further improve the quality of the new professional talent team and make new professional positions more attractive.
Source: Guangming Daily