
One in five pregnant women suffers from this disease. How can this disease be prevented?


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In my country, the incidence of gestational diabetes is as high as 18.7%, almost one in five pregnant women... How to prevent such a high incidence of gestational diabetes? On August 18, the 127th Pearl River Science Lecture was held at the Guangdong Science Center. Li Yingtao, chief physician, professor, and doctoral supervisor of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, gave a lecture titled "How to Get Rid of "Sweet" Troubles - The Secret of Childbirth", which popularized the hazards and prevention of gestational diabetes.

1 in 5 pregnant women suffers from

The human body mainly regulates blood sugar through the pancreas in the digestive system. If there is a problem with the function of the pancreas, blood sugar will rise abnormally and develop into diabetes. According to relevant statistics, the number of diabetes patients in China has exceeded 142 million, and the probability of diabetes is also increasing among young people.

Diabetes itself is a chronic disease that causes death and disability. If it is not treated, it will cause kidney disease, retinopathy, cardiovascular disease, neuropathy, etc. If it is combined with pregnancy, the pregnant woman's body will be "overloaded". Li Yingtao said that due to the growth of the fetus, the placenta will secrete a series of hormones that antagonize insulin, which will overload the mother's pancreatic function and cause abnormal increase in blood sugar, which will then cause gestational diabetes.