
Guilin "supermodel" Li Chen takes his mother to the catwalk


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"My mother accompanied me to learn how to walk when I was little, and I taught her how to walk like a model when I grew up." Li Chen, who lives near Wayao Road in Xiangshan District, is a model with some achievements. She has not only won the runner-up of the World Supermodel Global Contest, but has also participated in catwalks for many international fashion brands. Last year, with Li Chen's encouragement, her mother Li Hong learned how to walk like a model from her. From being unconfident at the beginning to being able to walk with ease, this year Li Hong not only appeared on the catwalk, but also shot commercials.

Li Hong said that she used to feel proud watching her daughter walk on many catwalks. Although she is now over 50 years old, with the help of her daughter, she has also stepped onto the catwalk and not only regained her youthful state, but also possessed unprecedented confidence and brilliance.

A photo of Li Hong (back) and her daughter Li Chen.

An “International Supermodel” from Guilin

On August 19, the reporter met Li Hong and her daughter Li Chen near Ronghu Road. Li Hong is 52 years old this year. In the past two years, with the encouragement of her daughter, she has ushered in the "second spring" of her life. Li Hong admitted that she went from being a "regular" at the poker table to now having the courage to walk on the catwalk and find an unprecedented good state, all thanks to her daughter's support and encouragement.

Many people in the neighborhood where Li Hong lives know Li Chen, because she is 1.82 meters tall and has a slim figure, so many passers-by will take a few more glances. In the eyes of her mother Li Hong, Li Chen is just taller than other girls, but she never thought that her daughter would become a model.

Li Chen was born in the 1990s. She studied fine arts and only found out before she took the art exam that she could use her height advantage to apply for the fashion performance major in college. In the end, she was admitted to Guangdong University of Technology with the second highest professional score in the country.

Because of her strong professional ability, Li Chen has frequently appeared on the stage of the show since the second semester of her freshman year. She has won the runner-up of the 23rd World Supermodel Global Competition, the annual model of the China Southern Festival, and the Guangdong Province Top Ten Professional Models. She has participated in many fashion weeks in Beijing, Singapore, etc., and has appeared on the T stage of many internationally renowned brands. She has also participated in the recording of programs such as "Very Fashion" and "Angel Road". In recent years, she has served as a judge for many model competitions.

Encourage moms to take to the catwalk

A few years ago, influenced by her daughter, Li Hong signed up for a modeling class at the Senior University, wanting to learn how to walk like a model. Li Hong said that although she learned how to walk in school, she felt that she could not walk as gracefully as her daughter on the catwalk, so she returned to the poker table to pass her retirement time.

Last year, Li Chen took Li Hong to Xiamen to watch a fashion show. When she saw her peers walking confidently on the catwalk, Li Hong was extremely envious. After returning, Li Hong decided to learn to walk like a fashion model from her daughter.

"I have encouraged my mother before, don't be limited by age, as long as you are confident and willing to work hard, you will definitely be able to show your charm." Li Chen said that because of work, she often travels between Guilin and Guangzhou. Before, whenever she came back, she would suggest her mother to exercise more and learn with her, but her mother always refused, saying that she couldn't do it. Until that time when she came back from watching the show in Xiamen, her mother actually took the initiative to change her mind.

Since August last year, Li Hong has started her modeling career. Earlier this year, Li Hong stepped onto the catwalk for the first time in Guilin, participating in the middle-aged and elderly model competition. At the end of last month, Li Hong stepped onto the catwalk for the second time. Last year, she sat in the show and envied other people of her age. After a year, from an audience member to a model on the stage, Li Hong's identity has changed greatly, and Li Hong's mentality has also changed with it.

"I am only 1.6 meters tall and my figure is not good. I always thought that modeling is an industry that requires good looks, height and age. I never dared to think that I would walk on the catwalk like this." Li Hong took out her mobile phone to show her photos of herself at the show with a smile on her face. Li Hong excitedly told reporters that this year she also participated in the shooting of two commercials with the encouragement of her daughter. She felt as if she had found the "second spring" of her life and liked herself very much now.

Li Chen is adjusting Li Hong's posture. (Photo provided by Li Hong)

Recently, in order to improve her condition, Li Hong took the initiative to start exercising and adjusting her diet. In just three months, she lost 20 kilograms. Not only did she become slimmer, but she also became more energetic. Seeing that the videos and photos she posted on social platforms received likes from netizens, Li Hong felt very accomplished.

"Now our identities seem to have changed. Mom is more like a child. Seeing her changes, I am also very proud of her." Li Chen said that her mother went from being unconfident to walking on the catwalk calmly. She was very happy to see her mother confidently showing her style.

Source|Guilin Evening News (Reporter Zhou Ziqi)

Produced by Guilin Daily New Media Operation Department
