
Local officials responded to the "death of a woman in a rental house": She did not enter the interview stage in three civil service examinations in Ningxia


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Recently, Shaanxi self-media "Zhenguan" published a contribution article titled "A girl from another place died in the apartment I rented out." The description of the woman's cause of death, the school she graduated from, her experience in taking civil service exams, etc. in the article aroused public doubts on the Internet.

On the 20th, a reporter from Red Star News went to a village in Guyuan City, Ningxia, and visited the home of the deceased woman. Local township government officials told Red Star News that the deceased Chen graduated from the North China University of Technology, not a 211 university, and her ashes were scattered into the river according to local customs.

It was mentioned in the "Zhenguan" article that Chen "was determined to take the civil service exam, and had repeatedly won the first place in the written examinations for public institutions in his hometown province, but repeatedly failed in the interview stage", which aroused discussion and doubts among netizens.

At noon on the 21st, the local official responded that the relevant person in charge replied to Red Star News that in 2018 and 2019, Chen participated in the Ningxia unified examination for public servants, and his written test ranking was 133rd and 65th respectively; in 2022, he participated in the Ningxia unified examination for public servants, and his written test ranking was 25th in the applied position. He did not enter the interview stage.

Red Star News reporter Zhong Mengzhe and Luo Mengjie

Editor Zhang Li Responsible Editor Wei Kongming