
The township government where the girl who died in the rental house was registered is investigating the incident and will report it later.


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Interface News Reporter | Cai Xingzhuo Zhao Meng

Interface News Editor | Liu Haichuan

Interface News Reporter | Cai Xingzhuo Zhao Meng

Interface News Editor | Liu Haichuan

On August 16, 2024, the WeChat public account "Zhenguan" published an article titled "A Girl from Another Place Died in My Rented Apartment". The article tells the story of a single woman from Xihaigu, Ningxia, who was admitted to a 211 school in Beijing. After ranking first in the civil service exam several times but still failing, she came to Xi'an alone to find a job, and then died inexplicably in a rental house. Even her ashes and belongings were abandoned by her parents, which caused a sensation.

At the same time, since all the information in the article is anonymous (author, relevant parties), it has aroused many doubts about its authenticity. On August 20, relevant personnel from Wenbao Township, Delong County, Ningxia, where the deceased was registered, clearly stated to Jiemian News that local personnel have been arranged to investigate and verify the deceased's family situation and related events, and will subsequently report to the public through the county government's official website.

Jiemian News contacted a woman, Wang Min (pseudonym), who is suspected to be a relative of the deceased. Wang Min said that her identity as a relative had been verified by the staff of the social platform. She did not have much contact with the deceased, but her family lived 3 kilometers away from the deceased and the two families often visited each other. After the incident, Wang Min's cousin helped to deal with the aftermath. She said, "What was said online was verified with the police. Maybe the police only answered that the incident was true, but the content and details written by the landlord were all imaginary. It makes people angry." "We have already reported to the police about the public opinion (on August 19)."